Operations at https://law.lis.virginia.gov/xmlapi/

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
AdministrativeCodeGetTitleListOfXml GET Returns a list of the Administratve Titles located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode
AdministrativeCodeGetAgencyListOfXml/{titleNumber} GET Returns a list of the Administratve Agencies by 'titleNumber'
AdministrativeCodePrefaceXml/{titleNumber}/{agencyNumber} GET Returns The Preface of the Administratve Ageny by 'titleNumber' and 'agencyNumber'
AdministrativeCodeChapterListOfXml/{titleNumber}/{agencyNumber} GET Returns a list of the Administratve Chapters by 'titleNumber' and 'agencyNumber'
AdministrativeCodeGetSectionListOfXml/{titleNumber}/{agencyNumber}/{chapterNumber} GET Returns a list of the Administratve Sections by 'titleNumber', 'agencyNumber' and 'chapterNumber'
AdministrativeCodeGetSectionDetailsXml/{titleNumber}/{agencyNumber}/{chapterNumber}/{sectionNumber}/{sectionNumberPoint}/{sectionNumberColon} GET Returns a the Administratve Section detail by 'titleNumber', 'agencyNumber', 'chapterNumber', 'sectionNumber', 'sectionNumberPoint', 'sectionNumberColon' (if no point or colon, pass a 0 for each value)
AuthoritiesGetListOfXml/ GET Returns a list of the Authorities located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/authorities
AuthoritiesGetDetailXml/{shortName} GET Returns the details of a given Authority by 'shortName'
ChartersGetListOfXml/ GET Returns a list of the Charters located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/charters
ChartersGetDetailXml/{shortName} GET Returns the details of a given Charter by 'shortName'
CoVTitlesGetListOfXml GET Returns a list of Titles in the Code of Virginia located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode
CoVChaptersGetListOfXml/{titleNumber} GET Returns a list of the Chapters in the Code of Virginia by 'titleNumber'
CoVSectionsGetListOfXml/{titleNumber}/{chapterNumber} GET Returns a list of the Sections in the Code of Virginia by 'titleNumber' and 'chapterNumber'
CoVSectionsGetSectionDetailsXml/{sectionNumber} GET Returns the Section detail in the Code of Virginia by 'sectionNumber'
CompactsGetListOf/ GET Returns a list of the Compacts located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/compacts
CompactGetDetail/{shortName} GET Returns the details of a given Compact by 'shortName'
ConstitutionGetListOfArticles/ GET Returns the list of Articles in the Constitution located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/constitution
ConstitutionGetListOfSections/{articleNumber} GET Returns the details of a given Constitution by 'articleNumber'
ConstitutionGetSectionDetails/{articleNumber}/{sectionNumber} GET Returns the details of a given Constitution by 'articleNumber' and 'sectionNumber'
UncodifiedActsGetListOfChapters/{year} GET Returns the list of chapters in the Uncodified Acts by 'year' located here: law.lis.virginia.gov/uncodifiedacts
UncodifiedActsGetListOfChaptersBySubject/{year} GET Returns the list of chapters sorted by subject in the Uncodified Acts by 'year'
UncodifiedActsGetChapterDetail/{year}/{session}/{chapter} GET Returns the details of a chapter in the Uncodified Acts by 'year', 'session' and 'chapter'