1995 Uncodified Acts

1995 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to designate certain highways as Virginia byways.

[H 2564]

Approved March 20, 1995

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. Notwithstanding § 33.1-62 of the Code of Virginia, that portion of Virginia Route 627 in Dinwiddie County from Virginia Route 613 to U. S. Route 460; Virginia Route 708 in Dinwiddie and Amelia Counties from U. S. Route 460 to Virginia Route 153; Virginia Route 153 in Amelia County from Virginia Route 708 to Virginia Route 38; Virginia Route 38 in Amelia County from Virginia Route 153 to U. S. Route 360; Virginia Route 671 in Amelia County from U. S. Route 360 to Virginia Route 642; Virginia Route 642 in Amelia County from Virginia Route 671 to Virginia Route 617; Virginia Route 617 in Amelia County from Virginia Route 642 to Virginia Route 616; Virginia Route 616 in Amelia County from Virginia Route 617 to Virginia Route 617; Virginia Route 617 in Amelia County from Virginia Route 616 to Virginia Route 600 south of Sailor's Creek State Park; Virginia Route 618 in Amelia and Prince Edward Counties from Virginia Route 617 to Virginia Route 619; Virginia Route 619 in Prince Edward County from Virginia Route 618 to Virginia Route 600; Virginia Route 600 in Prince Edward County from Virginia Route 619 through Rice to U. S. Route 460; Virginia Route 45 in Prince Edward and Cumberland Counties from U. S. Route 460 to Virginia Route 637; Virginia Route 637 in Cumberland County from Virginia Route 45 to Virginia Route 600; Virginia Route 600 in Cumberland County from Virginia Route 637 to Virginia Route 653; Virginia Route 653 in Cumberland County from Virginia Route 600 to Virginia Route 638; Virginia Route 638 in Cumberland County from Virginia Route 653 to Virginia Route 45; Virginia Route 45 in Cumberland County from Virginia Route 638 to Virginia Route 636; Virginia Route 636 in Cumberland and Buckingham Counties from Virginia Route 45 to Virginia Route 24; and Virginia Route 24 in Buckingham and Appomattox Counties from Virginia Route 636 to U. S. Route 460 Bypass in the Town of Appomattox, south of the Appomattox Battlefield Park, shall be considered Virginia byways. However, designation by this act of portions of federal-aid primary highways that traverse or are adjacent to real property zoned commercial or industrial under authority of state law, or traverse or are adjacent to real property defined by the Commonwealth Transportation Board to be unzoned commercial areas or unzoned industrial areas as determined by actual land use, shall not be Virginia byways. Property owners may use and develop their real property within such commercial and industrial areas for the same commercial and industrial uses as prior to the designation unless the local governmental authority has changed the zoning as to such uses, or does not control land use by zoning and the land use is discontinued which created the unzoned commercial and industrial areas as defined by the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Local governmental bodies may encourage the use of such commercial and industrial areas in the manner that will help to stimulate and encourage tourism in the region and will promote the economic well-being of the region.

2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.