Code of Virginia

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Chapter 2.
Fire/EMS Departments and Fire/EMS Companies
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  • Article 1.
    Provisions Applicable to Counties, Cities and Towns
    Read all
  • § 27-6
    § 27-6.01
    § 27-6.02
    Provision of firefighting services
    § 27-6.1
    Establishment of fire department; chiefs, officers, and employees
    § 27-6.2
    Applicant preemployment information with fire departments
    § 27-7
    Bylaws of fire department; compensation of officers and employees; information on check stubs, time cards, etc.
    § 27-8
    Who may form a fire company; limit on number of persons in combined companies
    § 27-8.1
    § 27-9
    Organization of fire company
    § 27-10
    Dissolution of fire company
    § 27-11
    Duty of members on alarm of fire or call of a medical emergency
    § 27-12
    § 27-13
    Appointment of chief and other officers
    § 27-14
    Ordinances as to fire departments and fire companies
    § 27-15
    § 27-15.1
    Authority of chief or other officer in charge when answering alarm; penalty for refusal to obey orders
    § 27-15.1:1
    Penalty for refusing or neglecting to obey order of chief or other officer in command
    § 27-15.2
    Purchase, maintenance, etc., of equipment; donated equipment
    § 27-15.3
    Purchase of service-issued boots or helmet by certain firefighters
    § 27-16
    § 27-17
    Entry of buildings on fire and premises adjoining
    § 27-17.1
    Remaining on premises after fire extinguished
    § 27-18
    § 27-19
    § 27-20
    Destruction of property to prevent spread of fire
    § 27-21
    Owner may recover amount of actual damage
    § 27-22
    But not for property which would have been destroyed by the fire
    § 27-23
    § 27-23.1
    Establishment of fire zones or districts; tax levies
    § 27-23.2
    Advances by city or county to fire zone or district
    § 27-23.3
    Reimbursement for advances
    § 27-23.4
    Validation of prior advances
    § 27-23.5
    Exclusion of certain areas from fire zones or districts and exemption of such areas from certain levies
    § 27-23.6
    § 27-23.7
    Special levy for fire protection in certain counties
    § 27-23.8
    Trial board for members of fire departments in certain counties
    § 27-23.9
    Supervision and control of joint services of fire companies or departments
    § 27-23.10
    Ordinances to effectuate purposes of § 27-23.9
    § 27-23.11
    Firefighter electric vehicles fire training