12VAC35-200-10. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Admission" means acceptance of an individual in a training center.
"Authorized representative" or "AR" means a person permitted by law or regulation to authorize the disclosure of information or to consent to treatment and services or participation in human research.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
"Community integration manager" or "CIM" means the DBHDS Central Office position physically located at the training center that is responsible for coordinating the implementation of policies, procedures, regulations, and other initiatives related to ensuring that each individual residing in a training center is served in the most integrated setting appropriate to meet the individual's needs and desires. This position provides support and direction for all aspects of the individual's transition to the community, including addressing identified barriers to discharge.
"Community services board" or "CSB" means a public body established pursuant to § 37.2-501 of the Code of Virginia that provides mental health, developmental, and substance abuse services to individuals within each city and county that established it. For the purpose of this chapter, CSB also includes a behavioral health authority established pursuant to § 37.2-602 of the Code of Virginia.
"Department" or "DBHDS" means the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
"Discharge plan" means a written plan prepared by the CSB providing case management, in consultation with the training center pursuant to §§ 37.2-505 and 37.2-837 of the Code of Virginia. This plan is prepared when the individual is admitted to the training center and documents the services to be provided upon discharge.
"Emergency admission" means the temporary acceptance of an individual with an intellectual disability into a training center when immediate care is necessary and no other community alternatives are available.
"Guardian" means:
1. For minors, an adult who is either appointed by the court as a legal guardian of a minor or exercises the rights and responsibilities of legal custody by delegation from a biological or adoptive parent upon provisional adoption or otherwise by operation of law.
2. For adults, a person appointed by the court who is responsible for the personal affairs of an incapacitated adult under the order of appointment. The responsibilities may include making decisions regarding the individual's support, care, health, safety, habilitation, education, and therapeutic treatment. Refer to definition of "incapacitated person" at § 64.2-2000 of the Code of Virginia.
"Individual" means a person with an intellectual disability for whom services are sought. This term includes the terms "consumer," "patient," "resident," and "client."
"Intellectual disability" means a disability originating before the age of 18 years, characterized concurrently by (i) significant subaverage intellectual functioning as demonstrated by performance on a standardized measure of intellectual functioning administered in conformity with accepted professional practice that is at least two standard deviations below the mean and (ii) significant limitations in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills.
"Less restrictive setting" means the service location that is no more intrusive or restrictive of freedom than reasonably necessary to achieve a substantial therapeutic benefit and protection from harm (to self and others) based on an individual's needs.
"Licensed professional" means a licensed psychologist, licensed professional counselor, or other individual who holds a valid professional license and has appropriate training in intellectual testing.
"Regional support team" or "RST" means a group of professionals with expertise in serving individuals with developmental disabilities in the community appointed by the commissioner or the commissioner's designee who provide recommendations to support placement in the most integrated setting appropriate to an individual's needs and consistent with the individual's informed choice.
"Training center" means a facility operated by the department that provides training, habilitation, or other individually focused supports to persons with intellectual disabilities.
Statutory Authority
§§ 37.2-203 and 37.2-807 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Derived from VR470-07-02 § 1, eff. December 20, 1980; amended, Virginia Register Volume 18, Issue 16, eff. May 22, 2002; Volume 25, Issue 25, eff. September 16, 2009; Volume 35, Issue 6, eff. December 27, 2018; Volume 41, Issue 5, eff. December 5, 2024.