Administrative Code

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 13. Housing
Agency 5. Department of Housing And Community Development
Chapter 52. Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code

13VAC5-52-210. IFC Chapter 9 Fire Protection Systems.

A. The following changes shall be made to Section 901, General:

1. Change Section 901.1 to read:

901.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the inspection, operation, testing, and maintenance of all fire protection systems.

2. Delete Sections 901.2 and 901.2.1.

3. Change Section 901.3 to read:

901.3 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 107.2.

4. Change Sections 901.4 and 901.4.1 to read:

901.4 Maintenance and alterations. Fire protection and life safety systems shall be maintained in accordance with the original installation standards for that system. Alterations and repairs to fire protection systems shall be done in accordance with the applicable building code and the applicable standards.

901.4.1 Required fire protection systems. Fire protection systems shall be repaired, operated, tested, and maintained in accordance with this code. A fire protection system for which a design option, exception, or reduction to the provisions of this code or the applicable building code has been granted shall be considered to be a required system.

5. Change Section 901.4.2 to read:

901.4.2 Nonrequired fire protection systems. Nonrequired fire protection systems shall be maintained to function as originally installed. If any such systems are to be reduced in function or discontinued, approval shall be obtained from the building official in accordance with Section 103.3.1 of Part I of the USBC (13VAC5-63-30 E).

6. Change Section 901.4.3 to read:

901.4.3 Alterations in buildings and structures. For any alteration within a building or structure, the existing fire protection and life safety systems shall be maintained to continue protection while the building or structure is occupied. Persons shall not remove or modify any fire protection or life safety system without approval from the building official in accordance with the applicable building code.

7. Change Section 901.4.4 to read:

901.4.4 Fire areas. Where buildings or portions thereof are divided into fire areas so as not to exceed the limits established for requiring a fire protection system in accordance with the applicable building code, such fire areas shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7 and the applicable building code.

8. Delete Section 901.4.5.

9. Change Sections 901.4.7, 901.4.7.3, and 901.4.7.4 and add Section 901.4.8 to read:

901.4.7 Pump and riser room size. Where provided, fire pump rooms and automatic sprinkler system riser rooms shall maintain clearances around equipment to elements of permanent construction, including other installed equipment and appliances, and shall be sufficient to allow inspection, service, repair, or replacement without removing such elements of permanent construction or disabling the function of a required fire-resistance-rated assembly. Passageways provided for the removal of equipment shall remain unobstructed.

901.4.7.3 Environment. Suitable means shall be provided for maintaining the temperature in automatic sprinkler system riser rooms and fire pump rooms above 40°F (5°C).

901.4.7.4 Lighting. Permanently installed artificial illumination in automatic sprinkler system riser rooms and fire pump rooms shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

901.4.8 Maintenance of walls and ceilings. Where building components such as walls, ceilings, and ceiling tiles are required by the installation standard for an existing fire protection system, such building components shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

10. Change Section 901.5.1 to read:

901.5.1 Occupancy. In buildings where a fire protection system is required by this code or the applicable building code, it shall be unlawful to occupy any portion of a building or structure until the fire protection system installation has been tested and approved by the building official.

11. Add Section 901.5.2 to read:

901.5.2 Hydrant and fire service main acceptance testing. Fire hydrant systems and private fire service mains shall be subject to acceptance tests as contained in the installation standards and as approved by the fire code official. The fire code official shall be notified before any required acceptance testing.

12. Change Section 901.6 to read:

901.6 Inspection, testing, and maintenance. Equipment, systems, devices, and safeguards, such as fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems that were provided and approved by the building official when constructed, shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times. Where such equipment, systems, devices, and safeguards are not found to be in an operative condition, the fire official shall order all such equipment to be rendered safe in accordance with the USBC.

13. Add Section 901.6.3.2 to read:

901.6.3.2 Annual inspection tag or sticker. When an annual inspection or test required by Section 901.6.1 is completed, an inspection tag or sticker shall be attached to each fire protection system near the main control valve, main panel, or other such appropriate and visible location as determined by the fire code official. Tag requirements for all other inspections shall be in accordance with the applicable reference standard. The annual inspection tag or sticker required by this section shall contain the following information:

1. The name of the agency and individual performing the work.

2. Date of inspection or test.

3. Type of inspection or test.

4. Result of the inspection or test.

14. Add Section 901.7.7 to read:

901.7.7 Modifications during impairment. The fire code official is authorized to require safeguards in a building or fire area when the required fire protection is out of service. Those safeguards may be based upon the provisions of the applicable building code or other recognized safety standards.

15. Change Section 901.8 to read:

901.8 Removal of or tampering with equipment. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, tamper with, or otherwise disturb any fire hydrant, fire detection and alarm system, fire suppression system, or other fire appliance required by this code or the applicable building code except for the purpose of extinguishing fire, for training purposes, for recharging or making necessary repairs, or where approved by the fire code official.

16. Change Section 901.8.2 to read:

901.8.2 Removal of existing occupant-use hose lines. The fire code official is authorized to permit the removal of existing occupant-use hose lines where all of the following conditions exist:

1. Installation is not required by this code or the applicable building code.

2. The hose line would not be utilized by trained personnel or the fire department.

3. The remaining outlets are compatible with local fire department fittings.

17. Add Section 901.11 to read:

901.11 Defective equipment. When the fire official determines through investigation, testing, or reports by a nationally recognized testing agency that specific, required water sprinkler or water-spray extinguishing equipment has been identified as failing to perform or operate through not less than 30 randomly selected sprinkler heads at four or more building sites anywhere in the nation, the fire official shall order all such equipment to be rendered safe.

B. The following changes shall be made to Section 903, Automatic Sprinkler Systems:

1. Delete Sections 903.1.1 through 903., including tables.

2. Change Section 903.2.11.2 to read:

903.2.11.2 Rubbish and linen chutes. Access to automatic sprinkler systems shall be maintained for servicing of the automatic sprinkler system components.

3. Delete Sections 903.2.11.3 through 903.2.11.6, including tables.

4. Change Sections 903.2.12 and 903.3 to read:

903.2.12 During construction and demolition. Automatic sprinkler systems required by the applicable building code during construction, alteration, and demolition operations shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 33.

903.3 Installation and maintenance requirements. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be approved by the building official and installed in accordance with the applicable building code. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be maintained in accordance with Section 901.6.

5. Delete Sections 903.3.1 through 903.3.5.2.

6. Change Section 903.3.6 to read:

903.3.6 Hose threads. Fire hose threads and fittings used in connection with automatic sprinkler systems shall be maintained as approved by the fire code official.

7. Change Sections 903.3.7 and 903.3.8.1 and delete Sections 903.3.8 and 903.3.8.2 through 903.3.8.4.

903.3.7 Fire department connections. Fire department connections shall be maintained in accordance with Section 912.

903.3.8.1 Limited area sprinkler systems. Limited area sprinkler systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 25.

8. Change Section 903.3.8.5 to read:

903.3.8.5 Calculations. When required by inspections, testing, and maintenance provisions of NFPA 25, hydraulic calculations shall be provided to demonstrate that the available water flow and pressure are adequate to supply all sprinklers installed in any single fire area with discharge densities corresponding to the hazard classification.

9. Delete Sections 903.4.1 through 903.4.3. Change Section 903.4 to read:

903.4 Sprinkler system supervision and alarms. All valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tanks, water levels and temperatures, critical air pressures, water-flow switches, and alarms on all sprinkler systems shall remain in service in the normal position and properly sealed, locked, or electrically supervised in accordance with the applicable building code.

10. Change Section 903.6 to read:

903.6 Where required in existing buildings and structures. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in existing buildings and structures in accordance with Section 102.7 of this code.

C. The following changes shall be made to Section 904, Alternative Automatic Fire-Extinguishing Systems:

1. Change Sections 904.1 and 904.1.1 to read:

904.1 General. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems, other than automatic sprinkler systems, shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section and the applicable referenced standards.

904.1.1 Certification of service personnel for fire-extinguishing equipment. Service personnel providing or conducting maintenance on automatic fire-extinguishing systems, other than automatic sprinkler systems, shall possess a valid certificate issued by an approved agency or other approved organization for the type of system and work performed.

2. Delete Section 904.2.1.

3. Change Sections 904.2, 904.3, and 904.3.1 to read:

904.2 Electrical wiring. Electrical wiring shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 70.

904.3 Commercial hood and duct systems in mobile food preparation vehicles. Each required commercial kitchen exhaust hood and duct system required by Section 319.4 for mobile food preparation vehicles to have a Type I hood shall be protected with an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system installed in accordance with this code.

904.3.1 Installation. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be installed in accordance with Annex B of NFPA 96 when required in mobile food preparation vehicles.

4. Delete Sections 904.3.2, 904.3.3, 904.3.4, 904.3.5, and 904.4.1 through 904.4.3 and change Section 904.4 to read:

904.4 Warning signs. Where alarms are required to indicate the operation of automatic fire-extinguishing systems, warning signs shall be maintained to warn of pending agent discharge. Where exposure to automatic-extinguishing agents poses a hazard to persons and a delay is required to ensure the evacuation of occupants before agent discharge, a separate warning sign shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

5. Change Section 904.5 to read:

904.5 Wet-chemical systems. Wet-chemical extinguishing systems shall be maintained, periodically inspected, and tested in accordance with NFPA 17A and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained.

6. Change Section 904.6 to read:

904.6 Dry-chemical systems. Dry-chemical extinguishing systems shall be maintained, periodically inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA 17 and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained.

7. Change Section 904.7 to read:

904.7 Foam systems. Foam-extinguishing systems shall be maintained, periodically inspected, and tested in accordance with NFPA 11 and NFPA 16 and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained.

8. Change Section 904.8 to read:

904.8 Carbon dioxide systems. Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems shall be maintained, periodically inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA 12 and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained.

9. Change Section 904.9 to read:

904.9 Halon systems. Halogenated extinguishing systems shall be maintained, periodically inspected, and tested in accordance with NFPA 12A and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained.

10. Change Section 904.10 to read:

904.10 Clean-agent systems. Clean-agent fire-extinguishing systems shall be maintained, periodically inspected, and tested in accordance with NFPA 2001 and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained.

11. Change Section 904.11 to read:

904.11 Automatic water mist systems. Automatic water mist systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 25 and the manufacturer's instructions.

12. Delete Sections 904.11.1.1 through 904.11.2.3.

13. Change Section 904.12 to read:

904.12 Aerosol fire-extinguishing systems. Aerosol fire-extinguishing systems shall be periodically inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with this section, NFPA 2010, and with their listing. Such devices and appurtenances shall be maintained in compliance with manufacturer's instructions.

14. Change Sections 904.13 through 904.13.2 to read:

904.13 Commercial cooking systems. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems for commercial cooking shall comply with this section.

904.13.1 Manual system operation. Where provided, manual actuation devices shall be maintained as installed in accordance with the applicable building code and shall not be obstructed.

904.13.2 System interconnection. Where required by the applicable building code, the actuation of the fire extinguishing system shall automatically shut down the fuel or electrical power supply to the cooking equipment. The fuel and electrical supply reset shall be manual.

15. Delete Sections 904.13.3 through 904.13.4.

16. Change Section 904.13.4.1 to read:

904.13.4.1 Listed sprinklers. Sprinklers replaced in accordance with NFPA 25, which are used for the protection of fryers, shall be tested in accordance with UL 199E, listed for that application, and installed in accordance with their listing.

17. Change Section 904.13.5.1 to read:

904.13.5.1 Existing automatic fire-extinguishing systems. Where a change in the cooking media, positioning of cooking equipment, or replacement of cooking equipment occurs in existing commercial cooking systems, the automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be required to comply with the applicable building code.

18. Delete Sections 904.14 through 904.14.1.2.

D. The following changes shall be made to Section 905, Standpipe Systems:

1. Change Sections 905.1 and 905.2 to read:

905.1 General. Standpipe systems shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section and the applicable referenced standards.

905.2 Maintenance standard. Standpipe systems shall be maintained in accordance with this section and NFPA 25 and as approved in accordance with the applicable building code, including the applicable NFPA 14 standard. Hose connections shall be maintained so that there is at least three inches (76.2 mm) clearance between any adjacent object and the handle of the valve when the valve is in any position ranging from fully open to fully closed. Fire department connections for standpipe systems shall be in accordance with Section 912.

2. Delete Sections 905.3 through 905.3.4.

3. Change Section 905.3.4.1 to read:

905.3.4.1 Stage hose and cabinet. Where required by the applicable building code, stages greater than 1,000 square feet in area (93 m2) with hose connections shall be maintained with sufficient lengths of 1-1/2-inch (38 mm) hose to provide fire protection for the required area.

Hoses shall be maintained with an adjustable fog nozzle mounted in a cabinet or on a rack approved by the fire code official. Each rack for 1-1/2-inch (38 mm) or smaller hose shall be provided with a label that includes the wording "FIRE HOSE FOR USE BY TRAINED PERSONNEL" and operating instructions.

4. Delete Sections 905.3.5 and 905.3.6.

5. Delete Section 905.3.7.

6. Delete Sections 905.3.8 through 905.5.2.

7. Change Section 905.5.3 to read:

905.5.3 Class II system. Each rack for 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) or smaller hose shall be provided with a label that includes the wording "FIRE HOSE FOR USE BY TRAINED PERSONNEL" and operating instructions. A minimum one-inch (25 mm) hose shall be allowed to be used for hose stations in light-hazard occupancies where investigated and listed for this service and where approved by the fire code official.

8. Delete Sections 905.6 through 905.6.2.

9. Delete Section 905.8 and change Section 905.9 to read:

905.9 Valve supervision. Valves controlling water supplies shall be maintained as supervised in accordance with the applicable building code. Where a fire alarm system is provided, a supervisory signal shall also be transmitted to the control unit.


1. Valves to underground key or hub valves in roadway boxes provided by the municipality or public utility do not require supervision.

2. Valves locked in the normal position and inspected as permitted in the applicable building code in buildings not equipped with a fire alarm system.

10. Change Section 905.10 to read:

905.10 During construction. Standpipe systems required during construction and demolition operations shall comply with Chapter 33.

11. Delete Section 905.12.

E. The following changes shall be made to Section 906, Portable Fire Extinguishers:

1. Change Item 1 in Section 906.1 to read:

1. In Groups A, B, E, F, H, I, M, R-1, R-4, and S occupancies.


1. In Groups A, B, and E occupancies equipped throughout with quick response sprinklers, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in Items 2 through 6.

2. In Group I-3 occupancies, portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be located at staff locations and the access to such extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked.

2. Add a note to Section 906.1 to read:

Note: In existing buildings, whether fire extinguishers are needed is determined by the USBC or other code in effect when such buildings were constructed.

3. Change Section 906.2.1 to read:

906.2.1 Certification of service personnel for portable fire extinguishers. Service personnel providing or conducting maintenance on portable fire extinguishers shall possess a valid certificate issued by an approved agency or other approved organization for the type of work performed.

F. The following changes shall be made to Section 907, Fire Alarm and Detection Systems:

1. Change Section 907.1 to read:

907.1 General. This section covers the performance and maintenance of fire alarm systems and their components in buildings and structures.

2. Delete Sections 907.1.1 and 907.1.2.

3. Change Section 907.1.3 to read:

907.1.3 Equipment. Systems and components not regulated by the applicable building code shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they are installed.

4. Delete Sections 907.2 through 907.

5. Delete Sections 907. through 907.2.10.

6. Change Section 907.2.11 to read:

907.2.11 Single-station and multiple-station smoke alarms. Alarms not required by the applicable building code shall be listed single-station and multiple-station smoke alarms complying with UL 217 and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 72.

7. Delete Sections 907.2.11.1 through 907.3.1.

8. Change Sections 907.3.2 and 907.3.3 to read:

907.3.2 Special locking systems. Where special locking systems are installed on means of egress doors, the associated fire detection system shall also be maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 and the applicable building code.

907.3.3 Elevator emergency operation. Automatic fire detectors installed for elevator emergency operation shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the applicable ASME A17.1/CSA B44 standard, NFPA 72, and the applicable building code.

9. Delete Sections 907.3.4 through 907.4.1.

10. Change Section 907.4.2 to read:

907.4.2 Manual fire alarm boxes. Where a manual fire alarm system is provided or required by the applicable building code, fire alarm boxes shall be maintained in accordance with this Section.

11. Delete Sections 907.4.2.1 and 907.4.2.2.

12. Change Sections 907.4.2.3 and 907.4.2.5 to read:

907.4.2.3 Color. Unless otherwise approved by the applicable building code, manual fire alarm boxes shall be maintained red in color.

907.4.2.5 Protective covers. The fire code official is authorized to require the installation of listed manual fire alarm box protective covers to prevent malicious false alarms or to provide the manual fire alarm box with protection from physical damage. The protective cover shall be transparent or red in color with a transparent face to permit visibility of the manual fire alarm box. Each cover shall include proper operating instructions. A protective cover that emits a local alarm signal shall not be installed unless approved. Protective covers shall not reduce the required means of egress width.

13. Delete Sections 907.4.3 and 907.4.3.1 and change Section 907.5 to read:

907.5 Occupant notification systems. Fire alarm system annunciation and occupant notification required by the applicable building code shall be maintained.

14. Change Sections 907.5.1 and 907.5.1.1 to read:

907.5.1 Audible alarms. The distinct sound emitted by audible alarm notification appliances and approved in accordance with the applicable building code is not to be used for any purposes other than that of a fire alarm. The required audibility and intelligibility of alarms shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

907.5.1.1 Pre-signal feature. A pre-signal feature shall not be utilized unless approved by the fire code official and the fire department. Where a pre-signal feature is provided, a signal shall be annunciated at a constantly attended location approved by the fire department so that occupant notification can be activated in the event of fire or other emergency.

15. Delete Sections 907.5.2.1 through 907. and change the title of Section 907. to read:

907. Alternative uses for emergency voice or alarm communication systems.

16. Change Section 907. to read:

907. Emergency voice or alarm communication captions. Where stadiums, arenas, and grandstands are required to caption audible public announcements in accordance with the applicable building code, the emergency or voice alarm communication system shall be captioned. Prerecorded or live emergency captions shall be from an approved location constantly attended by personnel trained to respond to an emergency.

17. Delete Sections 907. through 907.6.2.

18. Change Section 907.6.3 to read:

907.6.3 Initiating device identification. Fire alarm systems that identify the specific initiating device address, location, device type, floor level where applicable, and status, including indication of normal, alarm, trouble, and supervisory status, shall maintain accurate programming in accordance with NFPA 72 and the applicable building code.

19. Delete Sections 907.6.3.1 through 907.6.4.2.

20. Change Sections 907.6.5 through 907.6.6 to read:

907.6.5 Access. Access shall be maintained to each fire alarm device and notification appliance for periodic inspection, maintenance, and testing.

907.6.6 Monitoring. The monitoring of fire alarm systems required by the applicable building code shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 72.

21. Delete Sections 907.7 through 907.7.2.

22. Change Section 907.8.2 to read:

907.8.2 Testing. Testing shall be performed in accordance with the schedules in NFPA 72 or more frequently where required by the fire code official. Where automatic testing is performed at least weekly by a remotely monitored fire alarm control unit specifically listed for the application, the manual testing frequency shall be permitted to be extended to annual. In Group R-1 occupancies, battery-powered single station smoke detectors shall be tested and inspected at one-month intervals.

Exception: Devices or equipment that are inaccessible for safety considerations shall be tested during scheduled shutdowns where approved by the fire code official, but not less than every 18 months.

23. Change Section 907.8.4 to read:

907.8.4 Maintenance, inspection and testing. The building owner shall be responsible for maintaining the fire and life safety systems in an operable condition at all times. Service personnel shall meet the qualification requirements of NFPA 72 for maintaining, inspecting, and testing such systems. A written record shall be maintained and shall be made available to the fire code official. In addition to all applicable information contained in Figure 7.8.2 of NFPA 72, the written record of inspections, testing, and maintenance shall contain the following minimum information:

1. Date, name, and address of property.

2. Name of person performing inspection, maintenance and tests, or combination thereof, and affiliation, business address, and telephone number.

3. Name, address, and representative of approving agency or agencies.

4. Test frequency.

5. Designation of the standard or procedures used for the inspection or test (for example, "Test performed in accordance with NFPA 72 Section _______.").

6. List of each device tested and the result. The list should include the physical location and device description of each initiating and notification device tested. (for example, "Heat detector in main kitchen; horn-strobe in Room 115.")

7. Other tests as required by either the equipment manufacturer's published instructions or the authority having jurisdiction.

8. Signature of tester and approved authority representative.

9. Disposition of problems identified during test or devices not tested (examples, "Owner notified," "Problem corrected or successfully retested, or both," "Device abandoned in place.").

24. Delete Section 907.9.

G. The following changes shall be made to Section 908, Emergency Alarm Systems:

1. Change Sections 908.1 and 908.2 to read:

908.1 Group H occupancies. Emergency alarms for the detection and notification of an emergency condition in Group H occupancies shall be maintained as provided in accordance with the applicable building code and manufacturer's specifications.

908.2 Group H-5 occupancy. Emergency alarms for notification of an emergency condition in a hazardous production material (HPM) facility shall be maintained as provided in accordance with the applicable building code. Continuous gas detection systems shall be maintained for HPM gases as provided in accordance with the applicable building code and manufacturer's specifications.

2. Change Section 908.3 to read:

908.3 Fire alarm system interface. Where an emergency alarm system is interfaced with a building's fire alarm system, the signal produced at the fire
alarm control unit is permitted to be a supervisory signal.

H. The following changes shall be made to Section 909, Smoke Control Systems:

1. Change Section 909.1 to read:

909.1 Scope and purpose. This section applies to the inspection, testing, and maintenance of mechanical or passive smoke control systems. The purpose of these systems to provide a tenable environment for the evacuation or relocation of occupants. These provisions are not intended for the preservation of contents or the timely restoration of operations or for assistance in fire suppression or overhaul activities. Smoke control systems regulated by this section serve a different purpose than the smoke-venting and heat-venting provisions found in Section 910.

2. Delete Sections 909.2 through 909.4.5.

3. Change Section 909.4.6 to read:

909.4.6 Duration of operation. All portions of active or engineered smoke control systems shall be capable of continued operation after detection of the fire event for a period of not less than that required by the applicable building code.

4. Delete Section 909.4.7.

5. Change Section 909.5 to read:

909.5 Smoke barriers. Smoke barriers required for passive smoke control and smoke control systems using the pressurization method shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7 of this code.

6. Delete Sections 909.5.1 and 909.5.2.

7. Change Section 909.5.3 to read:

909.5.3 Opening protection. Protection of openings in smoke barriers shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7.

8. Delete Section 909.5.3.1.

9. Change Section 909.5.3.2 to read:

909.5.3.2 Ducts and air transfer openings. Protection of ducts and air transfer openings by smoke dampers shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7.

10. Delete Sections 909.6 through 909.10.5.

11. Change Sections 909.11 through 909.11.2 to read:

909.11 Standby power. Standby power provided for smoke control systems shall be maintained in accordance with Section 1203.

909.11.1 Equipment room. Fire barriers associated with equipment rooms servicing smoke control systems shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7.

909.11.2 Power sources and power surges. Conditioners, suppressors, or other approved uninterruptable power sources provided for elements of smoke control systems shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

12. Delete Sections 909.12 through 909.13.3.

13. Change Section 909.15 to read:

909.15 Control diagrams. Identical control diagrams showing all devices in the system and identifying their location and function shall be maintained current and kept on file with the fire code official, with the fire department, and in the fire command center in a format and manner approved by the fire chief.

14. Change Section 909.16. Delete Section 909.16.1.

909.16 Firefighter's smoke control panel. A firefighter's smoke control panel for fire department emergency response purposes only, including manual control or override of automatic control for mechanical smoke control systems, shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

15. Change Section 909.16.2 to read:

909.16.2 Smoke control panel. The firefighter's control panel shall maintain control capability over the complete smoke control system equipment within the building in accordance with the applicable building code.

16. Change Section 909.16.3 to read:

909.16.3 Control action and priorities. All firefighter's control panel actions and priorities required by the applicable building code shall be maintained as approved.

17. Change Section 909.17 to read:

909.17 System response time. Smoke-control system activation, including all associated components, shall be initiated in accordance with its design. The total response time shall not be less than the requirements specified in the design.

18. Delete Sections 909.18 through 909.18.8.3.

19. Change Sections 909. and 909.18.9 to read:

909. Report filing. A copy of the final report required by the applicable building code shall be filed with the fire code official and an identical copy shall be maintained in an approved location at the building.

909.18.9 Identification and documentation. Copies of charts, drawings, and other documents identifying and locating each component of the smoke control system and describing their proper function and maintenance requirements shall be maintained on file at the building. Devices shall have an approved identifying tag or mark on them consistent with such copies and shall be dated indicating the last time they were successfully tested and by whom.

20. Delete Sections 909.19 through 909.20.6.3.

21. Delete Sections 909.21.1 through 909.21.2.

22. Change Sections 909.21 and 909.21.3 to read:

909.21 Elevator hoistway pressurization alternative. Where elevator hoistway pressurization is provided in lieu of required enclosed elevator lobbies, the pressurization system shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 909.21.1 through 909.21.11.

909.21.3 Ducts for system. Any duct system protected with a fire-resistance rating shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7.

23. Delete Sections 909.21.4.2 through 909.21.4.4.

24. Change Section 909.21.5 to read:

909.21.5 Standby power. Standby power systems for pressurization systems shall be maintained in accordance with Section 1203.

25. Delete Section 909.21.7 and change Section 909.21.6 to read:

909.21.6 Activation of pressurization system. Where required or provided in accordance with the applicable building code, activation of the elevator pressurization system by the building fire alarm system or the elevator lobby smoke detectors shall be maintained.

26. Delete Section 909.21.10.

27. Delete Section 909.21.11

28. Change Sections 909.22.1 and 909.22.6 to read:

909.22.1 Schedule. A routine maintenance and operational testing program shall be initiated immediately after the smoke control system has passed the acceptance tests. A written schedule for routine maintenance and operational testing shall be established and approved by the fire code official.

909.22.6 Components bypassing weekly test. Where components of the smoke control system are bypassed by the preprogrammed weekly test in accordance with the applicable building code, such components shall be tested semiannually. The system shall be tested under standby power conditions.

I. The following changes shall be made to Section 910, Smoke and Heat Removal:

1. Delete Sections 910.2 through 910.3.5.

2. Change Section 910.4 to read:

910.4 Mechanical smoke removal systems. Mechanical smoke removal systems provided shall be maintained in accordance with this section and the applicable building code.

3. Delete Sections 910.4.1 through 910.4.3, 910.4.5, and 910.4.6 and change Sections 910.4.4 and 910.4.7 to read:

910.4.4 Activation. Where the applicable building code requires that a mechanical smoke removal system shall be activated by manual controls only, only manual controls shall be permitted.

910.4.7 Controls. Where the applicable building code requires that manual controls be provided for the smoke removal system that have the capability to override the automatic shutdown of fans that are part of the smoke removal system, the override capability shall be maintained.

J. The following changes shall be made to Section 911, Explosion Control:

1. Change Section 911.1 to read:

911.1 General. Explosion control systems and components shall be maintained and operated in accordance with the applicable provisions of NFPA 69 or NFPA 495. Deflagration venting shall not be used as a means to protect buildings from detonation hazards.

2. Delete Table 911.1 and Sections 911.2 through 911.5.

K. The following changes shall be made to Section 912, Fire Department Connections:

1. Delete Section 912.1.

2. Change Sections 912.2 and 912.2.1 to read:

912.2 Location. With respect to hydrants, driveways, buildings, and landscaping, fire department connections shall remain located in accordance with the applicable building code so that fire apparatus and hose connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus.

912.2.1 Visible location. Fire department connections shall remain located on the street side of buildings or facing approved fire apparatus access roads, fully visible and recognizable from the street, fire apparatus access road or nearest point of fire department vehicle access or as otherwise approved by the fire code official and in accordance with the applicable building code.

3. Change Section 912.6 to read:

912.6 Backflow protection. The potable water supply to automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems protected against backflow as required by the applicable building code shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 25.

L. The following changes shall be made to Section 913, Fire Pumps:

1. Change Sections 913.1 through 913.2.1 to read:

913.1 General. Fire pumps shall be maintained in accordance with this section, the applicable NFPA 20 standard, NFPA 25, and the applicable building code.

913.2 Protection against interruption of service. The fire pump, driver, and controller shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code against possible interruption of service through damage caused by explosion, fire, flood, earthquake, rodents, insects, windstorm, freezing, vandalism, and other adverse conditions.

913.2.1 Protection of fire pump rooms. Rooms where fire pumps are separated from all other areas of the building by a fire-rated assembly in accordance with the applicable building code shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 7.

2. Delete Section 913.2.2.

3. Change Sections 913.3 and 913.4 to read:

913.3 Temperature of pump room. Suitable means shall be provided for maintaining the temperature of a pump room or pump house above 40°F (5°C).

913.4 Valve supervision. Where provided, the fire pump suction, discharge and bypass valves, and isolation valves on the backflow prevention device or assembly shall be maintained as supervised in accordance with the applicable building code. Where a fire alarm system is provided, a supervisory signal shall also be transmitted to the control unit.

Exception: Valves locked in the normal position and inspected as permitted in the applicable building code in buildings not equipped with a fire alarm system.

4. Delete Section 913.5.1.

M. Delete Section 914.

N. The following changes shall be made to Section 915, Carbon Monoxide Detection:

1. Change Section 915.1 to read:

915.1 General. Where provided, carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in accordance with the applicable building code.

2. Delete Sections 915.1.1 through 915.5.3.

O. The following changes shall be made to Section 916, Gas Detection Systems:

1. Change Section 916.1 to read:

916.1 Gas detection systems. Gas detection systems shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code and this section.

2. Delete Sections 916.2 and 916.2.1.

3. Change Sections 916.3 through 916.6 to read:

916.3 Equipment. Gas detection system equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the applicable building code and manufacturer's instructions.

916.4 Power connections. Gas detection systems shall remain permanently connected to the building electrical power supply or, where approved by the applicable building code, cord connected to an unswitched receptacle using an approved restraining means that secures the plug to the receptacle.

916.5 Emergency and standby power. Standby or emergency power shall be maintained in accordance with Section 1203. Where required by the applicable building code, the gas detection system shall initiate a trouble signal at an approved location if the power supply is interrupted.

916.6 Sensor locations. Sensors shall remain in locations approved in accordance with the applicable building code where leaking gases are expected to accumulate.

4. Delete Section 916.7 and change Sections 916.9 through 916.10 to read:

916.9 Signage. Signs shall be provided and maintained adjacent to gas detection system alarm signaling devices that advise occupants of the nature of the signals and actions to take in response to the signal.

916.10 Fire alarm system connections. Gas sensors and gas detection systems shall not be connected to fire alarm systems unless approved in accordance with the applicable building code and connected in accordance with the fire alarm equipment manufacturer's instructions.

P. The following change shall be made to Section 917, Mass notification systems:

917.1 Mass notification. Where provided, mass notification systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 72.

Statutory Authority

§ 27-97 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

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