22VAC40-880-10. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Administrative referral" means when a unit of the department or executive branch makes a referral for a parent or case.
"Appeal" means a request for a review of an administrative action taken by the division, or an action taken to contest a court order.
"Applicant" or "applicant/recipient" means a party who applies for and receives services from the division.
"Application" means a written document requesting child support enforcement services, which the department provides to the individual or agency applying for services and which is signed by the applicant.
"Arrearage" means unpaid child or medical support payments, interest, and other costs for past periods owed by a parent to the state or obligee. This may include unpaid spousal support when child support is also being enforced.
"Bad check" means a check not honored by the bank on which it is drawn.
"Case management services" means individualized services provided by a trained case manager.
"Case summary" means a written statement outlining the actions taken by the department on a case that has been appealed.
"Child support guideline" means a method for calculating a child support obligation as set out in § 20-108.2 of the Code of Virginia.
"Delinquency" means an unpaid child or medical support obligation. The obligation may include spousal support when child support is also being enforced.
"Department" means the Virginia Department of Social Services.
"District office" means a local office of the Division of Child Support Enforcement responsible for the operation of the child support enforcement program.
"Division" means the Division of Child Support Enforcement of the Virginia Department of Social Services, also known as a IV-D agency.
"Enforcement" means ensuring the payment of child support through the use of administrative or judicial means.
"Family engagement services" means services through which the department identifies barriers to providing support and provides case management services to address those barriers.
"Federal foster care" means foster care that is established under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act. This is a category of financial assistance paid on behalf of children who otherwise meet the eligibility criteria for TANF and who are in the custody of local social service agencies.
"Financial statement" means the provision of financial information from the natural or adoptive parents.
"Good cause" means, as it pertains to TANF applicants and recipients, an agency determination that the individual is not required to cooperate with the division in its efforts to collect child support.
"Hearing officer" means an impartial person charged by the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services to hear appeals and decide if an agency followed its policy and procedures.
"IV-D agency" means a governmental entity administering the child support enforcement program under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. In Virginia, the IV-D agency is the Division of Child Support Enforcement.
"Locate services" means obtaining information that is sufficient and necessary to take action on a child support case, including information concerning (i) the physical whereabouts of the obligor or the obligor's employer or (ii) other sources of income or assets, as appropriate. Certain individuals and entities, such as courts and other state child support enforcement agencies, can receive locate-only services from the department.
"Medicaid-only" means a category of public assistance whereby a family receives Medicaid but is not eligible for or receiving TANF.
"Medical support services" means the establishment of a medical support order and the enforcement of health insurance coverage or, if court ordered, medical expenses.
"Obligation" means the amount and frequency of payments that the obligor is legally bound to pay as set out in a court or administrative support order.
"Occupational license" means any license, certificate, registration, or other authorization to engage in a business, trade, profession, or occupation issued by the Commonwealth pursuant to Title 22.1, 38.2, 46.2, or 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or any other provision of law.
"Parent" means any natural or adoptive parent; the natural or adoptive parent with whom the child resides; a stepparent or other person who has physical custody of the child and with whom the child resides; a local board that has legal custody of a child in foster care; or a responsible person who is or may be obligated under Virginia law for support of a dependent child or child's caretaker.
"Past due support" means support payments determined under a court or administrative order that have not been paid.
"Pendency of an appeal" means the period of time after an administrative appeal has been made and before the final disposition by an administrative hearing officer, or between the time a party files an appeal with the court and the court renders a decision.
"Putative father" means a person alleged to be the father of a child whose paternity has not been established.
"Recipient" means a person or agency that has applied for or receives public assistance or child support enforcement services.
"Recreational license" means any license, certificate, or registration used for the purpose of participation in games, sports, or hobbies or for amusement or relaxation.
"Referral" means when one entity or organization formally or informally requests action by another with respect to an item.
"Service of process" means the delivery to or leaving of a child support document, in a manner prescribed by state statute, giving the party reasonable notice of the action being taken.
"Summons" means a document notifying a parent or other person that the parent or other person must appear at a time and place named in the document to provide information needed to pursue child support actions.
Statutory Authority
§ 63.2-217 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 651 et seq.
Historical Notes
Derived from VR615-70-17 § 1.1, eff. February 28, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 6, Issue 26, eff. October 24, 1990; Volume 7, Issue 15, eff. July 1, 1991; Volume 8, Issue 4, eff. July 1, 1992; Volume 8, Issue 19, eff. July 15, 1992; Volume 18, Issue 14, eff. April 24, 2002; Volume 31, Issue 10, eff. February 12, 2015; Volume 41, Issue 7, eff. January 2, 2025.