4VAC25-130-817.68. Use of explosives; records of blasting operations.
The permittee shall retain a record of all blasts for at least 3 years. Upon request, copies of these records shall be made available to the division and to the public for inspection. Such records shall contain the following data:
(a) Name of the permittee conducting the blast.
(b) Location, date, and time of the blast.
(c) Name, signature, and certification number of the blaster conducting the blast.
(d) Identification, direction, and distance, in feet, from the nearest blast hole to the nearest dwelling, public building, school, church, community or institutional building outside the permit area, except those described in 4VAC25-130-817.67(e).
(e) Weather conditions, including those which may cause possible adverse blasting effects.
(f) Type of material blasted.
(g) Sketches of the blast pattern including number of holes, burden, spacing, decks, and delay pattern.
(h) Diameter and depth of holes.
(i) Types of explosives used.
(j) Total weight of explosives used per hole.
(k) The maximum weight of explosives detonated in an 8-millisecond period.
(l) Initiation system.
(m) Type and length of stemming.
(n) Mats or other protections used.
(o) Seismographic and airblast records, if required, which shall include-
(1) Type of instrument, sensitivity, and calibration signal or certification of annual calibration;
(2) Exact location of instrument and the date, time, and distance from the blast;
(3) Name of the person and firm taking the reading;
(4) Name of the person and firm analyzing the seismographic record; and
(5) The vibration and/or airblast level recorded.
(p) Reasons and conditions for each unscheduled blast.
Statutory Authority
§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-230 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Derived from VR480-03-19 § 817.68, eff. December 15, 1981; amended, eff. June 28, 1982; October 28, 1982; December 14, 1982; October 11, 1983; December 27, 1983; May 8, 1984; June 22, 1984; August 2, 1984; October 16, 1985; January 7, 1987; July 22, 1987; November 25, 1987; October 12, 1988; December 26, 1990; July 1, 1991; July 17, 1991; November 20, 1991; July 7, 1992; May 5, 1993; October 19, 1994.