Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part VIII. Standards of Practice

18VAC41-50-380. Display of license.

A. The responsible management for each tattoo parlor or permanent cosmetic tattoo salon shall ensure that all current licenses issued by the board shall be displayed at the licensee's station or in plain view of the public. Duplicate licenses shall be posted in a like manner in every parlor or salon or location where the licensee provides services.

B. The responsible management for each tattoo parlor owner or permanent cosmetic tattoo salon shall ensure that no licensee, apprentice, or student performs any service beyond the scope of practice for the applicable license.

C. The responsible management for each tattoo parlor or permanent cosmetic tattoo salon shall offer to licensees the full series of Hepatitis B vaccine.

D. The responsible management for each tattoo parlor or permanent cosmetic tattoo salon shall maintain a record for each licensee of one of the following:

1. Proof of completion of the full series of Hepatitis B vaccine;

2. Proof of immunity by blood titer; or

3. Written declaration of refusal of the responsible management's offer of a full series of Hepatitis B vaccine.

E. All licensees shall operate under the name in which the license is issued.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2006; amended Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 2023.

18VAC41-50-390. Physical facilities.

A. A parlor or salon must be in a permanent building or portion of a building, which must be in a location permissible under local zoning codes, if any. If applicable, the parlor or salon shall be separated from any living quarters by complete floor to ceiling partitioning and shall contain no access to living quarters.

B. The parlor, salon, or temporary location shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner.

C. All facilities shall have a blood spill clean-up kit in the work area.

D. Work surfaces shall be cleaned with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered, hospital grade disinfectant. Surfaces that come in contact with blood or other body fluids shall be immediately disinfected with an EPA registered germicide solution. Appropriate personal protective equipment shall be worn during cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

E. Cabinets for the storage of instruments, pigments, single-use articles, stencils and other utensils shall be provided for each operator and shall be maintained in a sanitary manner.

F. Bulk single-use articles shall be commercially packaged and handled in such a way as to protect them from contamination.

G. All materials applied to the human skin shall be from single-use articles or transferred from bulk containers to single-use containers and shall be disposed of after each use.

H. The walls, ceilings, and floors shall be kept in good repair. The tattooing area shall be constructed of smooth, hard surfaces that are nonporous, free of open holes or cracks, light colored, and easily cleaned. New parlors shall not include any dark-colored surfaces in the tattooing area. Existing parlors or salons with dark-colored surfaces in the tattooing area shall replace the dark-colored surfaces with light-colored surfaces whenever the facilities are extensively remodeled or upon relocation of the business.

I. Parlors, salons, or temporary locations shall have adequate lighting of at least 50-foot candles of illumination in the tattooing and sterilization areas.

J. Adequate mechanical ventilation shall be provided in the parlor.

K. Each parlor, salon, or temporary location shall be equipped with hand-cleaning facilities for its personnel with unobstructed access to the tattooing area such that the tattooer can return to the area without having to touch anything with the tattooer's hands. Hand-cleaning facilities shall be equipped either with hot and cold or tempered running water under pressure and liquid germicidal soap or with a sanitizing solution to clean hands. Hand-cleaning facilities shall be equipped with single-use towels or mechanical hand drying devices and a covered refuse container. Such facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. All facilities must have running water and soap accessible for cleaning of hands contaminated by body fluids.

L. Animals are not permitted in the parlor, salon, or temporary location except for guide or service animals accompanying persons with disabilities, or nonmammalian animals in enclosed glass containers such as fish aquariums, which shall be outside of the tattooing or sterilization areas. No animals are allowed in the tattooing or sterilization areas.

M. Use of tobacco products and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be prohibited in the tattooing or sterilization areas.

N. No food or drink will be stored or consumed in the tattooing or sterilization areas except for client's use in order to sustain optimal physical condition; such food and drink must be individually packaged.

O. If tattooing is performed where cosmetology services are provided, it shall be performed in an area that is separate and enclosed.

P. All steam sterilizers shall be biological spore tested at least monthly.

Q. Biological spore tests shall be verified through an independent laboratory.

R. Biological spore test records shall be retained for a period of three years and made available upon request.

S. Steam sterilizers shall be used only for instruments used by the parlor's employees.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2006; amended Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 2023.

18VAC41-50-400. Tattooer or permanent cosmetic tattooer or master permanent cosmetic tattooer responsibilities.

A. All tattooers shall provide to the responsible management with one of the following:

1. Proof of completion of the full series of Hepatitis B vaccine;

2. Proof of immunity by blood titer; or

3. Written declaration of refusal of the responsible management's offer of a full series of Hepatitis B vaccine.

B. All tattooers shall wear clean outer garments, maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness, and conform to hygienic practices while on duty.

C. All tattooers shall clean their hands thoroughly using hot or tempered water with a liquid germicidal soap or use sanitizing solution to clean hands before and after tattooing and as necessary to remove contaminants.

D. All tattooers must wear single-use examination gloves while assembling tattooing instruments and while tattooing.

E. Each time there is an interruption in the service, the gloves become torn or perforated, or whenever the ability of the gloves to function as a barrier is compromised:

1. Gloves shall be removed and disposed of; and

2. Hands shall be cleaned and a fresh pair of gloves used.

F. Tattooers shall use standard precautions while tattooing. A tattooer diagnosed with a communicable disease shall provide to the Department of Professional and Occupation Regulation a written statement from a health care practitioner that the tattooer's condition no longer poses a threat to public health.

G. Tattooers with draining lesions on their hands or face will not be permitted to work until cleared by a health care professional.

H. The area of the client's skin to be tattooed shall be cleaned with an approved germicidal soap according to label directions.

I. Tattooing pigments shall be placed in a single-use disposable container for each client. Following the procedure, the unused contents and container will be properly disposed of.

J. If shaving is required, razors shall be single-use. After use, razors shall be recapped and properly disposed of.

K. Each tattooer performing any tattooing procedures in the parlor or salon shall have the education, training, and experience, or any combination thereof to practice aseptic technique and prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens. All procedures shall be performed using aseptic technique.

L. Multiuse instruments, equipment, furniture, and surfaces that may be contaminated during the tattooing process should be covered or wrapped in a nonporous disposable barrier. This barrier should be removed and disposed of after each service.

M. After the disposable barrier is removed, covered items should be wiped down with a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registered disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal.

N. A set of individual, sterilized needles shall be used for each client. Single-use disposable instruments shall be disposed of in a puncture resistant container.

O. Used, nondisposable instruments, such as stainless steel tubes, tips, and grips, shall be kept in a separate, puncture resistant container until brush scrubbed in hot water soap and then sterilized by autoclaving. Contaminated instruments shall be handled with disposable gloves.

P. Used nondisposable instruments that are ultrasonically cleaned shall be rinsed under running hot water prior to being placed in the used instrument container;

Q. Used nondisposable instruments that are not ultrasonically cleaned prior to being placed in the used instrument container shall be kept in a germicidal or soap solution until brush scrubbed in hot water and soap and sterilized by autoclaving.

R. The ultrasonic unit shall be sanitized daily with a germicidal solution.

S. Nondisposable instruments shall be sterilized and shall be handled and stored in a manner to prevent contamination. Instruments to be sterilized shall be sealed in bags made specifically for the purpose of autoclave sterilization and shall include the date of sterilization. If nontransparent bags are utilized, the bag shall also list the contents.

T. Autoclave sterilization bags with a color code indicator that changes color upon proper sterilization shall be utilized during the autoclave sterilization process.

U. Nondisposable instruments shall be placed in the autoclave in a manner to allow live steam to circulate around them.

V. A Sealed, puncture proof dirty tube receptacle with cool, liquid sterilant should be maintained in the biohazard or cleanup room.

W. Sharps containers should be located within reach of the tattooing area.

X. Contaminated disposable and single-use items shall be disposed of in accordance with federal and state regulations regarding disposal of biological hazardous materials.

Y. The manufacturer's written instructions of the autoclave shall be followed.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2006; amended Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 2023.

18VAC41-50-410. Client qualifications, disclosures, and records.

A. Except as permitted in § 18.2-371.3 of the Code of Virginia, a client must be a minimum of 18 years of age and shall present at the time of the tattooing or permanent cosmetic tattooing a valid, government issued, positive identification card including a driver's license, passport, or military identification. The identification must contain a photograph of the individual and a printed date of birth.

B. The tattooer, permanent cosmetic tattooer, or master permanent cosmetic tattooer shall verify and document in the permanent client record the client's age, date of birth, and the type of identification provided.

C. No person may be tattooed or permanent cosmetic tattooed who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

D. Tattooing or permanent cosmetic tattooing shall not be performed on any skin surface that manifests any evidence of unhealthy conditions, such as rashes, boils, infections, abrasions, or on any asymmetrical, irregular, blurred, or multicolored mole.

E. Before receiving a tattoo or permanent cosmetic tattoo, each client and client's parent or guardian, if applicable, shall be informed verbally and in writing, using the client disclosure form prescribed by the board, about the possible risk and dangers associated with the application of each tattoo. Signatures of both the client and the tattooer shall be required on the client disclosure form to acknowledge receipt of both the verbal and written disclosures.

F. The tattoo parlor or temporary location or permanent cosmetic tattoo salon shall maintain proper records for each client. The information shall be permanently recorded and made available for examination by the Department of Professional and Occupation Regulation or authorized agent. Records shall be maintained at the tattoo parlor or permanent cosmetic tattoo salon for at least two years following the date of the last entry. The temporary location client records shall be maintained by the license holder. The permanent records shall include the following:

1. The name, address, and telephone number of the client;

2. The date tattooing or permanent cosmetic tattooing was performed;

3. The client's age, date of birth, and a copy of the positive identification provided to the tattooer, permanent cosmetic tattooer, or master permanent cosmetic tattooer;

4. The specific color or colors of the tattoo or permanent cosmetic tattoo and, when available, the manufacturer's catalogue or identification number of each color used;

5. The location on the body where the tattooing or permanent cosmetic tattooing was performed;

6. The name of the tattooer, permanent cosmetic tattooer, or master permanent cosmetic tattooer;

7. A statement that the client has received a copy of applicable written care instructions, and that the client has read and understands the instructions; and

8. The signature of the client and if applicable parent or guardian.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2006; amended Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 2023.

18VAC41-50-420. Grounds for license or certificate revocation, suspension or probation; denial of application,  renewal, or reinstatement; or imposition of a monetary penalty.

The board may, in considering the totality of the circumstances, fine any licensee or certificate holder and suspend, place on probation, or revoke or refuse to renew or reinstate any license or certificate, or deny any application issued under the provisions of Chapter 7 (§ 54.1-700 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter if it finds that the licensee, certificate holder, or applicant:

1. Is incompetent or negligent in tattooing, or incapable mentally or physically, as those terms are generally understood in the profession, to (i) practice as a tattooer, tattooer apprentice, permanent cosmetic tattooer, or master permanent cosmetic tattooer or (ii) operate a parlor, permanent cosmetic tattooing salon, or school;

2. Is convicted of fraud or deceit in the practice of tattooing or fails to teach the curriculum as provided for in this chapter;

3. Obtained, attempted to obtain, renewed, or reinstated a license by false or fraudulent representation;

4. Violates or induces others to violate, or cooperates with others in violating, any of the provisions of this chapter or Chapter 7 (§ 54.1-700 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or any local ordinance or regulation governing standards of health and sanitation of the establishment in which tattooers may practice or offer to practice;

5. Offers, gives, or promises anything of value or benefit to any federal, state, or local employee for the purpose of influencing that employee to circumvent, in the performance of that employee's duties, any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance governing tattooing as defined in § 54.1-700 of the Code of Virginia;

6. Fails to respond to the board or any of its agents or provides false, misleading, or incomplete information to an inquiry by the board or any of its agents;

7. Fails or refuses to allow the board or any of its agents to inspect during reasonable hours any licensed parlor, salon, or school for compliance with provisions of Chapter 7 (§ 54.1-700 et seq.) or this chapter;

8. Fails to produce, upon request or demand of the board or any of its agents, any document, book, record, or copy thereof in a licensee's or responsible management's possession or maintained in accordance with this chapter;

9. Fails to notify the board of a change of name or address in writing within 30 days of the change for each and every license;

10. Makes any misrepresentation or publishes or causes to be published any advertisement that is false, deceptive, or misleading;

11. Fails to notify the board in writing within 30 days of the suspension, revocation, or surrender of a license or certificate in connection with a disciplinary action in any other jurisdiction or of any license or certificate that has been the subject of disciplinary action in any other jurisdiction;

12. Has been convicted or found guilty, regardless of the manner of adjudication in Virginia or any other jurisdiction of the United States, of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, sexual offense, non-marijuana drug distribution, or physical injury or any felony, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time for appeal having elapsed. Review of convictions shall be subject to the requirements of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this subdivision. The record of a conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or guilt;

13. Fails to inform the board in writing within 30 days of pleading guilty or nolo contendere or being convicted or found guilty regardless of adjudication of any convictions as stated in subdivision 12 of this section;

14. Allows, as responsible management of a parlor, salon, or school, a person who has not obtained a license or guest tattooer license to practice as a tattooer, permanent cosmetic tattooer , or master permanent cosmetic tattooer, unless the person is duly enrolled as an apprentice;

15. Allows, as responsible management of a school, a person who has not obtained an instructor certificate to practice as a tattooing or permanent cosmetic tattooing instructor;

16. Fails to take sufficient measures to prevent transmission of communicable or infectious diseases or fails to comply with sanitary requirements provided for in this chapter or any local, state, or federal law or regulation governing the standards of health and sanitation for the practice of tattooing, or the operation of tattoo parlors or permanent cosmetic tattooing salons; or

17. Fails to comply with all procedures established by the board and the testing service with regard to conduct at any board examination.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2006; amended Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 22, eff. September 1, 2023.

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