Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part VI. Detector Canine Handler Examiner Application Procedures; Administrative Requirements; Standards of Conduct

6VAC20-173-130. Initial detector canine handler examiner certification application.

A. Each person applying for certification as a detector canine handler examiner shall meet the following minimum requirements for eligibility:

1. Be a minimum of 18 years of age;

2. Have a high school diploma or equivalent (GED);

3. Have a minimum of five years experience as a detector canine handler and a minimum of two years experience as a detector canine trainer within the previous 10 years prior to application with the department;

4. Have an active certification as a detector canine handler examiner or equivalent credential from a department-approved national organization, a unit of the United States military, or another formal entity; and

5. Be a United States citizen or legal resident alien of the United States.

B. Each person applying for certification as a detector canine handler examiner shall file with the department:

1. A properly completed application provided by the department;

2. Fingerprint card pursuant this chapter;

3. Official documentation according to subdivisions A 3 and A 4 of this section; and

4. The applicable, nonrefundable application fee.

C. Upon completion of the initial detector canine handler examiner application requirements, the department may issue an initial certification for a period not to exceed 24 months.

D. The department may issue a letter of temporary certification to detector canine handler examiners for not more than 120 days while awaiting the results of the state and national fingerprint search provided the applicant has met the necessary conditions and requirements.

E. Each certification shall be issued to the individual named on the application and shall be valid only for use by that individual. No certification shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to another individual.

F. Each detector canine handler examiner shall comply with all applicable administrative requirements and standards of conduct and shall not engage in any acts prohibited by applicable sections of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-141 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 25, eff. September 9, 2015.

6VAC20-173-140. Renewal detector canine handler examiner certification application.

A. Applications for certification renewal should be received by the department at least 30 days prior to expiration. The department will provide a renewal notification to the last known mailing address of the certified examiner. However, if a renewal notification is not received by the examiner, it is the responsibility of the examiner to ensure renewal requirements are filed with the department. Certification renewal applications received by the department after the expiration date shall be subject to all applicable, nonrefundable renewal fees plus reinstatement fees.

B. Each person applying for examiner certification renewal shall meet the minimum requirements for eligibility as follows:

1. Have maintained certification as a detector canine handler examiner or equivalent credential according to the minimum eligibility requirements set forth in this chapter and demonstrate the completion of a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education during the previous certification period; and

2. Be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed, registered, or certified in private security services or a related field. This subdivision shall not apply to any probationary periods during which the individual is eligible to operate under the license, registration, or certification.

C. The department may renew a certification for a period not to exceed 24 months.

D. The department may renew a certification when the following are received by the department:

1. A properly completed renewal application provided by the department;

2. The applicable, nonrefundable certification renewal fee; and

3. Official documentation according to subsection B of this section.

E. Any examiner renewal application received by the department shall meet all renewal requirements prior to the expiration date of a certification or shall be subject to the requirements set forth by the reinstatement provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-141 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 25, eff. September 9, 2015.

6VAC20-173-150. Detector canine handler examiners administrative requirements and standards of conduct.

A. All private security services certified personnel are required to maintain administrative requirements and standards of conduct as determined by the Code of Virginia, department guidelines, and this chapter.

B. Administrative requirements. An examiner shall:

1. Maintain at all times with the department his mailing address and email address if applicable. Notification of any address change shall be in writing and received by the department no later than 10 days after the effective date of the change.

2. Inform the department, and the business or training school for which the individual is employed if applicable, in writing within 10 days after pleading guilty or nolo contendere, and after being convicted or found guilty of any felony or of a misdemeanor as outlined in § 9.1-139 K of the Code of Virginia.

3. Inform the department and the licensed business or training school for which the individual is employed or utilized in writing within 10 days after having been found guilty by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to have violated the private security services business statutes or regulations of that jurisdiction.

4. Satisfy all judgments to include binding arbitrations related to private security services not provided.

5. Notify the department within 10 calendar days following termination of his employment as an examiner for a business or training school.

6. Conduct examinations in accordance with the standards of the Department of Defense Military Working Dog Program, Scientific Working Group on Dog and Orthogonal Detector Guidelines, or other nationally recognized organization approved by the department.

7. Notify the department within 10 calendar days following termination of any certification as a detector canine handler examiner or equivalent with any national organization, a unit of the United States military, or another formal entity involved with certifying, training, or setting standards for detection canines.

8. Notify the department in writing within 10 calendar days of determining that a detector canine handler or detector canine fails to successfully complete the certification examination as prescribed in 6VAC20-174.

9. Maintain documentation and a photograph of the examined detector canine team for three years for all examinations conducted that verifies compliance with requirements pursuant to the Code of Virginia, 6VAC20-174, and this chapter.

10. Utilize only department-approved certification examinations for the testing and certification of detector canine teams.

C. Standards of conduct. An examiner shall:

1. Conform to all requirements pursuant to the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. Not have been convicted or found guilty in any jurisdiction of the United States of any felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, assault and battery, damage to real or personal property, controlled substances or imitation controlled substances as defined in Article 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, prohibited sexual behavior as described in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, or firearms,. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purpose of this chapter. The record of conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be prima facie evidence of such guilt.

3. Not violate or aid and abet others in violating the provisions of Article 4 (§ 9.1-138 et seq.) of Chapter 1 of Title 9.1 of the Code of Virginia, 6VAC20-172, 6VAC20-174, or this chapter.

4. Not commit any act or omission that results in a private security license, registration, or certification being suspended, revoked, or not renewed or the licensee, registrant or certificate holder otherwise being disciplined in any jurisdiction.

5. Not obtain a license, license renewal, registration, registration renewal, certification, or certification renewal through any fraud or misrepresentation.

6. Not engage in acts of unprofessional conduct in the practice of private security services.

7. Not engage in acts of negligent or incompetent private security services.

8. Not make any misrepresentation or false promise to a private security services business client or potential private security services business client.

9. Not violate any state or local ordinances relating to private security services.

10. Not publish or cause to be published any material relating to private security services that contain an assertion, representation, or statement of fact that is false, deceptive, or misleading.

11. Not provide false or misleading information to representatives of the department.

12. Not provide materially incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or untrue information on any email, application, or other document filed with the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-141 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 25, eff. September 9, 2015.

6VAC20-173-160. Instructor alternatives.

A. Subject matter specialist.

1. Training schools may employ or otherwise utilize individuals as subject matter specialists to provide instruction in specific areas of a training curriculum. During the approved portions of training, a certified instructor is not required to be present.

2. The training school shall obtain written authorization from the department prior to any subject matter specialist providing instruction. Written authorization may be requested by submitting on a form provided by the department:

a. A written request for authorization specifically outlining the requested subject matter; and

b. Documentation that supports the individual's credentials for instructing in the proposed subject matter.

3. The department may issue a written authorization for a period not to exceed 24 months.

B. Guest lecturer. Training schools may employ or otherwise utilize individuals as guest lecturers in specific areas of a training curriculum. A certified instructor is required to be present during all portions of training conducted by a guest lecturer.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-141 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 25, eff. September 9, 2015.

6VAC20-173-170. Private security services training session.

A. Training sessions will be conducted in accordance with requirements established in this chapter. Adherence to the administrative requirements, attendance, and standards of conduct are the responsibility of the training school, training school director, and instructor of the training session.

B. Administrative requirements.

1. In a manner approved by the department, a notification to conduct a training session shall be submitted to the department. All notifications shall be received by the department, or postmarked if mailed, no less than seven calendar days prior to the beginning of each training session to include the date, time, instructors, and location of the training session. The department may allow a session to be conducted with less than seven calendar days of notification with prior approval. Session notifications require no fee from the training school. A notification to conduct a training session shall be deemed to be in compliance unless the training school director is notified by the department to the contrary.

2. Notification of any changes to the date, time, or location or cancellation of a future training session must be submitted to the department in writing and received by the department at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled starting time of the class. In the event that a session must be canceled on the scheduled date, the department must be notified immediately followed by a cancellation in writing as soon as practical.

3. Course outline and training objectives must be approved by the department prior to offering a course of instruction for enrollment.

4. The training school director shall issue an original training completion form provided by the department to each student who satisfactorily completes a training session no later than five business days following the training completion date.

5. In a manner approved by the department, the training school director shall submit an original training completion roster to the department affirming each student's successful completion of the session. The training completion roster shall be received by the department within seven calendar days or, if mailed, postmarked no later than five business days following the training completion date and must be accompanied by the applicable, nonrefundable processing fee.

6. A written examination shall be administered at the conclusion of each entry-level training session. The examination shall be based on the applicable learning objectives. The student must attain a minimum grade of 70% for all entry-level training examinations and pass any applicable practical exercises to satisfactorily complete the training session.

7. Firearms classroom training shall be separately tested and graded. Individuals must achieve a minimum score of 70% on the firearms classroom training examination.

8. Failure to achieve a minimum score of 70% on the firearms classroom written examination will exclude the individual from the firearms range training.

9. To successfully complete the handgun or shotgun firearms range training, the individual must achieve a minimum qualification score of 75% of the scoring value of the target.

10. To successfully complete the advanced firearms range training, the individual must achieve a minimum qualification score of 92% of the scoring value of the target.

11. To successfully complete the patrol rifle firearms range training, the individual must achieve a minimum qualification score of 85% of the scoring value of the target.

C. Attendance.

1. Private security services business personnel enrolled in an approved training session are required to be present for the hours required for each training session unless they have been granted a partial exemption to training from the department.

2. Tardiness and absenteeism will not be permitted. Individuals violating these provisions will be required to make up any training missed. All training must be completed within the 12 months prior to application of a registration or certification. Individuals not completing the required training within this period are required to complete the entire training session.

3. Individuals who do not successfully complete the compulsory minimum training standards of the training session shall not be issued a training completion form or training certificate.

4. Each individual attending an approved training session shall comply with the regulations promulgated by the board and any other rules within the authority of the training school. If the training school director or instructor considers a violation of the rules detrimental to the training of other students or to involve cheating on examinations, the training school director or instructor may expel the individual from the school. Notification of such action shall immediately be reported to the employing firms and the department.

D. Standards of conduct.

1. The training school, training school director, and instructor shall at all times conform to the application requirements, administrative requirements, and standards of conduct established for certification as a training school and instructor.

2. Training sessions will be conducted by certified instructors or other individuals authorized to provide instruction pursuant to this chapter and each of whom must be present for all periods of instruction unless otherwise authorized by the department.

3. Training sessions will be conducted utilizing lesson plans developed including at a minimum the compulsory minimum training standards established by the board as prescribed in 6VAC20-174.

4. Instruction shall be provided in no less than 50-minute classes.

5. Training sessions shall not exceed nine hours of classroom instruction per day. Range qualification and practical exercises shall not be considered classroom instruction; however, total training, including the maximum allotment of nine hours classroom instruction and applicable range qualification and practical exercises, shall not exceed 12 hours per day. This does not include time allotted for breaks, meals, and testing.

6. All audiovisual training aids must be accompanied by a period of instruction where the instructor reviews the content of the presentation and the students are provided the opportunity to ask questions regarding the content.

7. A training session must adhere to the minimum compulsory training standards as set forth by the board and must be presented in its entirety. Training school directors may require additional hours of instruction, testing, or evaluation procedures.

8. A training session must provide accurate and current information to the students.

9. Mandated training that is not conducted in accordance with the Code of Virginia, 6VAC20-174, and this chapter is null and void.

10. A duplicate set of instructor course materials, including all student materials, shall be made available to any department inspector during the training session, if requested.

11. Certifiable in-service training may include a maximum of one hour of instruction dedicated to the review of regulations unless otherwise authorized by the department.

12. Live ammunition, pyrotechnics, and explosives are not to be utilized or present in any firearms training environment except on a firing range approved by the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-141 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 25, eff. September 9, 2015.

6VAC20-173-180. Online in-service training programs.

Online training programs may only be offered for compulsory minimum in-service training requirements. Online training programs shall meet the following requirements:

1. All online schools shall maintain a private security services training school certification in good standing and meet all of the administrative requirements and standards of conduct specified in this chapter.

2. All online training courses must meet the minimum compulsory in-service training standards as prescribed in 6VAC20-174 to include topic and hour requirements.

3. All online training courses must provide that a private security services instructor certified in the category of training in which the course is being offered is available to the students during normal business hours.

4. All online training material to include complete course content, performance objectives, and other applicable instructional material of mandated compulsory training requirements must be approved by the department prior to offering a course of instruction for enrollment.

5. Certifiable in-service training may include a maximum of one hour of instruction dedicated to the review of regulations unless otherwise authorized by the department.

6. All online training course content, lesson plans, course objectives, and other applicable instructional material must be updated every two years to ensure curriculum is current.

7. All online training must be delivered through a learning management system capable of managing training records, delivering course content, monitoring participation, assessing performance, and creating and editing course content.

8. Students enrolled in an online training program shall successfully complete all course material within 30 days of the first log-on to the training school learning management system or prior to the registration or certification expiration date or final reinstatement date.

9. All online training must include assessment instruments that evaluate student performance.

10. Training schools offering online courses that accept credit card payments shall subscribe to an e-commerce solution service to protect the security and integrity of the monetary transaction.

11. The learning management system used by a certified training school shall allow the department auditing access to the training system. Such auditing access shall be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

12. The learning management system shall be capable of generating a unique electronic notification of training completion for each student completing the course requirements and each course of instruction on a 24-hour a day basis.

13. The training completion form shall include the following:

a. The name, a unique identification number, and address of the individual;

b. The name of the particular course that the individual completed;

c. Dates of course completion;

d. Name, address, telephone number, and license number of the training school; and

e. Name and DCJS identification number of the school director and primary instructor.

14. The learning management system shall be capable of generating a training certificate for each student and each course of instruction that can be printed by the student's computer and printer. This training certificate shall only be made available to the student upon successful completion of all course material.

15. The learning management system shall be capable of capturing and archiving student information for a period of not less than three years.

16. Training schools offering online training courses will designate one individual as the network administrator for that school's network server. The network administrator will be the technical contact between the department and the training school. Upon termination of the services of the designated network administrator, a new administrator shall be designated and notification made to the department within 10 days after effective date of the change.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-141 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 25, eff. September 9, 2015.

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