Part IV. Physical Plant
8VAC20-780-250. Approval from other agencies; requirements prior to initial licensure.
A. Before issuance of the first license and before use of newly constructed, renovated, remodeled, or altered buildings or sections of buildings, written documentation of the following shall be provided by the center to the licensing representative:
1. Approval by the authority having jurisdiction that each building meets building and fire codes or that a plan of correction has been approved; and
Exception: Any building which is currently approved for school occupancy and which houses a public or private school during the school year shall be considered to have met the requirements of subdivision 1 of this subsection when housing a center only serving children two and a half years of age or older.
2. Approval from the local health department, or approval of a plan of correction, for meeting requirements for:
a. Water supply;
b. Sewage disposal system; and
c. Food service, if applicable.
B. For buildings built before 1978, the following shall be submitted before the initial license is issued:
1. A written statement from a person licensed in Virginia as an asbestos inspector and management planner as required by § 22.1-289.052 of the Code of Virginia and the requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (15 USC § 2641 et seq.); and
2. A written statement that the response actions to abate any risk to human health have been or will be initiated in accordance with a specific schedule and plan as recommended by the asbestos management planner in accordance with § 22.1-289.052 of the Code of Virginia.
C. A notice regarding the presence and location of asbestos containing materials and advising that the asbestos inspection report and management plan are available for review shall be posted.
Exception: The provisions of subsections B and C of this section do not apply to centers located in buildings required to be inspected according to Article 5 (§ 2.2-1162 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.
D. Before the first license is issued, camps shall notify the responsible fire department and the responsible emergency medical service of the camp location and hours of operation.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-320 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.1, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-250, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; amended and renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-260. Approval from other agencies; requirements subsequent to initial licensure.
A. The center shall provide to the licensing representative an annual fire inspection report from the appropriate fire official having jurisdiction.
Exception: If a center is located in a building currently housing a public or private school, the school's annual fire inspection report shall be accepted.
B. After the first license, annual approval from the health department shall be provided, or approvals of a plan of correction, for meeting requirements for:
1. Water supply;
2. Sewage disposal system; and
3. Food service, if applicable.
C. For those buildings where asbestos containing materials are detected and not removed:
1. A signed, written statement that the center is following the recommendations of the management plan shall be submitted to the department before subsequent licenses are issued; and
2. The notice regarding the presence and location of asbestos containing materials and advising that the asbestos inspection report and management plan are available for review shall continue to be posted.
3. Exception: The provisions of this subsection do not apply to child day centers located in buildings required to be inspected according to Article 5 (§ 2.2-1162 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-330 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.2, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-260, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-270. Building maintenance.
A. Areas and equipment of the center, inside and outside, shall be maintained in a clean, safe and operable condition. Unsafe conditions shall include, but not be limited to, splintered, cracked or otherwise deteriorating wood; chipped or peeling paint; visible cracks, bending or warping, rusting or breakage of any equipment; head entrapment hazards; and protruding nails, bolts or other components that could entangle clothing or snag skin.
B. Heat shall be supplied from a heating system approved in accordance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC, 13VAC5-62) except for camps. The heating system shall:
1. Be installed to prevent accessibility of children to the system; and
2. Have appropriate barriers to prevent children from being burned, shocked, or injured from heating equipment. In addition, proper supervision shall be available to prevent injury.
3. Exception: In case of emergency, portable heaters may be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
C. In inside areas occupied by children, the temperature shall be maintained no lower than 68°F.
D. Fans or other cooling systems shall be used when the temperature of inside areas occupied by children exceeds 80°F.
E. Drinking fountains or individual disposable cups with safe drinking water shall be accessible at all times.
F. Equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Outside lighting provided at entrances and exits used by children before sunrise or after sundown; and
2. An in-service, nonpay telephone.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-340 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.3, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-270, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-280. Hazardous substances and other harmful agents.
A. No center shall be located where conditions exist that would be hazardous to the health and safety of children.
B. Hazardous substances such as cleaning materials, insecticides, and pesticides shall be kept in a locked place using a safe locking method that prevents access by children.
1. If a key is used, the key shall not be accessible to the children.
2. Exception: Cleaning supplies to clean and sanitize the diapering area or toilet chairs do not need to be kept locked during diapering or toilet training time as long as they are inaccessible to children.
C. Pesticides or insecticides shall not be stored in areas used by children or in areas used for food preparation or storage.
D. Cleaning and sanitizing materials shall not be located above food, food equipment, utensils or single-service articles and shall be stored in areas physically separate from food.
E. Cleaning materials (e.g., detergents, sanitizers and polishes) and insecticides/pesticides shall be stored in areas physically separate from each other.
F. Hazardous substances shall be stored in the original container unless this container is of such a large size that its use would be impractical.
G. If hazardous substances are not kept in original containers, the substitute containers shall clearly indicate their contents and shall not resemble food or beverage containers.
H. Cosmetics, medications, or other harmful agents shall not be stored in areas, purses or pockets that are accessible to children.
I. Hazardous art and craft materials shall not be used with children.
J. Smoking shall be prohibited in the interior of a center that is not used for residential purposes.
K. In residential areas of the center and outside the center, smoking shall be prohibited in the presence of children.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-350 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.4, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-280, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-290. General physical plant requirements for centers serving children of preschool age or younger.
In areas used by children of preschool age or younger, the following shall apply:
1. Guardrails and handrails shall be provided in accordance with the USBC (13VAC5-62) in effect at time of first occupancy or construction.
2. Fans, when used, shall be out of reach of children and cords shall be secured so as not to create a tripping hazard.
3. Electrical outlets shall have protective covers that are of a size that cannot be swallowed by children.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-360 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.3, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-290, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-300. General physical plant requirements for centers serving school age children.
A. Any building which is currently approved for school occupancy and which houses a school during the school year shall be considered to have met the building requirements in this chapter when housing a center only serving school age children.
B. Portable camping equipment for heating or cooking that is not required to be approved by the building official shall bear the label of a nationally recognized inspection agency and be used in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, except for charcoal and wood burning cooking equipment.
C. No cooking or heating shall occur in tents except as provided by the USBC (13VAC5-62).
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-370 derived from Virginia Register Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-300, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; amended and renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-310. Areas.
A. Indoor space shall be measured inside wall-to-wall excluding spaces not routinely used by children as referenced in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection:
1. Areas not routinely used for children's activities shall not be calculated as available space.
2. Space not calculated shall include, but not be limited to, offices, hallways, restrooms, kitchens, storage rooms or closets.
B. There shall be 25 square feet of indoor space available per child until subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection take effect.
1. Effective June 1, 2008, applicants must have 35 square feet of indoor wall-to-wall space per child.
2. Current licensees and subsequent licensees at currently licensed facilities may continue to provide 25 square feet per child.
3. New additions shall have 35 square feet of indoor wall-to-wall space per child effective June 1, 2008.
C. Space in areas used by infants shall be calculated separately from space for older children. There shall be a minimum of 25 square feet of space per infant excluding space occupied by cribs and changing tables or a minimum of 35 square feet of available space per infant including space occupied by cribs and changing tables.
D. Camps for school age children are not required to meet this space requirement. However, when weather prevents outdoor activities, the required indoor space per child shall be provided either at the program site or at a predesignated, approved location off site.
E. When children are on the outdoor play area, at least 75 square feet of space per child shall be provided at any one time.
F. Centers licensed for the care of infants and toddlers shall provide a separate playground area for these children that has at least 25 square feet of unpaved surface per infant/toddler on the outdoor area at any one time. This space may be counted as part of the 75 square feet required in subsection B of this section.
G. A separate space shall be designated for children who are ill or injured.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-380 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.7, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-310, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021.
8VAC20-780-320. Restroom areas and furnishings.
A. Centers shall have at least two toilets and two sinks.
B. Each restroom area provided for children shall:
1. Be within a contained area, readily available and within the building used by the children (Restrooms used by school age children at camps are not required to be located within the building);
2. Have toilets that are flushable;
3. Have sinks located near the toilets and that are supplied with running warm water that does not exceed 120°F (Camps are exempt from the requirement that running water be warm); and
4. Be equipped with soap, toilet paper, and disposable towels or an air dryer within reach of children.
C. For restrooms available to males, urinals shall not be substituted for more than one-half the required number of toilets.
D. An adult size toilet with privacy shall be provided for staff use. Staff toilets may be counted in the number of required toilets for children only if children are allowed unrestricted access to them. Primitive camps are not required to have a toilet with privacy for staff.
E. Centers shall have at least one toilet and one sink per 20 preschool children and at least one standard size toilet and one sink per 30 school age children. When sharing restroom areas with other programs, the children in those programs shall be included in the toilet and sink ratio calculations. The toilet and sink ratio appropriate to the younger age group shall apply.
F. When child size toilets, urinals, and low sinks are not available in restrooms used by children of preschool age and younger, one or more platforms or sets of steps shall be provided.
G. A restroom used for school age children that contains more than one toilet shall have at least one toilet enclosed.
H. Restrooms used by school age children at primitive camps are not required to have:
1. Sinks, if adequate water, supplies, and equipment for hand washing are available; and
2. Flushable toilets, if the number of sanitary privies or portable toilets constructed and operated in accordance with the applicable law and regulations of the Virginia Department of Health meets the toilet ratio stated in subsection E of this section. No privy or outdoor toilet shall be located within 75 feet of other buildings or camp activities.
Statutory Authority
§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-289.046 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Former 22VAC15-30-390 derived from VR175-08-01 § 4.8, eff. November 1, 1993; amended, Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 4, eff. March 1, 1996; Volume 14, Issue 21, eff. September 1, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 12, eff. June 1, 2005; amended and renumbered as 22VAC40-185-320, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 1, eff. November 1, 2012; renumbered Volume 37, Issue 24, eff. July 1, 2021; Volume 38, Issue 2, eff. October 13, 2021.