

Authorities for Development of Former Federal Areas

§ 15.2-6300. Declaration of policy for authorities created by the Governor

This legislation is enacted to provide for the acquisition by political subdivisions of areas which have been or may hereafter be occupied as United States government military installations and which are disposed of by the United States government. The industrial and economic development of localities included in or adjacent to such military installations and the tax revenues of the Commonwealth will be seriously affected by the manner in which such areas are returned to nonmilitary uses and to the tax rolls, no provision having been made therefor. The proper development of such areas industrially and otherwise is required so that local governments may derive revenues with which to render necessary services to their citizens and so that industrial development; job creation; and housing, recreational, commercial, educational and other economic and social development may be fostered and stimulated to prevent the creation of blighted areas in the Commonwealth with resultant injury to all. The creation by this chapter and operation of authorities pursuant to this chapter are governmental functions of the gravest concern to the Commonwealth and the need for this enactment being a matter of legislative policy such need is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination.

Code 1950, § 15-937; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1320; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587; 2005, cc. 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6300.1. Declaration of policy for authorities created by a locality

It is further found and declared that: It being the policy of the federal government to promote the development of federal employee housing, including military housing, office buildings and other infrastructure through partnerships with private and governmental entities, the purpose of such transactions being to help the federal government get needed infrastructure in place more quickly, and to increase the value of its installations, the creation and operation of the authorities by a locality and the granting to such an authority of the powers set forth under this chapter are necessary for the public welfare, to enable more efficient cooperation with the federal government, and to increase the value of federal installations in the Commonwealth.

2005, cc. 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6301. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matter requires otherwise:

"Adjacent to such authority" includes real or personal property which is contiguous, neighboring, or within reasonable proximity of an authority.

"Area of operation" means an area coextensive with the territorial boundaries of the land acquired from the federal government by the authority.

"Authority" means any political subdivision created by this chapter. The terms "an authority" or "the authority" refer to each such authority.

"Bonds" means any bonds, notes, interim certificates, debentures, or other obligations issued by an authority pursuant to this chapter.

"Commissioners" means the members of the board of commissioners of an authority.

"Facility" means a particular building or structure or particular buildings or structures, including all equipment, appurtenances and accessories necessary or appropriate for the operation of such facility.

"Federal area" means an area coextensive with the territorial boundaries that is, or has been, occupied by a United States governmental activity or operation.

"Federal government" includes the United States of America, or any department, agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States of America.

"Former federal area" means an area coextensive with the territorial boundaries that is, or has been, occupied by a United States governmental military installation and which is, or appears likely to be, subject to disposal by the United States government to public bodies, or otherwise.

"Obligee of the authority" or "obligee" includes any bondholder, trustee or trustees for any bondholders, and the federal government when it is a party to any contract with the authority.

"Project" means any specific enterprise undertaken by an authority, including the facilities as hereinafter defined, and all other property, real or personal or any interest therein, necessary or appropriate for the operation of such property.

"Public body of the Commonwealth" means any city, town, county, municipal corporation, commission, district, authority, other political subdivision or public body of the Commonwealth.

"Real property" means all lands, including improvements and fixtures thereon, and property of any nature appurtenant thereto, or used in connection therewith, and every estate, interest and right, legal or equitable, therein, including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage, or otherwise and the indebtedness secured by such liens.

Code 1950, § 15-938; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1321; 1997, c. 587; 2005, cc. 839, 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6302. Establishment of development authorities

With regard to an authority created by the Governor, there is hereby created with respect to every former federal area a political subdivision of the Commonwealth, with such public and corporate powers as are set forth in this chapter. Each such authority shall be designated as the ____________________ Development Authority (with a name chosen by the Governor descriptive of the area in which the property is located); however, no authority shall exercise any power or transact any business hereunder unless or until the Governor upon receipt of a duly certified resolution of the governing body of each of the localities within the area of operation of an authority requesting such action, shall proclaim that a former federal area exists with respect to which an authority should function under the terms of this chapter. Any such authority for which such a proclamation has been issued may proceed to transact business and to exercise its powers hereunder at any time after the selection of the commissioners of the authority, as set forth in § 15.2-6304.

Alternatively, the governing body of the City of Hampton may by ordinance create a development authority for the development or redevelopment of federal areas. The ordinance creating such an authority shall not be adopted or approved until a public hearing has been held on the question of its adoption or approval.

In any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or enforcement of or relating to any contract of or action by the authority, the authority shall be conclusively presumed to have been established and authorized to transact business and exercise its powers hereunder (i) upon proof of the action of the Governor in issuing a proclamation with reference to such authority and the designation of its name by the Governor, which descriptive name can be altered by the authority as may be deemed expedient, or (ii) upon the adoption and approval of an ordinance by the City of Hampton in accordance with this section.

Code 1950, § 15-939; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1322; 1997, c. 587; 2003, c. 246; 2005, cc. 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6303. Authorities to file annual reports

At least once a year, each authority shall file with the Governor a report of its activities for the preceding year.

Code 1950, § 15-940; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1323; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6304. Board of commissioners; appointment of director, agents and employees

A. All powers, rights and duties conferred by this chapter, or other provisions of law, upon an authority created hereunder shall be exercised by a board of commissioners of that authority, hereinafter referred to as board or board of commissioners.

B. In the case of authorities created by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to § 15.2-6302, the board shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Governor, of whom at least five shall be residents of the locality or localities in which the authority is located. The members shall serve for terms of six years each, the initial appointment to be two members for terms of six years, two members for terms of five years, two members for terms of four years and one member for a term of three years, and subsequent appointments to be made for terms of six years, except appointments to fill vacancies which shall be made for the unexpired term.

C. In the case of authorities created by the City of Hampton pursuant to § 15.2-6302, the board shall initially consist of up to seven members appointed by the locality in which the authority is located, all of whom shall be residents of such locality. Beginning in 2010, the board shall consist of up to nine members appointed by the locality in which the authority is located, all of whom shall be residents of such locality. The members shall serve for terms of not more than four years each. If a member resigns, dies, or is otherwise removed from his position on the board, the locality may appoint a new member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.

D. Members shall receive from the authority their necessary travel and business expenses while on business of the board. Each commissioner shall before entering on his duties take and subscribe the oath prescribed by § 49-1.

E. The board shall appoint the chief executive officer of the authority, who shall not be a member thereof, to be known as the director of that authority, hereinafter referred to as director, and whose compensation shall be paid by the authority in the amount determined by the board. The board shall employ or retain such other agents or employees subordinate to the director as may be necessary, including persons with special qualifications, and shall determine which such agents or employees shall be bonded and the amount of such bonds. The director and other agents and employees so appointed shall serve at the pleasure of the board, which shall fix their compensation and prescribe their duties.

The board shall elect from its membership a chairman, vice-chairman, a secretary and a treasurer, or secretary-treasurer, and shall prescribe their powers and duties. Four members shall constitute a quorum of the board for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes. The board shall keep detailed minutes of its proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection. It shall keep suitable records of all of its financial transactions and shall arrange to have the same audited annually.

Code 1950, § 15-941; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1324; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587; 2005, cc. 869, 887; 2007, cc. 707, 740; 2010, cc. 338, 381, 460.

§ 15.2-6304.1. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 2010, cc. 338 and 460, cl. 3.

§ 15.2-6305. Powers and duties of director

The director shall exercise such of the powers and duties relating to the authority conferred upon the board as may be delegated to him by the board, including powers and duties involving the exercise of discretion. The director shall also exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be lawfully delegated to him, and such powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed upon him by law.

Code 1950, § 15-942; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1325; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6306. Principal and branch offices

The board of each authority created by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to § 15.2-6302 shall establish a principal office within one of the counties included in the authority. The board may also establish such branch offices as may be considered by the board to be appropriate to the efficient operation of the authority.

Code 1950, § 15-943; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1326; 1997, c. 587; 2005, cc. 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6307. Legal services

For such legal services as it may require, the authority may employ its own counsel and legal staff or make use of legal services made available to it by any public body, or both.

Code 1950, § 15-944; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1327; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6308. Powers of authorities generally

An authority shall have the following powers:

1. To sue and be sued; to adopt and use a common seal and to alter the same as may be deemed expedient; to have perpetual succession; to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers of the authority; and to make and from time to time amend and repeal bylaws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the authority.

2. To foster and stimulate the industrial, social and other economic development of its area of operation, including without limitation development for industrial, employment, housing, commercial, recreational, educational and other public purposes; to prepare and carry out plans and projects to accomplish such objectives; to provide for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, alteration, maintenance, removal, equipping or repair of any buildings, structures or land of any kind; to sell, lease or rent to others or to develop, operate or manage with others in a joint venture or other partnering arrangement, on such terms as it deems proper and which are consistent with the provisions of § 15.2-6317, any lands, dwellings, houses, accommodations, structures, buildings, facilities, or appurtenances embraced within its area of operations; to establish, collect and revise the rents charged and terms and conditions of occupancy thereof; to terminate any such lease or rental obligation upon the failure of the lessee or renter to comply with any of the obligations thereof; to arrange or contract for the furnishing by any person or agency, public or private, of works, services, privileges or facilities in connection with any activity in which the authority may engage; to acquire, own, hold, and improve real or personal property; to purchase, lease, obtain options upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, easement, dedication or otherwise any real or personal property or any interest therein, which purchase, lease, or acquisition may be made for less than fair market value; to sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign, or pledge any real or personal property or any interest therein, which sale, lease, or other transfer or assignment may be made for less than fair market value; to dedicate, make a gift of, or lease for a nominal amount, any real or personal property or any interest therein to the Commonwealth, or the localities or agencies, public or private, within the area of operation or adjacent to such authority, jointly or severally, for public use or benefit, such as, but not limited to, game preserves, playgrounds, park and recreational areas and facilities, hospitals, clinics, schools and airports; to acquire, lease, maintain, alter, operate, improve, expand, sell or otherwise dispose of on-site utility and infrastructure systems or sell any excess service capacity for off-site use; to acquire, lease, construct, maintain and operate and dispose of tracks, spurs, crossings, terminals, warehouses and terminal facilities of every kind and description necessary or useful in the transportation and storage of goods, wares and merchandise; and to insure or provide for the insurance of any real or personal property or operation of the authority against any risks or hazards.

3. To invest any funds held in reserves or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursements, in property or security in which fiduciaries may legally invest funds subject to their control; to purchase its bonds at a price not more than the principal amount thereof and accrued interest, all bonds so purchased to be cancelled.

4. To undertake and carry out examinations, investigations, studies and analyses of the business, industrial, agricultural, utility, transportation and other economic development needs, requirements and potentialities of its area of operation, or off-site needs, requirements and potentialities which directly affect the successful industrial and economic development of its area of operation, and the manner in which such needs and requirements and potentialities are being met, or should be met, in order to accomplish the purposes for which it is created; to make use of the facts determined in such research and analyses in its own operation; and to make the results of such studies and analyses available to public bodies and to private individuals, groups and businesses, except as such information may be exempted pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.).

5. In the discharge of its enumerated powers, to cooperate with the federal government, the Commonwealth and the localities within its area of operation or adjacent to such authority.

6. To appoint an authority advisory committee to advise it, consisting of such number of persons as it may deem proper. Such persons so appointed shall be residents of the locality in which the authority is located. They shall not receive any compensation for their services but may be reimbursed for their necessary traveling and other expenses incurred while on business of the authority.

7. To exercise all or any part or combination of powers herein granted.

8. To do any and all other acts and things that may be reasonably necessary and convenient to carry out its purposes and powers.

No provision of law with respect to the acquisition, operation or disposition of property by other political subdivisions or public bodies shall be applicable to an authority unless specifically stated therein. In any locality where planning, zoning or development regulations may apply, the authority shall comply with and is subject to those regulations to the same extent as a private commercial or industrial enterprise.

Code 1950, § 15-946; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1329; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587; 2005, cc. 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6308.1. Approval of Governor required

If an authority desires to undertake a project or other activity as provided in this chapter, and the property involved in such undertaking is subject to a reversionary interest in favor of the Commonwealth, such undertaking shall require the prior approval of the Governor but shall not require the approval of any other agency or political subdivision of the Commonwealth. Once the Governor grants such approval, the Commonwealth's reversionary interest in such property shall be subordinate to any lease, mortgage, or other transaction entered into by such authority with regard to such property.

2005, cc. 869, 887.

§ 15.2-6309. Two or more authorities may join or cooperate in exercising powers

Any two or more authorities may join or cooperate with one another in the exercise, either jointly or otherwise, of any or all of the powers granted to such authorities.

Code 1950, § 15-947; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1330; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6310. Payments to Commonwealth or political subdivisions thereof

An authority may agree to make such payments to the Commonwealth, a locality, or any political subdivision thereof, which payments such bodies are hereby authorized to accept, as the authority finds consistent with the purposes for which the authority has been created.

Code 1950, § 15-948; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1331; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6311. Authorities may borrow money, accept contributions, etc

In addition to the powers conferred upon an authority by other provisions of this chapter, an authority is empowered to borrow money or accept contributions, grants or other financial assistance from the federal government; the Commonwealth; any locality or political subdivision; or any agency or instrumentality thereof; or from any source, public or private, for or in aid of any project of the authority, and to these ends, to comply with such conditions and enter into such mortgages, trust indentures, leases or agreements as may be necessary, convenient or desirable.

Code 1950, § 15-949; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1332; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6312. Authorities empowered to issue bonds; additional security; liability thereon

An authority shall have power to issue bonds from time to time in its discretion, for any of its corporate purposes, including the issuance of refunding bonds for the payment or retirement of bonds previously issued by it. An authority may issue such type of bonds as it may determine, including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing):

1. Bonds on which the principal and interest are payable:

a. Exclusively from the income and revenues of the project or facility financed with the proceeds of such bonds; or

b. Exclusively from the income and revenues of certain designated projects or facilities whether or not they are financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of such bonds; or

c. From its revenues generally.

2. Bonds on which the principal and/or interest are payable solely from contributions or grants received from the federal government, the Commonwealth or any other source, public or private.

Any such bonds may be additionally secured by a pledge of any grants or contributions from the federal government, the Commonwealth or any political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or other source, or a pledge of any income or revenues of the authority, or a mortgage of any particular projects or facilities or other property of the authority.

Neither the commissioners of an authority nor any person executing the bonds shall be liable personally on the bonds by reason of the issuance thereof. The bonds and other obligations of an authority (and such bonds and obligations shall so state on their face) shall not be a debt of the Commonwealth, or any political subdivision thereof (other than the issuing authority), and neither the Commonwealth nor any political subdivision thereof (other than the issuing authority) shall be liable thereon, nor shall such bonds or obligations be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the authority. The bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any debt limitation or restriction. Bonds of an authority are declared to be issued for an essential public and governmental purpose.

Code 1950, § 15-950; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1333; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6313. Bonds to be authorized by resolution of board; terms; sale; negotiability; validity

Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by resolution of its board and may be issued in one or more series and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, bear interest at such annual rate or rates, not exceeding nine percent, be in such denomination or denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such conversion or registration privileges, have such rank or priority, be executed in such manner, be payable to such medium of payment, at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption (with or without premium) as such resolution, its trust indenture or mortgage may provide. The bonds may be sold at public or private sale.

In case any of the commissioners or officers of the authority whose signatures appear on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such commissioners or officers before the delivery of such bonds, such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such commissioners or officers had remained in office until such delivery. Any provisions of any law to the contrary notwithstanding, any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall be fully negotiable within the meaning and for all the purposes of Title 8.3A.

In any suit, action or proceedings involving the validity or enforceability of any bond of an authority or the security therefor, any such bond reciting in substance that it has been issued by the authority to aid in financing a specific project or facility of such authority shall be conclusively deemed to have been issued for such enumerated purpose and such project or facility shall be conclusively deemed to have been conducted and operated in all respects in accordance with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

Code 1950, § 15-951; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1334; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6314. Exemption from taxation; authorities to be municipal corporate instrumentalities of Commonwealth

The bonds or other securities issued by an authority, the interest thereon, and all real and personal property and any interest therein of an authority, and all income derived therefrom by an authority shall at all times be free from taxation by the Commonwealth, or by any political subdivision thereof. The authority shall be regarded as a municipal corporate instrumentality of the Commonwealth for the purpose of discharging its functions and exercising its powers under this chapter.

Code 1950, § 15-952; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1335; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6314.1. Applicability of the Virginia Personnel Act and the Virginia Public Procurement Act

A. Employees of an authority created by a locality shall be exempt from the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) if (i) the locality has personnel policies and procedures that are consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Virginia Personnel Act and (ii) such authority adopts the locality's personnel policies and procedures. In any event, personnel actions shall be taken without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or political affiliation.

B. Any authority created under this chapter shall be subject to the terms of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.). Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the U.S. Department of Defense place a federal area on a list of installations to be closed or realigned under the authority granted to the U.S. Department of Defense pursuant to the federal Defense Base Closure And Realignment Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-501, as amended through the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2003), and such federal area is subject to the jurisdiction of an authority created by a locality, such listing of that installation shall qualify as an "emergency" under subsection F of § 2.2-4303 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act.

2005, cc. 869, 887; 2020, c. 1137; 2023, cc. 148, 149.

§ 15.2-6315. Provisions for securing payment of bonds

In order to secure the payment of such bonds, the authority shall have power by provision or provisions included in any resolution authorizing said bonds or in any indenture made to secure their payment:

1. To pledge all or any part of its gross or net rents, fees or revenues to which its right then exists or may thereafter come into existence.

2. To mortgage all or any part of its real or personal property, then owned or thereafter acquired.

3. To covenant against pledging all or any part of its rents, fees and revenues, or against mortgaging all or any part of its real or personal property to which its right or title then exists or may thereafter come into existence or against permitting or suffering any lien on such revenues or property; to covenant with respect to limitations on its right to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any property or any part thereof; and to covenant as to what other or additional debts or obligations may be incurred by it.

4. To covenant as to the bonds to be issued and as to the issuance of such bonds in escrow or otherwise, and as to the use and disposition of the proceeds thereof; to provide for the replacement of lost, destroyed or mutilated bonds; to covenant against extending the time of the payment of its bonds or interest thereon; and to redeem the bonds, and to covenant for their redemption and to provide the terms and conditions thereof.

5. To covenant as to the rents and fees to be charged in the operation of a specific project or facility, the amount to be raised each year or other period of time by rents, fees, and other revenues, and as to the use and disposition to be made thereof; to create or to authorize the creation of special funds for moneys held for construction or operating costs, debt service, reserves, or other purposes, and to covenant as to the use and disposition of the moneys held in such funds.

6. To prescribe the procedure, if any, by which the terms of any contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds the holders of which must consent thereto and the manner in which such consent may be given.

7. To covenant as to the use of any or all of its real or personal property; and to covenant as to the maintenance of its real and personal property, the replacement thereof, the insurance to be carried thereon and the use and disposition of insurance moneys.

8. To covenant as to the rights, liabilities, powers and duties arising upon the breach by it of any covenant, condition, or obligation; and to covenant and prescribe as to events of default and terms and conditions upon which any or all of its bonds or obligations shall become or may be declared due before maturity, and as to the terms and conditions upon which such declaration and its consequences may be waived.

9. To vest in a trustee or trustees or the holders of bonds or any proportion of them the right to enforce the payment of the bonds or any covenants securing or relating to the bonds; to vest in a trustee or trustees the right, in the event of a default by the authority, to take possession and use, operate and manage any property or part thereof, and to collect the rents and revenues arising therefrom and to dispose of such moneys in accordance with the agreement of the authority with said trustee; to provide for the powers and duties of a trustee or trustees and to limit the liabilities thereof; and to provide the terms and conditions upon which the trustee or trustees or the holders of bonds or any portion of them may enforce any covenant or rights securing or relating to the bonds.

10. To exercise all or any part or combination of the powers herein granted; and to make covenants other than and in addition to the covenants herein expressly authorized, of like or different character; to make such covenant and to do any and all such acts and things as may be necessary or convenient or desirable in order to secure its bonds, or in the absolute discretion of the authority as will tend to make the bonds more marketable notwithstanding that such covenants, acts or things may not be enumerated herein.

Code 1950, § 15-953; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1336; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6316. Rights and remedies of obligees

An obligee of an authority shall have the right in addition to all other rights which may be conferred on such obligee, subject only to any contractual restrictions binding upon such obligee:

1. By mandamus, suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity to compel the authority and the commissioners, officers, agents or employees thereof, to perform each and every term, provision and covenant contained in any contract of the authority with or for the benefit of such obligee, and to require the carrying out of any or all such covenants and agreements of the authority and the fulfillment of all duties imposed upon the authority by this chapter.

2. By suit, action or proceeding in equity, to enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or the violation of any of the rights of such obligee of the authority.

Code 1950, § 15-954; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1337; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6317. Rents, fees and charges; disposition of revenues

The rents, fees and charges established by the authority for the use of its property, projects and facilities and for any other service furnished or provided by the authority shall be fixed so that they, together with other revenues of the authority, shall provide at least sufficient funds to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing and operating the authority, its property, projects and facilities and the principal and interest of any bonds issued by the authority or other debts contracted as the same shall become due and payable. A reserve may be accumulated and maintained out of the revenues of the authority for extraordinary repairs and expenses and for such other purposes as may be provided in any resolution authorizing a bond issue or in any trust indenture securing such bonds. Subject to such provisions and restrictions as may be set forth in the resolution or in the trust indenture authorizing or securing any of the bonds or other obligations issued hereunder, the authority shall have exclusive control of the revenue derived from the operation of the authority and the right to use such revenues in the exercise of its powers and duties set forth in this chapter. No person, firm, association or corporation shall receive any profit or dividend from the revenues, earnings or other funds or assets of such authority other than for debts contracted, for services rendered, for materials and supplies furnished and for other value actually received by the authority.

Code 1950, § 15-955; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1338; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6318. Investment in bonds issued by authorities

The Commonwealth and all public officers, municipal corporations, political subdivisions, and public bodies, all banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks and institutions, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking business, all insurance companies, except domestic life insurance companies, and all fiduciaries may legally invest any sinking funds, moneys or other funds belonging to them or within their control in any bonds or other obligations issued by any such authority, and such bonds and other obligations shall be authorized security for all public deposits and shall be fully negotiable in this Commonwealth; it being the purpose of this chapter to authorize any persons, firms, corporations, associations, political subdivisions, bodies and officers, public or private, to use any funds owned or controlled by them, including (but not limited to) sinking, insurance, investment, retirement, compensation, pension funds, and funds held on deposit, for the purchase of any such bonds or other obligations and that any such bonds or other obligations shall be authorized security for all public deposits and shall be fully negotiable in this Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 15-956; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1339; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6319. Dissolution of authority

Whenever the commission of the authority by resolution determines that the purposes for which the authority was formed have been substantially complied with and all bonds issued and all obligations incurred by the authority have been fully paid, the commission shall execute and file for record with the governing body or bodies of the locality in which the authority was created, a resolution declaring such facts. If the governing bodies are of the opinion that the facts stated in the authority's resolution are true and the authority should be dissolved, they shall so resolve; however, in the case of an authority created by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to § 15.2-6302, the authority shall not be dissolved unless or until the Governor, upon determination that such dissolution is appropriate or upon receipt of a duly certified resolution of each governing body of each locality within the area of operation of the authority requesting dissolution, shall proclaim that the authority is dissolved. Any such authority for which such a proclamation was issued shall be dissolved as of the date on which the proclamation was issued. Upon dissolution, the title to all funds and properties owned by the authority at the time of such dissolution shall vest, (i) in the case of authorities created by proclamation of the Governor, in the localities in the area of operation or to not-for-profit agencies, public or private, as may be designated by the localities, or (ii) in the case of authorities created by the City of Hampton pursuant to § 15.2-6302, in such locality or to not-for-profit agencies, public or private, as may be designated by such locality.

1996, c. 740, § 15.1-1339.1; 1997, c. 587; 2005, cc. 869, 887; 2011, cc. 126, 178; 2014, c. 640.

§ 15.2-6320. Powers conferred additional and supplemental; liberal construction

The powers conferred by this chapter shall be in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law. This chapter shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes hereof.

Code 1950, § 15-957; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1340; 1996, c. 740; 1997, c. 587; 2015, c. 709.

§ 15.2-6321. Chapter controlling over inconsistent laws

Insofar as the provisions of this chapter are inconsistent with the provisions of any other law, general, special or local, including provisions of charters of localities, the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling.

Code 1950, § 15-958; 1954, c. 645; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1341; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-6322. Sovereign immunity

No provisions of this chapter nor act of an authority, including the procurement of insurance or self-insurance, shall be deemed a waiver of any sovereign immunity to which the authority or its directors, officers, employees, or agents are otherwise entitled.

2005, cc. 869, 887.