

Public School Authority, Virginia

§ 22.1-162. Definitions

As used in this chapter:

1. "Authority" means the Virginia Public School Authority.

2. "Board of Commissioners" means the Board of Commissioners of the Authority.

3. "Bonds of the Authority" includes notes and other obligations issued by the Authority for any of its purposes.

4. "Local school bonds" means bonds or other obligations issued by counties, cities and towns under the provisions of Chapter 26 (§ 15.2-2600 et seq.) of Title 15.2 solely for the purpose of financing capital projects for public schools.

1980, c. 559.

§ 22.1-163. Authority created; public body corporate and agency of Commonwealth

The Virginia Public School Authority is created as a public body corporate and an agency and instrumentality of the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 22-29.3; 1962, c. 194; 1980, c. 559; 1998, cc. 4, 900.

§ 22.1-164. Board of Commissioners; membership; terms; compensation and expenses; chairman and vice-chairman; quorum; employees, agents, etc

All powers, rights and duties conferred by this chapter or other provisions of law upon the Authority shall be exercised by the Board of Commissioners of the Virginia Public School Authority. The Board of Commissioners shall consist of the State Treasurer, the State Comptroller, the Superintendent of Public Instruction or his designee, and five additional members to be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor for terms of six years each. Appointments to fill vacancies other than by expiration of term shall be made for the unexpired terms. The chairman and members of the Board of Commissioners shall receive such compensation as provided for by law.

The Governor shall designate one member of the Board of Commissioners as chairman who shall serve a two-year term. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms as chairman. The chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Authority and shall receive such compensation as the Governor shall fix. The State Treasurer, the State Comptroller, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and his designee shall be ineligible to serve as chairman. The chairman shall sign and execute all vouchers for the disbursement of funds belonging to the Authority upon authorization by the Board. Five members of the Board of Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business of the Authority. The Board of Commissioners shall elect one of its members as vice-chairman, who shall exercise the powers of the chairman when so directed by the chairman.

The Board of Commissioners may employ or retain such employees, agents, financial advisers and attorneys as it may deem necessary and fix their compensation.

Code 1950, § 22-29.4; 1962, c. 194; 1972, c. 745; 1976, c. 22; 1980, cc. 559, 728; 2011, cc. 691, 714.

§ 22.1-165. Management and administration of moneys, etc., transferred from Literary Fund

The Authority shall manage and administer as provided in this chapter all moneys or obligations that may be set aside and transferred to it from the principal of the Literary Fund by the General Assembly for public school purposes pursuant to Article VIII, Section 8 of the Constitution of Virginia and any funds authorized by the General Assembly from the Literary Fund or otherwise appropriated by the General Assembly for public school purposes.

Code 1950, § 22-29.5; 1962, c. 194; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 1; 1980, c. 559; 1990, c. 909.

§ 22.1-166. Purchase and sale of local school bonds

The Authority is authorized to purchase local school bonds with any funds of the Authority available for such purpose, at public or private sale and for such price and on such terms as it shall determine. The Authority may pledge to the payment of the interest on and the principal of any bonds of the Authority all or any part of the local school bonds so purchased, including payments of principal and interest thereon as they shall become due. The Authority may also, subject to any such pledge, sell any such local school bonds so purchased and apply the proceeds of such sale in the purchase of other like local school bonds or for such purpose and in such manner as shall be provided by any resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds of the Authority, or the Authority may transfer such proceeds to the Literary Fund. For the purpose of Article VII, Section 10(b) of the Constitution of Virginia, the Authority shall be deemed a state agency authorized to purchase bonds issued with the consent of the school board and the governing body of the county by or on behalf of a county or district thereof for capital projects for school purposes.

Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, any city completely surrounded by a county having the urban county executive form of government may finance capital projects for school purposes through the Authority without the requirement of a voter referendum if the financing for the capital project is requested by both the city council and the school board.

The proceeds of all local school bonds issued pursuant to this chapter prior to July 1, 1975, may be used for any capital project for public schools as provided in the resolution by which their issuance was authorized.

Code 1950, § 22-29.6; 1962, c. 194; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 87; 1972, c. 745; 1975, c. 434; 1976, c. 491; 1980, c. 559; 1989, c. 456.

§ 22.1-166.1. Loans to local school boards

The Authority is authorized to make loans or loan interest rate subsidy payments, from any of the funds of the Authority available for such purpose, to local school boards for the purpose of acquiring and installing capital projects for school purposes for which loans from the Literary Fund are not immediately available. For the purpose of this section and § 22.1-166.2, capital projects for school purposes shall mean motor vehicles and educational technology equipment.

A. No loan from the Authority shall exceed 100 percent of the cost of the capital project for school purposes for which such loan is made.

B. A loan from the Authority shall be evidenced by notes payable to the Authority, executed or signed by the chairman of the school board, with the approval of the local governing body, attested by the clerk thereof and deposited with the State Treasurer. Payments of interest and principal on such notes shall be made to the State Treasurer. Any loan from the Authority shall be repayable in installments as shall be approved by the local school board, as appropriate, with the final installment being due not more than thirty years after the date of such loan. The time of payment may be extended in the discretion of the Authority.

C. The local governing bodies and the local school boards of the several school divisions are authorized to borrow money from the Authority, at such rate or rates, fixed or variable, as shall be approved by the local school board; any local school board to borrow from the Authority shall first make written application to the Authority for such loan on a form to be prescribed by the Authority.

D. The governing body of any county, city, or town, if the town constitutes the school division, in which the local school board has borrowed money from the Authority shall include in its levies, and appropriate to the local school board, a fund sufficient to meet the liabilities of the local school board on such loan if and to the extent such liabilities are not otherwise provided for by the General Assembly. The governing body of any county in which the local school board has borrowed money from the Authority for capital projects located in a town in such county constituting a separate school division shall have authority to include, in its levies for such town, a levy sufficient to meet the liabilities of the local school board on such loan if and to the extent such liabilities are not otherwise provided for by the General Assembly and shall levy a separate tax in the rest of the county to meet its liabilities on any contract for capital projects outside such town. In the event that such local school board shall fail to pay any installment of interest or principal promptly, upon notice in writing to that effect from the State Treasurer, the county, city, or town treasurer shall pay to the State Treasurer any such past due installment of interest or principal out of the funds in his hands belonging to such county, city, or town. The failure of such governing body to provide for the payment of such loan or the interest thereon when and as due shall be deemed a cause for removal of the members thereof from office on motion before the circuit court having jurisdiction in such county, city, or town, instituted by the attorney for the Commonwealth of such county or city or by the Attorney General where the attorney for the Commonwealth refuses or neglects to act after demand on him to proceed.

E. The local school board of any school division composed of part or all of a county, with the approval of the governing body of the county, is authorized to borrow from the Authority for the purpose of financing capital projects in such county to serve a portion of such county. Taxes on property in the magisterial districts served by such capital projects shall be levied by the governing body of the county and collected for the purpose of repaying such loan; for the purposes of this section, a magisterial district shall not include a town constituting a separate school division but the governing body of the county may levy a separate tax on property in a town in such county constituting a separate school division to repay money borrowed by such county from the Authority for the purpose of financing capital projects in such town. Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, all other provisions of law relating to loans from the Authority shall apply to a loan authorized by this subsection.

F. Any local school board which is indebted for any money borrowed from the Authority may anticipate the payment of the principal amount of any such loans, or any part thereof, by the payment of such principal amount with interest thereon to the date of such anticipated payment and may borrow money and issue bonds for the purpose of raising funds to pay any notes or other obligations of the local school board now and hereafter held by the Authority.

1990, c. 909.

§ 22.1-166.2. Grants to local school boards

The Authority is authorized to make grants of money, from any of the funds of the Authority available for such purpose, to local school boards for the purchase of capital projects for school purposes.

1990, c. 909.

§ 22.1-167. Issuance of bonds of Authority

In order to provide funds for the purchase of local school bonds as authorized by § 22.1-166, to provide funds for the making of loans to local school boards as authorized by § 22.1-166.1, or to provide funds for the making of grants to local school boards as authorized by § 22.1-166.2, the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to provide by resolution, at one time or from time to time, for the issuance of bonds of the Authority in such amount or amounts as the Board of Commissioners shall determine. Such bonds of the Authority shall be payable solely from funds of the Authority, including, without limitation, all or any combination of the following sources: (i) payments of principal of and interest on local school bonds purchased by the Authority, (ii) the proceeds of the sale of any such local school bonds, (iii) payments of principal of and interest on obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund, (iv) the proceeds of the sale of any such obligations, (v) any moneys transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund, (vi) payments of principal of and interest on loans made to local school boards, and (vii) any funds authorized by the General Assembly from the Literary Fund or otherwise appropriated by the General Assembly, as shall be provided by the resolution of the Board of Commissioners authorizing any such bonds. Bonds of the Authority issued under the provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth or a pledge of the faith or credit of the Commonwealth, and all bonds of the Authority shall contain on the face thereof a statement to the effect that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth or of any political subdivision thereof is or shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on such bonds.

The bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall bear interest and shall mature at such time or times, not exceeding thirty years from their date or dates, as may be determined by the Board of Commissioners and may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the Board of Commissioners, at such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the Board of Commissioners prior to the issuance of the bonds. The principal and interest of such bonds may be made payable in any lawful medium. The Board of Commissioners shall determine the form of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and the manner of execution of the bonds and shall fix the denomination or denominations of the bonds and the place or places of payment of principal and interest thereof, which may be at the office of the State Treasurer or at any bank or trust company within or without the Commonwealth. If any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on any bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds, such signature or such facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery. All bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter shall have and are hereby declared to have, as between successive holders, all the qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the negotiable instruments law of the Commonwealth. The bonds may be issued in coupon or in registered form or both, as the Board of Commissioners may determine, and provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and as to both principal and interest and for the reconversion of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest into coupon bonds. The Board of Commissioners may sell such bonds in such manner, either at public or at private sale, and for such price as it may determine to be for the best interests of the Authority. The proceeds of such bonds shall be disbursed for the purposes for which such bonds were issued under such restrictions, if any, as the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or the trust indenture provided for in § 22.1-171 may provide. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the Board of Commissioners may under like restrictions issue temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds when such bonds shall have been executed and are available for delivery. The Board of Commissioners may also provide for the replacement of any bond which shall become mutilated or shall be destroyed or lost. Such bonds may be issued without any other proceedings or the happening of any other conditions or things than the proceedings, conditions, and things which are specified and required by this chapter.

Code 1950, § 22-29.7; 1962, c. 194; 1972, c. 745; 1980, c. 559; 1990, c. 909.

§ 22.1-167.1. Refunding issues; pass-through of savings realized

A. In the event the Authority refunds any bonds previously issued to finance the purchase of local school bonds, the Authority shall pass-through to the issuers of such local school bonds, an allocable share of any savings realized. Such pass-through shall be accomplished, at the option of the Authority, by means of a debt service reduction over the remaining term of the local school bonds, by a lump sum payment of the present value of such allocable share of the savings, or by such other method as the Authority shall determine to be in the mutual best interests of the issuers of the local school bonds and the Authority.

B. For the purposes of this section, "savings" means the net reduction in debt service, if any, to be realized by the Authority, after subtracting the total costs, expenses, and equity contributions associated with the refunding and with the pass-through of such savings to the issuers of the local school bonds and of any Authority funds transferred, or required to be transferred, by mandate of the General Assembly, other than to the issuers of the local school bonds.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, no savings shall be passed-through to the issuers of local school bonds for which an interest rate subsidy has been paid or which were issued at below market interest rates. The savings in connection with the refunding of bonds issued by the Authority and allocable to local school bonds for which an interest rate subsidy has been paid, to the extent such subsidy was paid from the Literary Fund, shall be transferred to the Literary Fund and used exclusively for Literary Fund loans to local school boards pursuant to Chapter 10 (§ 22.1-142 et seq.) of Title 22.1.

C. This section shall have no application if it conflicts with a preexisting trust indenture.

D. Whenever the Authority shall defease its bonds previously issued to finance the purchase of local school bonds, the Authority may, consistent with the provisions of this section respecting the return of savings to the issuers of the related local school bonds, designate to such issuers of local school bonds which issues, series and maturities with which interest rates shall be deemed by the Authority to have been paid. Immediately upon such designation, the local school bonds so designated shall likewise be deemed defeased and no longer outstanding, the same as if the defeasance had occurred in accordance with the provisions of § 15.2-2623. Such defeasance shall not require any action by the issuer of the affected local school bonds, shall be effective immediately, and shall be duly noted on the records of the Authority which shall no longer have any right to payment with respect to the issues, series and maturities so deemed by the Authority to have been paid. The elected officials and financial officers of the affected locality are hereby authorized to execute and deliver such federal tax forms, certificates, and other documents as the Authority may request in connection with the defeasance of its local school bonds and the bonds of the Authority.

1994, c. 272; 2006, c. 223.

§ 22.1-167.2. Security for payment; appropriations

A. The Authority is authorized to issue bonds to finance and refinance acquisition of bonds, notes and other obligations of counties, cities and towns (local school bonds) issued for the purpose of financing and refinancing capital projects for school purposes and to pledge to the bonds all or any combination of the following sources: (i) payments of principal and interest on the local school bonds purchased by the Authority; (ii) payments to the localities by the Commonwealth as contemplated under the provisions of § 15.2-2659 (state aid intercept) of the Code of Virginia; (iii) funds in the Literary Fund available and appropriated for such purpose; and (iv) any funds in the general fund of the Commonwealth appropriated for such purpose.

B. The Governor's Budget Bill presented each year to the General Assembly shall include an appropriation to the Authority of a sum sufficient first, from funds in the Literary Fund available for such purpose, and second, from the general fund of the Commonwealth, to cure any shortfall in pledged primary revenues on any debt service payment date on the bonds of the Authority described by this section. A shortfall in pledged primary revenues shall exist when the sum of the payments made on local school bonds due on or before such date and any proceeds derived from the implementation of § 15.2-2659 (state aid intercept) of the Code of Virginia as of such date is less than required to pay the debt service due on the Authority's bonds on such date.

C. The Literary Fund and the general fund of the Commonwealth shall be subrogated to the rights of the Authority to the extent of any such funds paid to the Authority and shall be entitled to enforce the Authority's remedies with respect to the local school bonds and to full recovery of the amount of such shortfall.

D. On or before September 30 of each year, the Authority shall submit to the Governor and the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations a report as of the end of the prior fiscal year detailing the total amount of the Authority's outstanding bonds secured by appropriations as described in subsection B. The report shall also describe any instances where any such appropriation has been used.

1998, cc. 4, 900.

§ 22.1-167.3. Bonds or notes issued for the purpose of making grants; security for payment; appropriations

A. The Authority is authorized to pledge to the bonds or notes of the Authority (i) authorized under the provisions of a resolution adopted subsequent to June 30, 2000, for the purpose described in § 22.1-166.2, (ii) issued subsequent to June 30, 2000, and (iii) not benefiting from the provisions of either clause (iii) or (iv) of § 22.1-168, or § 22.1-168.1, in addition to other sources available for such purpose, any funds in the general fund of the Commonwealth appropriated for such purpose.

B. The Governor's budget bill presented each year to the General Assembly pursuant to § 2.2-1509 shall include an appropriation to the Authority of a sum sufficient from the general fund of the Commonwealth to cure any shortfall in pledged primary revenues on any debt service payment date on the bonds or notes of the Authority described by this section. A shortfall in pledged primary revenues shall exist when the available moneys in the Literary Fund as of such date are less than the amount required to pay the debt service due on such bonds or notes on such date. For purposes of this subsection "available moneys in the Literary Fund" means moneys remaining after the payment, or provision for payment, of debt service on bonds or notes like those described in this section and payable from the Literary Fund, but issued prior to July 1, 2000.

C. On or before September 30 of each year, the Authority shall submit to the Governor and the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations, the House Committee on Finance, and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations a report as of the end of the prior fiscal year detailing the total amount of the Authority's outstanding bonds and notes secured by an appropriation of a sum sufficient from the general fund of the Commonwealth as described in subsection B. The report shall also describe any instances where any such appropriation has been used.

2001, cc. 431, 456.

§ 22.1-168. Security for payment and bonds; provisions of trust indenture or resolution of Board

In the discretion of the Board of Commissioners any bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter may be secured by a trust indenture by and between the Authority and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the Commonwealth. Such trust indenture or the resolution providing for the issuance of such bonds may pledge or assign all or any part of the funds of the Authority available for such purpose including, but without limitation, all or any combination of the following sources: (i) payments of principal of and interest on local school bonds purchased by the Authority, (ii) the proceeds of the sale of any such local school bonds, (iii) payments of principal of and interest on obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund, (iv) the proceeds of the sale of any such obligations, (v) any moneys transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund, (vi) payments of principal of and interest on loans made to local school boards, and (vii) any funds authorized by the General Assembly for such purpose from the Literary Fund or otherwise appropriated by the General Assembly. Such trust indenture or resolution providing for the issuance of such bonds may provide for the creation and maintenance of such reserves as the Board of Commissioners shall determine to be proper and may include covenants setting forth the duties of the Board of Commissioners in relation to the acquisition of any local school bonds, the substitution of any local school bonds as security for payment of the bonds of the Authority, the collection of payments of principal and interest on (i) any local school bonds, (ii) on any obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund, and (iii) on any loans made to local school boards. Such trust indenture or resolution may include provisions requiring the Authority or the trustee under such trust indenture or any depository to file a petition with the Governor and to take any and all other action required under § 15.2-2659 to secure payment of all sums necessary to cover any default as to any bonds or the interest thereon held by the Authority or by such trustee or depository to which § 15.2-2659 shall be applicable. Such trust indenture or resolution may contain provisions respecting the custody, safeguarding and application of all moneys and securities including local school bonds purchased by the Authority and obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund and may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as may be reasonable and proper and not in violation of law. It shall be lawful for any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth which may act as depository of the proceeds of bonds or of any other funds or obligations received on behalf of the Authority to furnish such indemnifying bonds or to pledge such securities as may be required by the Board of Commissioners. Any such trust indenture or resolution may contain such other provisions as the Board may deem reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. Any reference in this chapter to a resolution of the Board of Commissioners shall include any trust indenture authorized thereby.

Code 1950, § 22-29.8; 1962, c. 194; 1972, c. 745; 1980, c. 559; 1990, c. 909.

§ 22.1-168.1. Reserve fund; limitations

A. If the Board of Commissioners deems it proper to create a reserve fund or funds from bond proceeds to support an issuance of bonds in accordance with the provisions of this section, all moneys held in such reserve fund, except as hereinafter provided, shall be pledged solely for the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds secured in whole or in part by such a fund. Any income or interest earned on, or increment to, any reserve fund may be transferred by the Board of Commissioners to other funds or accounts of the Authority to the extent it does not reduce the amount of the reserve fund below its minimum requirement.

B. The Board of Commissioners shall not at any time issue bonds secured in whole or in part by any reserve fund referred to in subsection C, if upon the issuance of the bonds, the amount in the reserve fund will be less than its minimum requirement unless the Board of Commissioners, at the time of issuance of the bonds, deposits in the fund an amount which, together with the amount then in the fund, will not be less than the fund's minimum reserve requirement.

C. In order to ensure further the maintenance of reserve funds established in accordance with the provisions of this section, the chairman of the Board of Commissioners shall annually, on or before December 1, make and deliver to the Governor and the Secretary of Administration a certificate stating the sum, if any, required to restore each reserve fund to its minimum requirement. Within five days after the beginning of each session of the General Assembly, the Governor shall submit to the presiding officer of each house of the General Assembly printed copies of a budget including the sum, if any, required to restore each reserve fund to its minimum requirement. All sums, if any, which may be appropriated by the General Assembly for any restoration and paid to the Authority shall be deposited by the Authority in the applicable reserve fund. All amounts paid to the Board of Commissioners by the Commonwealth pursuant to the provisions of this section shall constitute and be accounted for as advances by the Commonwealth to the Authority and, subject to the rights of the holders of any bonds of the Authority, shall be repaid to the Commonwealth without interest from available revenues of the Authority in excess of the amounts required for the payment of bonds or other obligations of the Authority, the maintenance of reserve funds, and operating expenses.

D. Excluding bonds issued prior to July 1, 1991, the total principal amount of bonds outstanding at any one time, issued by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall not exceed the sum of $800 million without the prior approval of the General Assembly.

E. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the power of the Board of Commissioners to issue bonds (i) not secured by a reserve fund or (ii) secured by a reserve fund not described in this section.

1991, c. 543; 1995, cc. 188, 233.

§ 22.1-169. Investment of funds

Any funds held by the Authority or by the trustee under any trust indenture under the provisions of this chapter may be invested and reinvested in securities that are legal investments under the laws of the Commonwealth for funds held by fiduciaries.

Code 1950, § 22-29.9; 1962, c. 194; 1980, c. 559.

§ 22.1-170. Repayments to Literary Fund

All assets heretofore or hereafter transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund pursuant to § 22.1-175 shall remain assets of the Literary Fund and shall be repaid to the Literary Fund pursuant to this section but, until so repaid, may be used for all purposes by the Authority to the same extent as if such assets were the sole property of the Authority.

On or before January 10 in each year the Authority shall set aside and repay to the Literary Fund an amount equal to the excess of the principal and interest collected by the Authority in the preceding year on account of obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund over such portion of such principal and interest as shall have been pledged by any trust indenture or resolution authorizing bonds of the Authority.

The principal collected by the Authority on account of obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund shall remain part of the principal of the Literary Fund subject to the provisions of Article VIII, Section 8 of the Constitution of Virginia and of this chapter, and the interest collected by the Authority on account of such obligations shall be deemed to be interest on the Literary Fund subject to the provisions of Article VIII, Section 8 of the Constitution of Virginia and of this chapter; provided, however, that any such collected principal and interest pledged by any trust indenture or resolution authorizing bonds of the Authority shall continue to be held by the Authority until no longer so required by the terms of such trust indenture or resolution; and further provided that, on the next succeeding tenth day of January, any amount of such collected principal and interest no longer required to be held by the Authority shall be set aside and repaid to the Literary Fund as if it had been collected at the time it became no longer required to be held.

Code 1950, § 22-29.10; 1962, c. 194; 1964, c. 146; 1971, Ex. Sess., cc. 1, 241; 1980, c. 559.

§ 22.1-171. Powers of Authority enumerated

A. In order to enable the Authority to carry out the purposes for which it is established, the Authority is vested with the powers of a body corporate including the power to sue and be sued, to make contracts, to adopt and use a common seal and to alter the same and is authorized and empowered:

1. To collect, or to authorize the trustee under any trust indenture securing any bonds of the Authority to collect, as the same shall become due, the principal of and the interest on all obligations transferred to the Authority from the Literary Fund;

2. To collect, or to authorize the trustee under any trust indenture securing any bonds of the Authority to collect, as the same shall become due, the principal of and the interest on all local school bonds purchased by the Authority;

3. To pay the compensation of the chief executive officer of the Authority and all such employees, agents, financial advisers and attorneys as may be employed by the Authority either from moneys received by the Authority under the provisions of this chapter or from appropriations made by the General Assembly for such purpose;

4. To issue bonds of the Authority as authorized by this chapter and to refund any of such bonds;

5. To adopt or alter or repeal any bylaws, rules or regulations as the Authority may deem necessary or expedient; and

6. To do any and all other acts and things necessary, appropriate or incidental in carrying out the purposes of this chapter.

B. The Authority is further authorized and empowered to issue notes and other obligations for any of its purposes in such form as may be authorized by resolution of the Authority. The issuance of such notes or other obligations shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter insofar as the same may be applicable.

C. The Board of Commissioners shall submit an annual report to the Governor and General Assembly on or before November 1 of each year. Such report shall contain, at a minimum, the annual financial statements of the Authority for the year ending the preceding June 30.

Code 1950, § 22-29.11; 1962, c. 194; 1972, c. 745; 1980, c. 559; 1984, c. 734; 1985, c. 146; 2004, c. 650.

§ 22.1-172. Bonds exempt from taxation

The bonds issued by the Authority under the provisions of this chapter, their transfer and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free and exempt from taxation by the Commonwealth and by any municipality, county, or any other political subdivision thereof.

Code 1950, § 22-29.12; 1962, c. 194; 1980, c. 559.

§ 22.1-173. Bonds legal investments

All bonds issued by the Authority under the provisions of this chapter are hereby made securities in which all public officers and bodies of the Commonwealth, counties, cities, towns, municipal subdivisions, insurance companies and associations, savings banks and savings institutions, including savings and loan associations, trust companies, beneficial and benevolent associations, administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries in the Commonwealth may properly and legally invest funds under their control.

Code 1950, § 22-29.13; 1962, c. 194; 1980, c. 559.

§ 22.1-174. Jurisdiction of suits against Authority; service of process

The Circuit Court of the City of Richmond shall have exclusive jurisdiction of any suit brought in Virginia against the Authority, and process in such suit shall be served either on the State Comptroller or the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.

Code 1950, § 22-29.14; 1962, c. 194; 1980, c. 559.

§ 22.1-175. Transfers from Literary Fund to Authority

On January 1 and July 1 of each year or at such other times as requested by the Authority, there shall be set aside and transferred from the Literary Fund to the Virginia Public School Authority for public school purposes all notes bearing fixed maturity dates and representing amounts loaned by the Literary Fund to local school boards pursuant to Chapter 10 (§ 22.1-142 et seq.) of this title, to be held and administered by the Virginia Public School Authority as provided by law. The Board of Education, the State Treasurer and the State Comptroller are hereby authorized and directed to take all necessary steps to accomplish such transfer.

Code 1950, § 22-29.15; 1962, c. 195; 1971, Ex. Sess., cc. 127, 241; 1980, c. 559; 1988, c. 259.