

Glade Spring, Town of

County of Washington

History of incorporation

Incorporated by an 1875 Act of Assembly.

Incorporation and charter, 1875, c. 141; repealed 1972, c. 268.

Current charter

Charter, 1972, c. 268.

§ 1. Incorporation.

The inhabitants of the territory comprised within the present limits of the Town of Glade Spring, as such limitations are now, or may hereafter be altered and established by law, shall constitute and continue a body politic and corporate, to be known and designated as the Town of Glade Spring, and as such shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and may have a corporate seal which it may alter, renew or amend at its pleasure by proper ordinance.  (1972, c. 268)

§ 2. Boundaries.

The boundaries of the town of Glade Spring shall be as now established, and such boundaries thereof are incorporated herein by reference to the recordation in the Clerk's Office of Washington County, Virginia, of the final decree or order of annexation of the Circuit Court of Washington County establishing such boundaries which final decree or order was entered December 29, 1958, in said Clerk's Office in Law Book 30, Page 323.  (1972, c. 268)

§ 3. Powers.

All of the powers set forth for municipal corporations in §§ 15.1-837 through 15.1-915 of the Code of Virginia, as in force on January 1, 1972, are hereby specifically conferred upon the Town of Glade Spring; provided, that the power to borrow money shall not be exercised for any project unless five members of Council, or the mayor and four members of Council, agree to the use of such power for such project.  (1972, c. 268)

§ 4. Election of mayor and councilmen.

The mayor and councilmen in office on the effective date of this charter shall remain in office until the expiration of their current terms of office. On the first Tuesday in May, 1972, at the regular municipal election, one elector shall be elected mayor and six electors shall be elected councilmen. The mayor shall be elected for a term of two years beginning on the first day of September thereafter and ending on the last day of June, 1974. The three councilmen receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for terms of four years beginning on the first day of September thereafter and ending on the last day of June, 1976. The three councilmen receiving the next highest number of votes shall be elected for terms of two years beginning on the first day of September thereafter and ending on the last day of June, 1974. During the regular municipal election held on the first Tuesday in May of even-numbered years successors to the office of mayor and councilmen which expire during that year shall be elected, all for terms of four years, beginning on the first day of July following the date of elections and ending on the last day of June in the fourth year thereafter.  (1972, c. 268)

§ 5. Ratification of ordinances and resolutions.

All ordinances and resolutions heretofore made and adopted by the Town of Glade Spring, not in conflict with this charter or other laws of the Commonwealth shall be and remain in full force and effect until altered, amended or repealed by the Council of the Town of Glade Spring.