

Hallwood, Town of

County of Accomack

History of incorporation

Incorporation, Circuit Court of Accomack County, June 3, 1958 (Common Law Order Book 1954-58, p. 504).

Editor's note: A photocopy of the circuit court order is on file in the Legislative Reference Center at the Division of Legislative Services.

In the matter of petition for Incorporation

of the Town of Hallwood

On the 21st day of April,1958, there was filed in the Clerk's Office of this court a petition praying that an order be entered by this Court incorporating the unincorporated community of Hallwood, Accomack County, Virginia, as an Incorporated Town, under the name of the Town of Hallwood, said petition being in the words and figures following, to-wit:

To The Honorable Jeff F. Walter, judge of said Court:

Your petitioners respectfully state:

(1) That they are inhabitants of the Town of Hallwood, residing within the proposed incorporated limits of said Town, and that more than twenty (20) of your petitioners are qualified voters.

(2) That the Town of Hallwood is an unincorporated town, situate in the County of Accomack, Virginia.

(3) That it will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of said Town, that the same be incorporated, and the general good of the community will be promoted thereby.

(4) That the number of inhabitants of said Town exceeds Three Hundred and does not exceed Five Thousand.

(5) That the metes and bounds of the proposed, corporate limits of the said Town are as follows: to-wit:

Beginning at a certain point, designated as point ONE on a certain plat of the proposed incorporated limits of the Town of Hallwood and running in a north-easterly direction 39 degrees 49 minutes for a distance of 360 feet to a concrete marker on the south side of the Hallwood-Sanford road and designated as point TWO on said plat; thence continuing in the same direction across the aforesaid road for a distance of 32.8 feet to point THREE designated on said plat; thence turning and running in a south-easterly direction 49 degrees 19 minutes for a distance of 513.9 feet to point FOUR designated on said plat; thence turning and running in a north-easterly direction 31 degrees 28 minutes for a distance of 74.5 feet to a concrete marker designated as point FIVE on said plat; thence turning and running in a south-easterly direction 64 degrees 41 minutes for a distance of 457.8 feet to a concrete marker designated as point SIX on said plat thence turning and running in a north-easterly direction 29 degrees 25 minutes for a distance of 1577.3 feet to a concrete marker designated as point SEVEN on said plat; thence turning and running in a north, north-easterly direction 1 degree 31 minutes for a distance of 326.9 feet to point EIGHT designated on said plat; thence continuing in a north-easterly direction 26 degrees 35 minutes for a distance of 580 feet to a concrete marker designated as point NINE on said plat; thence turning and crossing the old dirt road leading from Hallwood to Makemie Park and likewise crossing the new macadam road leading from Hallwood to Makemie Park in a south-easterly direction 60 degrees 13 minutes for a distance of 483.7 feet to a concrete marker designated as point TEN on said plat; thence continuing in a south-easterly direction across the Pennsylvania Railroad Company right of way 50 degrees 41 minutes for a distance of 2,525.9 feet to a concrete marker designated as point ELEVEN on said plat; thence turning and running in a north-easterly direction 50 degrees 05 minutes for a distance of 1313 feet to point TWELVE as designated on said plat; thence turning and running in a south-easterly direction 75 degrees 13 minutes for a distance of 450.9 feet to point THIRTEEN as designated on said plat; thence turning and running in a south-westerly direction 15 degrees 00 minutes for a distance of 150 feet to a concrete marker designated as point FOURTEEN on said plat; thence turning and running across the highway leading from Hallwood to U.S. Route #13 in a south-westerly direction 55 degrees 35 minutes for a distance of 2368.9 feet to a concrete marker on the western side of the road leading from Hallwood to Mappsville to point FIFTEEN designated on said plat; thence turning and running in a south-westerly direction 86 degrees 47 minutes for a distance of 1979.4 feet to the center of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company right of way designated as point SIXTEEN on said plat and thence turning and running in a north-westerly direction along the center of a certain ditch or branch to the point of beginning, designated as point ONE on said plat.

(6) That the entire area embraced in said proposed corporate limits is 147.70 acres.

(7) That there is herewith filed a survey of the proposed incorporated limits, showing the metes and bounds, as above described, said survey having been made by S. M. Rogers, County Surveyor, on the 2nd day of April, 1958, which said survey is marked "Exhibit A," and prayed to be taken as a part of this said petition.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that an order may be entered by the Court incorporating the unincorporated Town of Hallwood, as an incorporated Town, under the name of "The Town of Hallwood," with the metes and bounds set forth in this petition and the survey herewith attached, and that the said plat of survey be recorded in the Clerk's Office of this said County.

And the Court having considered said petition and the evidence on behalf of the petitioners and the argument of counsel on behalf of said petitioners, and there being no objection by any interested party, the said Court doth find:

(1) That said petition along with the notice attached of the time and place that the petition would be presented has been published in full in the Peninsula Enterprise, a newspaper published in Accomack County, Virginia, once a week for four successive weeks, to-wit: from April 24th to May 22nd, 1958, inclusive, and that said petition was posted at the front door of the Court House of Accomack County, Virginia, for more than four weeks prior to the hearing of this cause.

(2) That it will be to the interest of the inhabitants of said community that the same be incorporated.

(3) That the prayer of the petition is reasonable in that the area sought to be incorporated is compact and of reasonable size.

(4) That the general good of the community will be promoted.

(5) That the number of inhabitants residing in the area to be incorporated exceeds Three Hundred and does not exceed Five Thousand.

(6) That more than twenty (20) of the signers of said petition residing within the area to be incorporated are duly qualified voters.

The Court doth hereby order and decree that the locality or community as designated in the metes and bounds in a certain plat of survey made by S. M. Rogers, County Surveyor, on April 2nd, 1958, and made a part of said petition, be and the same hereby is incorporated as a Town by the name and style of "The Town of Hallwood," with metes and bounds as above set forth and doth further order that hereafter the inhabitants within such bounds shall be a body politic and corporate with all the powers, privileges and duties conferred upon and appertaining to Towns under the general law.

It is further ordered and decreed that an election be held on the 15th day of July, 1958, in the Town of Hallwood, for the election of a Mayor and six Councilmen for said Town, and it is likewise ordered and decreed that said Mayor and Councilmen, when elected, shall constitute the Council and be the governing body of said Town.