

Ivor, Town of

County of Southampton

History of incorporation

Incorporated by order of the Circuit Court of Southampton County, October 19, 1908 (Court Order Book 9, p. 123).

Editor's note: A photocopy of the circuit court order is on file in the Legislative Reference Center at the Division of Legislative Services.

In Term: In the Circuit Court of Southampton County, Virginia, this 19th day of October, 1908.

Upon the application of sundry citizens praying to have incorporated the town of Ivor, in the County of Southampton, in the State of Virginia;

This day came B. F. Bell, Thos. L. Bain, T. A. Saunders, W. E. Johnson, B. F. Babb, T. J. Faircloth, C. W. West, H. E. Branch, B. H. Lane, Pettaway Barrett, John W. Hall, R. A Hart, A. L. Alfertae, J. F. B. Kea, A. F. Cobb, R. M. Herrin, F. B. Richardson, L. C. Pulley, J. S. Gale, Jr., E. N. Johnson, C. W. Rawls, R. P. Bell, R. P. Rawls, J. W. Preerow, J. L. Pulley, F. D. Taylor, B. L. Raikes, J. L. Dales, A. W. Chappelle, and W. T. Darden, electors of the unincorporated town of Ivor, in the County of Southampton, and presented their petition to this Court, setting forth the meets and bounds of the said town. That the number of inhabitants thereof is about four hundred (400), and praying that such community be incorporated as a town. It appearing to the Court from the evidence introduced that the said petition has been published in the Tidewater News, a newspaper published in said County, once a week for four successive weeks, ending August 21, 1908, and posted at the front door of the Court House of this County for a like period of time; and the Court being satisfied that it is to the best interest of the inhabitants of the said locality, to be hereinafter described, and that the general good of the community will be promoted by the incorporation of said town, it doth order and decree that the said town of Ivor be, and the same is hereby incorporated as a town by the name and style of "The Town of Ivor," the bounds of which town are more particularly described by meets and bounds as follows:

Beginning at the cattle guard on the Norfolk and Western Railway, northwest of Ivor, a distance of 3260.4 feet from Ivor depot, and running south-westerly, at right angle to the railroad, a distance of 3010 feet, thence in a southeasterly direction and parallel with the railroad, a distance of 6996 feet; thence in a north-easterly direction a distance of 3010 feet; to a cattle guard in the railroad, which is 3735.6 feet south easterly from the Ivor depot; thence across railroad, in same direction as former line, a distance of 1465 feet; thence in a north-westerly direction and parallel with the railroad a distance of 6996 feet; thence in a south-westerly direction, and at right angle with the railroad, a distance of 1465 feet to point of beginning:

The Court doth further order and decree that the inhabitants within such bounds shall be a body politic and corporate, with all the powers, privileges and duties conferred upon, and appertaining to towns under the general laws of the State of Virginia.

The Court doth designate Tuesday, the 17th day of November, 1908, between the hours of nine o'clock A.M. and six o'clock P.M. of that day, as the time for holding the first election of town officers; said election to be held in J L. Pulley & Company's ware-house, in said town.

And the Clerk of this Court is hereby directed to enter this in the Common Law Order Book, and also on the book kept in his office for which charters are recorded, known as the "Charter Book."