

Jarratt, Town of

Counties of Greensville and Sussex

History of incorporation

Incorporated by order of the Circuit Court of Sussex County, June 20, 1938 (Common Law Order Book 10, p. 339).

Editor's note: A photocopy of the circuit court order is on file in the Legislative Reference Center at the Division of Legislative Services.

This day came J. H. Batte, R. E. Jarratt, T. F. Jarratt, W. B. Owen, Susie F. Jarratt, Elvira Miller, J. H. Velvin, T. W. Parson, O. O. Reaman, J. M. Browder, T. E. Reese, C. C. Ivey, H. D. Harrup, Mrs. W. E. Lemon, C. P. Brown, H. L. Wheeler, J. D. Brown, W. A. Grigg, Mrs. B. K. Spiers, J. F. Batte, M. E. Brown, W. T. Harrison, Kathleen S. Harrison, R. L. Burrus and H. F. Hamilton, Jr., and presented, in open Court their petition, praying for the incorporation of the unincorporated Town, or thickly settled community, of Jarratt, which is situated partly in the County of Sussex, Virginia, and partly in the County of Greensville, Virginia, by and under the name of the Town of Jarratt, as provided by, and under and in pursuance of, Section 2881 of Michie's Virginia Code of 1936; praying that the metes and bounds of said town be designated and declared to be as set out in said petition and that the inhabitants within said metes and bounds, and in said town, be declared to be a body politic and corporate, and vested with all the powers, privileges and duties conferred upon and appertaining to towns under the general law of the State of Virginia, and for general relief.

And, it appearing to the Court from an inspection of said petition, that the same is signed by more than twenty (20) qualified voters of the said unincorporated town, or thickly settled community, who reside within the limits of the said proposed incorporated town, as described by the said metes and bounds, as set out in said petition, and hereinafter again set forth, and it being duly and legally shown to the Court, by proof satisfactory to the Court, that the said petition, with notice attached of the time and place that said petition will be presented, has been published once a week for four successive weeks, in the Sussex-Surry Dispatch, a newspaper published in the Town of Waverly, Sussex County, Virginia, and that said petition, with like notice attached, has been posted at the front door of the Court House of the said County of Sussex for four weeks; the said County of Sussex, Virginia, being the County in which the greater part of said proposed incorporated town is situated;

And it being made further to appear to the Court, by proof satisfactory to the Court, and the Court being satisfied that it will be to the interest of the inhabitants of said proposed Town; that the prayer of said petition is reasonable; that the general good of the community will be promoted; that the number of inhabitants of the said town exceeds two hundred and does not exceed five thousand (5000), and that the area of land designed to be embraced within the town in[is] not excessive, the Court doth order and decree and here enter upon the law order book of said Court;

First: That the unincorporated Town of Jarratt, situated in the Counties of Sussex and Greensville, Virginia, be, and the same is hereby, incorporated by and in pursuance of Section 2881 of Michie's Virginia Code of 1936.

Second: That the metes and bounds of said Town of Jarratt shall be as follows:

Starting at a point being the intersection of the northwest side of the right of way of Allen's road known as Route #608 and the south side of the right of way of the Virginian Railroad; running thence N 77° - 52' - 00" W, 2032.30 feet, along the south side of the right of way of the Virginian Railroad to a point on the south side of the right of way of the Virginian Railroad; thence S 13° - 57' - 40" E. 1197.10 feet, to a point near the north side of the right of way of Allen's Road; thence S 48° - 41' - 50" E, 5673.00 feet, to a point near the west side of the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; thence S 85° - 52' - 50" E, 1707.69 feet, to a point on the west side of the right of way of state highway known as Route #301; thence along the following courses, these being the west side of the right of way of state highway #301, N 16° - 04' - 50" E, 2152.75 feet; thence N. 19° - 50' - 00" E, 357.24 feet; thence N 22° - 08' - 20" E, 1168.03 feet, to a point being the intersection of the west side of the right of way of state highway #301 and the center line of the right of way of the Virginian Railroad; thence along the following courses, these being the west side of the right of way of state highway #301; N 22° - 08' - 10" E, 2262.52 feet; thence N 23° - 58' - 40" E, 288.78 feet; thence N 32° - 31' - 00" E, 321.72 feet; thence N 38° - 39' - 50" E, 246.97 feet, to a point on the west side of the right of was[way] of state highway #301; thence N 39° - 19' - 20" W, 1308.45 feet, to a point near the intersection of the west side of the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and Allen's road (abandoned) known as Bailey's crossing; thence N 68° - 59' - 50" W, 1109.14 feet, to a point on or near the right of way of Allen's road (abandoned); thence S 69° - 09' - 10" W, 800.81 feet, to a point on or near the right of way of Allen's road (abandoned); thence S 62° - 54' - 50" W, 1012.29 feet to a point on or near the right of way of Allen's road (abandoned); thence S 53° - 00' - 50" W, 1558.18 feet, to a point being the intersection of the northwest side of the right of way of Allen's road and the southwest side of the right of way of county highway #630; thence along the following courses, these being the west side of the right of way of Allen's road, known as Route #608 S 53° - 26' - 00" W, 705.01 feet; thence S 55° - 51' - 00" W, 539.13 feet; thence S 53° - 15' - 00" W, 301.20 feet; thence S 52° - 04' - 00" W, 892.84 feet, to a point or place of beginning; containing 808.80 acres, of which 453.30 acres is situated in the County of Sussex, Virginia, and 355.50 acres of which is situated in the County of Greensville, Virginia, all of which is duly shown on a certain plat of survey thereof, made by H. A. Pantaenius, C. E. dated May 4, 1938, which said plat is this day hereby filed; [recorded in Plat Book 5, p. 22]

Third: That the inhabitants of said Town, and included within the metes and bounds, be, and they hereby are made and declared to be a body politic and corporate, and vested with all the powers, privileges, rights and duties conferred upon and appertaining to towns under the general law.

And it is further ordered that there shall be held on Tuesday, July 12, 1938, an election of town officers for said Town, which shall be the first election of town officers for said town, and that the place of holding the said election shall be in the storehouse formerly occupied by Jarratt Drug Company;

And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Court shall forthwith mail a certified copy of this order to the Chairman of the Electoral Board of the County of Sussex, Va, that he may have due notice of the calling of this election in order that the said Chairman of the Sussex County Electoral Board may immediately call a meeting of the board for the purpose of appointing the registrar and three judges of election, in accordance with Section 2882 of Michie's Virginia Code of 1936, and that said Board may otherwise provide for said election as provided by law;

And it is further ordered that the plat, herein referred to, shall be, by the Clerk of this Court, duly recorded in the current Map Book in the Clerk's Office of this Court.