

Keysville, Town of

County of Charlotte

History of incorporation

Incorporated by an 1887 Act of Assembly.

Charter, 1887, c. 427; repealed 1952, c. 561.

Charter, 1952, c. 561; repealed 1975, c. 352.

Current charter

Charter, 1975, c. 352.

Amendments to current charter

1998, c. 170 (§ 3.1)

2019, c. 727 (§ 3.1)

Chapter 1. Incorporation and Boundaries.

§ 1.1. The inhabitants of the territory comprised within the present limits of the town of Keysville as such limitations are now, or may hereafter be altered and established by law, shall constitute and continue a body politic and corporate, to be known and designated as the town of Keysville. (1975, c. 352)

§ 1.2. The territory embraced within the town of Keysville is that territory in the county of Charlotte, Virginia, as set forth by plat recorded in the clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Charlotte County, Virginia, in Common Law Order Book 18, page 83, which is incorporated herein by reference. (1975, c. 352)

Chapter 2. Powers.

§ 2.1. The town of Keysville shall have all powers, now existing or hereafter enacted, that are granted or authorized to towns. (1975, c. 352)

Chapter 3. Council and Mayor.

§ 3.1. (a) The town shall be governed by a town council composed of six councilmembers and a mayor. Beginning in 2020, three councilmembers and the mayor shall be elected by the qualified voters of the town on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In 2022, the mayor and the three remaining councilmembers shall be elected by the qualified voters of the town on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The councilmembers shall serve a term of four years, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The mayor shall serve a term of two years, or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified. The term of the mayor elected in 2016 and the terms of the three councilmembers elected in 2016 shall expire December 31, 2020. The terms of the three remaining councilmembers shall expire December 31, 2022. Elections thereafter shall be held on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November in even-numbered years.

(b) The councilmembers and mayor shall be elected and qualify for office as provided by general law. The councilmembers and mayor in office at the time of the passage of this act or any subsequent change in general law shall continue until the expiration of their terms or until their successors are duly elected and qualified, whichever may be later. A change in general law may, if need be, abbreviate the term of councilmen and the mayor initially elected following such change.

(c) The mayor shall preside over meetings of the town council and shall be the chief official of the town for ceremonial purposes. He shall have the same powers and duties as other members of the council with a vote only in the event of a tie. The mayor may receive a salary as such, the amount also to be fixed by the council, but in no event to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars per year. (1975, c. 352; 1998, c. 170; 2019, c. 727)

§ 3.2. Vacancies on the council and in the office of mayor shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the members of council. Any person selected to fill a vacancy shall have the same qualifications as the person whose place he is to take. (1975, c. 352)

§ 3.3. Any person qualified to vote for the office to be filled shall be eligible for election to such office. (1975, c. 352)

§ 3.4. Council shall conduct their business in a manner not inconsistent with the laws of Virginia and shall have the power to organize the town government and hire those persons they deem necessary for the conduct of the business of the town not inconsistent with the laws of Virginia. (1975, c. 352)

Chapter 4. Miscellaneous.

§ 4.1. All ordinances now in force in the town, not inconsistent with the Constitution, general law or this charter, shall remain in force until altered, amended, or repealed by council. (1975, c. 352)

§ 4.2. Except in dealing with parliamentary procedure, council shall act only by ordinance or resolution, and with the exception of ordinances making appropriations, or authorizing the contracting of indebtedness, shall be confined to one general subject. (1975, c. 352)