

Tangier, Town of

County of Accomack

History of incorporation

Incorporation, 1906, c. 176; repealed 1910, c. 276.

Editor's note: Although the title of Chapter 276 of the Acts of Assembly of 1910 states that the act is to repeal Chapter 176 of the Acts of Assembly of 1906, the first enactment does not repeal; rather, it states that Chapter 176 is approved.

Current incorporation

Incorporated by order of the Circuit Court of Accomack County, February 6, 1915. (Common Law Order Book 1914-16, p. 74).

Editor's note: A photocopy of the circuit court order is on file in the Legislative Reference Center at the Division of Legislative Services.

Ex Parte: Petition of J. H. Crockett and others for the corporation of Tangier Island, Accomack County, into an incorporated town to be known as the Town of Tangier.

This day came the said petitioners by George L. Doughty, Jr., their attorney, being twenty or more electors of Tangier Island Precinct in said County, and filed their petition in writing, which petition sets forth that the said petitioners are citizens of Tangier Island in Accomack County, Virginia, a thickly settled community, the Island and no part thereof being incorporated, and which also sets forth that the area of said Island proposed to be incorporated is approximately one hundred (100) acres, and has a population of about one thousand (1000) inhabitants, the metes and bounds of said Island proposed to be incorporated being as follows:

"Beginning at the South-east corner of the property of William A. Shores, thence running in a Northerly direction between the highland and the marsh to a point thirty (30) feet North of the (said) road leading to the East ridge known as Canton, thence in an Easterly direction to the highland in Canton, thence running in a Southerly direction between the highland and the marsh to the extreme end of the highland of Canton, thence circling the highland of Canton in an Easterly direction, thence running in a Northerly direction between the highland and the marsh to the extreme North end of Canton, thence in a Northerly direction across the marsh to the Creek, thence following the shore line from headline to headline to E. S. Chambers store, thence following the shore line of the Creek to the extreme North end of the main ridge, thence circling the North end of the main ridge running in a Southerly direction in a line between the highland and the marsh to a point twenty (20) feet South of a road, thence in a Westerly direction to what is known as west ridge, thence in a Northerly direction to the North boundary of the property of Elisha Crockett of John, thence a westerly course following a line of the property of the said Elisha Crockett of John, thence running in a Southerly direction following a line of the West side of the said West ridge between the highland and the marsh to the South end of said West ridge or the supposed land of Hanson Crockett, Jr., thence circling in an Easterly direction around the said West ridge, thence in a Northerly direction following a line on the East side of the west ridge between the highland and the marsh to a point twenty (20) feet North of the first road leading to the main ridge, thence running in an Easterly direction with parallel lines with said road to the highland of the main ridge, thence continues Easterly to the East side of the main road or street, thence following the West line of the property of Harrison Shores and Mitchel Dise running Southerly, thence running Easterly circling the property of William A. Shores to the point of beginning."

And it appearing to the Court that the said petition has been published for four successive weeks in the Peninsula Enterprise, a newspaper published in this County, and has also been posted at the front door of the Court House of said County for four successive weeks, and the court being satisfied that it will be to the best interest of the inhabitants of the locality desired to be incorporated, that the prayer of the petition is reasonable; that the general good of the community will be promoted by the incorporation of the said locality; that the number of inhabitants of said locality exceeds two hundred (200) and does not exceed five thousand (5000), to-wit, about twelve hundred (1200); and that the area of said locality designed to be embraced within the town in not excessive, the Court doth order and decree that such town be, and the same is, hereby incorporated as a town by the name and style of "The Town of Tangier," the metes and bounds to be as above set out in said petition, and henceforth the inhabitants within such bounds shall be a body politic and corporate with all the powers, privileges and duties conferred upon it appertaining to towns under the general law. And it is ordered that the first election of town officers shall be held at The High School Building in said Town on the 27th day of March, 1915.