

Urbanna, Town of

County of Middlesex

History of incorporation

Inspector of flour appointed, 1794, c. 30.

Incorporation and charter, 1902, c. 682; repealed 1964, c. 131, except paragraph 1.

Current charter

Charter, 1964, c. 131.

Amendments to current charter

1973, c. 189 (§§ 4, 5)

2011, c. 516 (§§ 4, 5)

2022, c. 155 (§§ 4, 5)

Editor's note: The following paragraph 1 is retained from the Charter of 1902 as referenced in § 2 of the current charter.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That all the territory in the county of Middlesex contained within the following limits -- that is to say: Commencing at the north end of the bridge across Urbanna creek, and known as "Urbanna bridge," and running thence westwardly and up the middle of the cove back of the Ross house and the lots of C. H. Palmer, R. A. Davis, F. S. Tomlinson, and others to the head of said cove; thence up the ravine leading to said cove, and along the line of "Garnett Hill" farm, to the public road leading from Urbanna to Churchview at a point known as "Spout bridge"; thence up the middle of said public road a distance of about one hundred and forty-four yards to a point opposite a row of cedars; thence at almost right angles northwardly along said row of cedars and on the line between the white public school lot and what is known as the "Segar field" to the head of a branch; thence along this branch, still northwardly, following the division line between W. H. Purkins on the west and L. M. Carlton, Silas Chandler, J. W. Hurley, and others on the east to the Rappahannock river; thence along the river shore to the mouth of Urbanna creek; thence along the channel of said creek a distance of about eight hundred and seventy-five yards; thence to the place of beginning at the north end of Urbanna bridge, shall constitute the town of Urbanna, and the inhabitants within the said boundaries and their successors shall be a corporation under the name and style of the town of Urbanna, and the forty-fourth and forty-sixth chapters of the Code of Virginia of 1887, and amendatory acts thereto, as far as consistent with this act, shall be applicable thereto. (1902, c. 682)

§ 1. Incorporation.

The inhabitants of the territory comprised within the limits of the town of Urbanna, in the county of Middlesex, as the same now are or may hereafter be established by law, shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name of the town of Urbanna, and as such shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with and may have a corporate seal which it may alter, renew and amend at its pleasure. (1964, c. 131)

§ 2. Boundaries.

The boundaries of the town of Urbanna shall be and remain as now established, but the boundaries thereof are incorporated herein by reference to paragraph 1 of Chapter 682 of the Acts of Assembly of 1901-02, approved April 2, 1902, and entitled: "An Act to incorporate the town of Urbanna, in the county of Middlesex." (1964, c. 131)

§ 3. Powers.

The powers set forth in §§ 15-77.5 to 15-77.70 (15.1- 841 to 15.1-907), inclusive, of the Code of Virginia as in force on the first day of January, 1964, are hereby conferred on and vested in the town of Urbanna. (1964, c. 131)

§ 4. Mayor.

The mayor shall be elected for a term of four years, on the November general election date. The mayor so elected shall enter upon the duties of his/her office on the first day of January succeeding his/her election, and remain in office until his/her successor has qualified. The mayor's compensation shall be fixed by the council.

The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the town. He/she shall have and exercise all power and authority conferred by general law not inconsistent with this charter. He/she shall preside over the meetings of the town council and shall have the same right to speak and vote as members of the town council. He/she shall be recognized as the head of the town government for all ceremonial and military purposes. He/she shall perform such other duties consistent with his/her office as may be imposed by the council. He/she shall see that the duties of the various town officers are faithfully performed. He/she, or the person acting as mayor, may sign and deliver such documents or instruments as the council, this charter, or the laws of the Commonwealth shall require or authorize. (1964, c. 131; 1973, c. 189; 2011, c. 516; 2022, c. 155)

§ 5. Council.

Six council members shall be elected in November of 2022 and shall take office January 1, 2023. The three council members receiving the highest number of votes and the mayor shall serve four-year terms expiring on December 31, 2026; the other three council members elected in November of 2022 shall serve two-year terms expiring on December 31, 2024. At the election in November 2024, three council members shall be elected for four-year terms. After the staggering of terms, council members shall serve four-year terms.

Candidates for Town Council shall not be identified on the ballot by a political affiliation.

Notwithstanding term expiration dates, all council members shall remain in office until their successors have qualified. (1964, c. 131; 1973, c. 189; 2011, c. 516; 2022, c. 155)

§ 6. Officers and employees formerly elected or appointed.

AII town officers and employees heretofore elected or appointed shall remain in office and continue in their employment and be vested with the powers and duties heretofore imposed upon them by the council or by operation of law or hereafter imposed upon them under the provisions of this act until their successors are duly elected or appointed as provided by law or until action is taken by the town as set forth in § 15-77.9 (§ 15.1-845, Chapter 18, Title 15.1) of Chapter 5.1 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia as in force on January 1, 1964. (1964, c. 131)

§ 7. Ordinances continued.

All ordinances and resolutions heretofore made and adopted by the town, not in conflict with this charter shall be and remain in full force and effect until altered, amended or repealed by the council of the town. (1964, c. 131)