1994 Uncodified Acts

1994 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact Chapter 707 of the Acts of Assembly of 1993, relating to certain nonconforming uses.

[H 299]

Approved April 4, 1994

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That Chapter 707 of the Acts of Assembly of 1993 is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 15.1-492, the governing body of the City of Martinsville may, by amending its zoning ordinance, provide that an existing nonconforming use may be terminated after a reasonable period of time where such nonconforming use involves the transportation or temporary storage of any hazardous waste, as defined in § 10.1-1400, which such if the governing body determines poses a clear and present threat to the health and safety of surrounding residential homeowners living immediately finds that the transportation or temporary storage of any hazardous waste involved in the nonconforming use poses a clear and present threat to the health and safety of persons living or working adjacent to such nonconforming use.

2. That this act shall expire on July 1, 1998.

3. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.