1994 Uncodified Acts

1994 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact Chapter 831 of the 1994 Acts of Assembly, relating to the creation of the Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board.

[S 3010]

Approved October 26, 1994

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That Chapter 831 of the 1994 Acts of Assembly is amended and reenacted as follows:

1. That §§ 2.1-1.6, 9-6.23 as it is currently effective and as it will become effective July 1, 1995, §§ 9-6.25:1 and 53.1-10 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted and that the Code of Virginia is amended by adding sections numbered 2.1-451.1, 2.1-451.2, 2.1-451.3, and 2.1-451.4 as follows:

§ 2.1-1.6. State boards.

A. There shall be, in addition to such others as may be established by law, the following permanent collegial bodies affiliated with a state agency within the executive branch:

Accountancy, Board for

Aging, Advisory Board on the

Agriculture and Consumer Services, Board of

Air Pollution, State Advisory Board on

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Virginia

Apple Board, Virginia State

Appomattox State Scenic River Advisory Board

Aquaculture Advisory Board

Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects, State Board for

Art and Architectural Review Board

Athletic Board, Virginia

Auctioneers Board

Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Board of

Aviation Board, Virginia

Barbers, Board for

Branch Pilots, Board for

Bright Flue-Cured Tobacco Board, Virginia

Building Code Technical Review Board, State

Catoctin Creek State Scenic River Advisory Board

Cattle Industry Board, Virginia

Cave Board

Certified Seed Board, State

Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Board

Chickahominy State Scenic River Advisory Board

Child Abuse and Neglect, Advisory Board on

Chippokes Plantation Farm Foundation, Board of Trustees

Clinch Scenic River Advisory Board

Coal Research and Development Advisory Board, Virginia

Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund Advisory Board

Conservation and Development of Public Beaches, Board on

Conservation and Recreation, Board of

Contractors, Board for

Corn Board, Virginia

Correctional Education, Board of

Corrections, State Board of

Cosmetology, Board for

Criminal Justice Services Board

Dark-Fired Tobacco Board, Virginia

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Advisory Board for the Department for the

Dentistry, Board of

Education, State Board of

Egg Board, Virginia

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board

Employment Agency Advisory Board

Farmers Market Board, Virginia

Film Office Advisory Board

Fire Services Board, Virginia

Forensic Science Advisory Board

Forestry, Board of

Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Board of

Game and Inland Fisheries, Board of

Geology, Board for

Goose Creek Scenic River Advisory Board

Health Planning Board, Virginia

Health Professions, Board of

Health, State Board of

Hearing Aid Specialists, Board for

Hemophilia Advisory Board

Historic Resources, Board of

Housing and Community Development, Board of

Industrial Development Services Advisory Board

Insurance Advisory Board, State

Irish Potato Board, Virginia

Laboratory Services Advisory Board

Marine Products Board, Virginia

Medical Advisory Board, Department of Motor Vehicles

Medical Board of the Virginia Retirement System

Medicare and Medicaid, Advisory Board on

Medicine, Board of

Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services Board, State

Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Board

Military Affairs, Board of

Mines, Minerals and Energy, Board of Examiners in the Department of

Minority Business Enterprise, Interdepartmental Board of the Department of

Motor Vehicle Dealers' Advisory Board

Networking Users Advisory Board, State

Nottoway State Scenic River Advisory Board

Nursing, Board of

Nursing Home Administrators, Board of

Occupational Therapy, Advisory Board on

Oil and Gas Conservation Board, Virginia

Opticians, Board for

Optometry, Board of

Peanut Board, Virginia

Personnel Advisory Board

Pesticide Control Board

Pharmacy, Board of

(Delayed effective date) Physical Fitness and Sports, Virginia Board on

Physical Therapy to the Board of Medicine, Advisory Board on

Plant Pollination Advisory Board

Polygraph Examiners Advisory Board

Pork Industry Board, Virginia

Poultry Products Board, Virginia

Private College Advisory Board

Private Security Services Advisory Board

Professional and Occupational Regulation, Board for

Professional Counselors, Board of

Professional Soil Scientists, Board for

Psychiatric Advisory Board

Psychology, Board of

Public Buildings Board, Virginia

Public Telecommunications Board, Virginia

Radiation Advisory Board

Real Estate Appraiser Board

Real Estate Board

Reciprocity Board, Department of Motor Vehicles

Recreational Fishing Advisory Board, Virginia

Recreation Specialists, Board of

Reforestation Board

Rehabilitative Services, Board of

Respiratory Therapy, Advisory Board on

Retirement System Review Board

Rockfish State Scenic River Advisory Board

Safety and Health Codes Board

Seed Potato Board

Sewage Handling and Disposal Appeal Review Board, State Health Department

Shenandoah State Scenic River Advisory Board

Small Business Advisory Board

Small Business Environmental Compliance Advisory Board

Small Grains Board, Virginia

Social Services, Board of

Social Work, Board of

Soil and Water Conservation Board, Virginia

Soybean Board, Virginia

State Air Pollution Control Board

Substance Abuse Certification Board

Surface Mining Review, Board of

Sweet Potato Board, Virginia

Teacher Education and Licensure, Advisory Board on

Tourism and Travel Services Advisory Board

Toxic Substances Advisory Board

Transportation Board, Commonwealth

Transportation Safety, Board of

Treasury Board, The, Department of the Treasury

Veterans' Affairs, Board on

Veterinary Medicine, Board of

Virginia Board for Asbestos Licensing

Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board

Virginia Employment Commission, State Advisory Board for the

(Delayed effective date) Virginia Horse Industry Board

Virginia Manufactured Housing Board

Virginia Mine Safety Board

Virginia Retirement System, Board of Trustees

Virginia Waste Management Board

Visually Handicapped, Virginia Board for the

Voluntary Formulary Board, Virginia

War Memorial Foundation, Virginia, Board of Trustees

Waste Management Facility Operators, Board for

Water Resources Research Center Statewide Advisory Board, Virginia

Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators, Board for

Well Review Board, Virginia

Youth and Family Services, State Board of.

B. Notwithstanding the definition for "board" as provided in § 2.1-1.2, the following entities shall be referred to as boards:

Compensation Board

State Board of Elections

State Water Control Board

Virginia Parole Board

Virginia Veterans Care Center Board of Trustees.

§ 2.1-451.1. Creation of Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board; purposes.

There is hereby created the Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board. The purposes of the Board shall be to (i) review new products and services manufactured or produced by Virginia Correctional Enterprises; (ii) review the pricing structure of products and services manufactured or produced by Virginia Correctional Enterprises; (iii) evaluate the level and quality of products and customer services offered by Virginia Correctional Enterprises, and make recommendations on such quality and services; and (iv) advise the Director of the Department of General Services on business trends, product development, contract opportunities, and other related matters.

§ 2.1-451.2. Appointment of Board; term of members; chairman; compensation; meetings; quorum.

The Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board shall be composed of fifteen members selected as follows: (i) eight members, appointed by the Governor, two of whom shall be representatives of institutions of higher education; two of whom shall be representatives of state agencies; two of whom shall be representatives of the private business sector; one of whom shall be a representative of the Virginia Industries for the Blind; and one of whom shall be a representative of nonprofit sheltered workshops; (ii) two members of the Senate appointed by the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections; (iii) three members of the House of Delegates appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; (iv) the Director of the Department of General Services or his designee; and (v) the Director of the Department of Corrections or his designee.

Legislative members and the Director of the Department of General Services and the Director of the Department of Corrections shall serve on the Board until the expiration of their terms of office or until their successors shall qualify. All other members shall serve four-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms.

The Board shall elect its chairman and vice-chairman from among its members, except that the Director of the Department of Corrections shall not be elected or otherwise appointed to serve as chairman of the Board. Members of the Board shall receive no compensation for their services as members of the Board, but the nongovernmental members shall receive reasonable expenses.

The Board shall meet at least quarterly and at the call of the chairman or the Director of the Department of General Services. Eight members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

§ 2.1-451.3. Cooperation with other agencies.

All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Board and, upon request, assist the Board in the performance of its duties and responsibilities.

§ 2.1-451.4. Staff support.

Such staff support as is necessary for the conduct of the Board's business shall be furnished by Virginia Correctional Enterprises.

§ 9-6.23. (Effective until July 1, 1995) Prohibition against service by legislators on boards and commissions within the executive branch.

Members of the General Assembly shall be ineligible to serve on boards and commissions within the executive branch which are responsible for administering programs established by the General Assembly. Such prohibition shall not extend to boards and commissions engaged solely in policy studies or commemorative activities. If any law directs the appointment of any member of the General Assembly to a board or commission in the executive branch which is responsible for administering programs established by the General Assembly, such portion of such law shall be void, and the Governor shall appoint another person from the Commonwealth at large to fill such a position. The provisions of this section shall not apply, however, to members of the Board for Branch Pilots, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 54.1-901; to members of the Board on Veterans' Affairs, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 2.1-741; to members of the Council on Indians, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-138.1; to members of the Board of Trustees of the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, who shall be appointed as provided in § 23-231.3; to members of the Maternal and Child Health Council, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-318; to members of the Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council who shall be appointed as provided in § 2.1-750; to members of the Advisory Council on the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program, who shall be appointed as provided in § 9-326; or to members of the Workforce 2000 Advocacy Council, who shall be appointed as provided in § 2.1-116.18; or to members of the Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board, who shall be appointed as provided in § 2.1-451.2.

§ 9-6.23. (Effective July 1, 1995) Prohibition against service by legislators on boards and commissions within the executive branch.

Members of the General Assembly shall be ineligible to serve on boards and commissions within the executive branch which are responsible for administering programs established by the General Assembly. Such prohibition shall not extend to boards and commissions engaged solely in policy studies or commemorative activities. If any law directs the appointment of any member of the General Assembly to a board or commission in the executive branch which is responsible for administering programs established by the General Assembly, such portion of such law shall be void, and the Governor shall appoint another person from the Commonwealth at large to fill such a position. The provisions of this section shall not apply, however, to members of the Board for Branch Pilots, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 54.1-901; to members of the Board on Veterans' Affairs, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 2.1-741; to members of the Council on Indians, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-138.1; to members of the Board of Trustees of the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, who shall be appointed as provided in § 23-231.3; to members of the Maternal and Child Health Council, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-318; to members of the Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council who shall be appointed as provided in § 2.1-750 or; to members of the Advisory Council on the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program, who shall be appointed as provided in § 9-326; or to members of the Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board, who shall be appointed as provided in § 2.1-451.2.

§ 9-6.25:1. Advisory boards, commissions and councils.

There shall be, in addition to such others as may be designated in accordance with § 9-6.25, the following advisory boards, commissions and councils within the executive branch:

Advisory Board for the Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

Advisory Board for the Department for the Aging

Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect

Advisory Board on Medicare and Medicaid

Advisory Board on Occupational Therapy

Advisory Board on Physical Therapy to the Board of Medicine

Advisory Board on Respiratory Therapy to the Board of Medicine

Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure

Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates

Advisory Council on the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program

Appomattox State Scenic River Advisory Board

Aquaculture Advisory Board

Art and Architectural Review Board

(Effective until July 1, 1994) Board for the Visually Handicapped

Board of Directors, Virginia Truck and Ornamentals Research Station

Board of Forestry

Board of Military Affairs

(Effective until July 1, 1994) Board of Rehabilitative Services

Board of Transportation Safety

Board of Trustees of the Family and Children's Trust Fund

Board of Visitors, Gunston Hall Plantation

Board on Veterans' Affairs

Catoctin Creek State Scenic River Advisory Board

Cave Board

Chickahominy State Scenic River Advisory Board

Clinch Scenic River Advisory Board

Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund Advisory Board

Council on Indians

Council on the Status of Women

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board

Falls of the James Committee

Film Office Advisory Board

Forensic Science Advisory Board

Goose Creek Scenic River Advisory Board

Governor's Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems

Governor's Mined Land Reclamation Advisory Committee

Hemophilia Advisory Board

Human Services Information and Referral Advisory Council

Industrial Development Services Advisory Board

Interagency Coordinating Council on Housing for the Disabled

Interdepartmental Board of the State Department of Minority Business Enterprise

Laboratory Services Advisory Board

Local Advisory Board to the Blue Ridge Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Central Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Dabney S. Lancaster Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Danville Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Eastern Shore Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Germanna Community College

Local Advisory Board to the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

Local Advisory Board to the John Tyler Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Lord Fairfax Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Mountain Empire Community College

Local Advisory Board to the New River Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Northern Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Patrick Henry Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Paul D. Camp Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Piedmont Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Rappahannock Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Southwest Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Thomas Nelson Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Tidewater Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Virginia Highlands Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Virginia Western Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Wytheville Community College

Long-Term Care Council

Maternal and Child Health Council

Medical Advisory Board, Department of Motor Vehicles

Medical Board of the Virginia Retirement System

Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Board

Motor Vehicle Dealer's Advisory Board

Nottoway State Scenic River Advisory Board

Personnel Advisory Board

Plant Pollination Advisory Board

Private College Advisory Board

Private Enterprise Commission

Private Security Services Advisory Board

Psychiatric Advisory Board

Radiation Advisory Board

Rappahannock Scenic River Advisory Board

Recreational Fishing Advisory Board, Virginia

Reforestation Board

Retirement System Review Board

Rockfish State Scenic River Advisory Board

Shenandoah State Scenic River Advisory Board

Small Business Advisory Board

Small Business Environmental Compliance Advisory Board

St. Mary's Scenic River Advisory Committee

State Advisory Board on Air Pollution

State Advisory Board for the Virginia Employment Commission

State Building Code Technical Review Board

State Council on Local Debt

State Health Benefits Advisory Council

State Insurance Advisory Board

State Land Evaluation Advisory Council

State Networking Users Advisory Board

State Public Records Advisory Council

Staunton Scenic River Advisory Committee

Telecommunications Relay Service Advisory Board

Tourism and Travel Services Advisory Board

Toxic Substances Advisory Board

Virginia Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Virginia Advisory Council for Adult Education and Literacy

Virginia Board on Physical Fitness and Sports

Virginia Coal Research and Development Advisory Board

Virginia Commission for the Arts

Virginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution

Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board

Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention

Virginia Equal Employment Opportunity Council

Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council

Virginia Military Advisory Council

Virginia Mine Safety Board

Virginia Public Buildings Board

Virginia Recycling Markets Development Council

Virginia Transplant Council

Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Statewide Advisory Board

Virginia Winegrowers Advisory Board.

§ 53.1-10. Powers and duties of Director.

The Director shall be the chief executive officer of the Department and shall have the following duties and powers:

1. To supervise and manage the Department and its system of state correctional facilities;

2. To implement the standards and goals of the Board as formulated for local and community correctional programs and facilities and lock-ups;

3. To employ such personnel and develop and implement such programs as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this title, subject to Chapter 10 (§ 2.1-110 et seq.) of Title 2.1, and within the limits of appropriations made therefor by the General Assembly;

4. To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of the Department's duties and the execution of its powers under this title, including, but not limited to, contracts with the United States, other states, and agencies and governmental subdivisions of this Commonwealth, consistent with applicable standards and goals of the Board; and

5. To accept, hold and enjoy gifts, donations and bequests on behalf of the Department from the United States government and agencies and instrumentalities thereof, and any other source, subject to the approval of the Governor. To these ends, the Director shall have the power to comply with such conditions and execute such agreements as may be necessary, convenient or desirable, consistent with applicable standards and goals of the Board; and

6. To serve on the Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board established pursuant to § 2.1-451.2.

2. That the provisions of this act shall not become effective unless reenacted by a Special Session of the General Assembly in 1994 or at the 1995 Session of the General Assembly.