1996 Uncodified Acts

1996 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to designate Interstate Route 95 and a portion of Virginia Route 3 as the Purple Heart Trail.

[H 349]

Approved March 8, 1996

Whereas, the Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA in the Commonwealth of Virginia desires to promote the principles and objectives of patriotism, fraternalism, history, and education among the peoples of the Commonwealth; and

Whereas, these principles and objectives of the Order can be expressed through perpetuating the ideals and heritage fostered by George Washington, who, as the general commanding the Military Forces of America during the War of the Revolution, established and awarded the Purple Heart decoration; and

Whereas, General George Washington's birthplace in Westmoreland County, Virginia, has been designated a National Monument; and

Whereas, Ferry Farm, General George Washington's boyhood home in Stafford County, Virginia, has been recognized by federal and state authorities as a national historical site; and

Whereas, General George Washington's home at Mount Vernon in Fairfax County, Virginia, the place where the General is entombed, is considered a national shrine; and

Whereas, it has long been a practice to honor national heroes and patriots by naming national and state landmarks for them; and

Whereas, there is an opportunity for the citizens of Virginia thus to honor both living and deceased combat-wounded veterans who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal, an award established by General George Washington on August 7, 1782, at Newburgh-on-the-Hudson, following his victory over British forces at the Battle of Yorktown; now, therefore

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. The portion of Virginia Route 3 from George Washington's Birthplace National Monument in Westmoreland County, Virginia, to the junction of Virginia Route 3 with Interstate Route 95 at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the entire length of Interstate Highway 95 in Virginia are hereby designated as the Purple Heart Trail, in honor of General George Washington and the combat-wounded veterans awarded the Purple Heart Medal. The Department of Transportation shall place and maintain appropriate markers indicating the designation of this route.