1996 Uncodified Acts

1996 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to award a service handgun to the widow of Special Agent R. Lynn Roach.

[H 58]

Approved March 16, 1996

Whereas, Special Agent R. Lynn Roach, who served the Commonwealth as a member of the Virginia Department of State Police for over seventeen years, was killed in a traffic accident on September 10, 1995; and

Whereas, Special Agent Roach joined the State Police in 1978, served in Amherst County and in Chesapeake, then returned to Montgomery County as coordinator of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force; and

Whereas, Special Agent Roach was instrumental in the establishment of a 24-hour hotline in Montgomery County and took justifiable pride in the reputation of the task force as one of the best in Virginia; and

Whereas, it is fitting and appropriate that Special Agent R. Lynn Roach's exceptional service to the Commonwealth be recognized by the General Assembly; now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That Mary S. Roach, the widow of Special Agent R. Lynn Roach, be, and hereby is, vested with title to, and authorized to possess and retain as her own, Special Agent R. Lynn Roach's service handgun, which he used as a member of the Virginia Department of State Police. This transfer is made as a visible and express token of the appreciation of the General Assembly for the professionalism, devotion, and dedication of Special Agent R. Lynn Roach.