1997 Uncodified Acts

1997 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to authorize The College of William and Mary in Virginia to convey certain land to the Department of Transportation; appropriation.

[S 869]

Approved March 11, 1997

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 774 of the 1995 Acts of Assembly, The College of William and Mary in Virginia is hereby authorized to convey, with the approval of the Governor and the Attorney General, 730.0 square meters (0.18 acres), more or less, of the property known as College Woods which includes Lake Matoaka, being shown on Sheet 3 of the plans for Virginia Route 616, State Highway Project 0616-047-155, M-501, and lying on the east, right side of Virginia Route 616, Strawberry Plains Road centerline from a point in the lands of the landowner approximately 9.00 meters opposite approximate Station 11+65.65 to the lands now or formerly belonging to Sarah Bailey approximately 12.50 meters opposite approximate Station 13+41.00, to the Virginia Department of Transportation for highway purposes and other incidental purposes associated with the construction of Virginia Route 616, Project 0616-047-155, M-501.

2. That the proceeds from the transfer of property authorized by this act are hereby appropriated to The College of William and Mary in Virginia to be held, used, and administered in the same manner as all other gifts and bequests are held, used, and administered.