1997 Uncodified Acts

1997 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to authorize the Governor to convey certain improved subaqueous lands in the Hampton River at Hampton, Virginia, to Hampton Roads Marina, L.L.C.

[H 2725]

Approved March 13, 1997

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. The Governor is hereby authorized, upon consultation with the Marine Resources Commission and the Attorney General, to convey to Hampton Roads Marina, L.L.C., all rights, title and interest, and all riparian rights appurtenant thereto, in certain improved subaqueous lands in Hampton, Virginia, being an extension of the property of the Hampton Roads Marina, L.L.C. in the Hampton River and more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a set nail spike located approximately on the original mean low water line of Herbert's Creek prior to the aforementioned permitted filling, said spike being located at the northwest corner of the property herein described and being the true point and place of Beginning; thence with a survey tie line, (said tie line generally proceeds along a timber bulkhead which is located on the southerly lines of said Herbert's Creek), the following three courses: (1) North eighty degrees fifty minutes four seconds East (N 80 degrees 50' 04" E), a distance of one hundred and 95/100 (100.95) feet to a set drill hole; (2) thence South nine degrees nineteen minutes eleven seconds East (S 09 degrees 19' 11" E), a distance of seventy-eight and 13/100 (78.13) feet to a set drill hole; (3) thence North eighty-five degrees thirty-one minutes three seconds East (N 85 degrees 31' 03" E), a distance of one hundred sixty-four and 74/100 (164.74) feet to a set drill hole, said drill hole lying at a point where the southerly line of said Herbert's Creek joins the westerly line of the Hampton River; thence along a survey tie line and with the westerly line of said Hampton River the following two courses: (1) South ten degrees thirty-nine minutes forty-six seconds East (S 10 degrees 39' 46" E), a distance of one hundred eighty-five and 32/100 (185.32) feet with said survey tie line, (said tie line generally proceeds along a timber bulkhead which is located on the westerly line of said Hampton River), to a point in the current approximate mean low water line of said Hampton River; (2) thence South fifty-six degrees seven minutes thirty-eight seconds West (S 56 degrees 07' 38" W), a distance of one hundred sixty-five and 52/100 (165.52) feet along said approximate mean low water line to a point lying in the easterly line of property now or formerly standing in the name of Herbert House Condominiums; thence departing said approximate mean low water line and along the easterly and northerly lines of said property now or formerly standing in the name of said Herbert House Condominiums the following four courses: (1) North one degree fourteen minutes four seconds East (N 01 degrees 14' 04" E), a distance of one hundred twenty-two (122.00) feet to a set iron pin; (2) thence North thirty-five degrees forty minutes fifty-six seconds West (N 35 degrees 40' 56" W), a distance of one hundred sixty-six and 84/100 (166.84) to a found iron pipe at a point of curvature; (3) thence along a curve to the left having a radius of fifteen (15.00) feet, arc length of eighteen and 49/100 (18.49) feet, delta angle of seventy degrees thirty-seven minutes twenty-five seconds (70 degrees 37' 25"), a chord bearing North seventy degrees fifty-nine minutes thirty-nine seconds West (N 70 degrees 59' 39" W), and a chord length of seventeen and 34/100 (17.34) feet to a found iron pipe at a point of tangency; (4) thence South seventy-three degrees forty-one minutes thirty-nine seconds West (S 73 degrees 41' 39" W), a distance of twenty-four and 70/100 (24.70) feet to a point located approximately on the original mean low water line of Herbert's Creek prior to the aforementioned permitted filling; then North thirty degrees thirteen minutes eighteen seconds West (N 30 degrees 13' 18" W), a distance of seventy-six and 74/100 (76.74) feet along aforesaid approximate original mean low water line to a set nail spike, said nail spike being the true point and place of Beginning and containing forty thousand seven hundred fifty-five (40,755) square feet, more or less.

2. That the conveyance shall be subject to such terms and conditions as are deemed proper and shall be in a form approved by the Attorney General.

3. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.