1997 Uncodified Acts

1997 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact § 1 of Chapter 803 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly and § 1 of Chapter 811 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly and to repeal Chapter 264 of the 1936 Acts of Assembly and Chapter 29 of the 1940 Acts of Assembly, relating to the authority to lease and convey the George Washington's Grist Mill State Park in Fairfax County.

[S 961]

Approved March 20, 1997

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That § 1 of Chapter 803 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 1. That in accordance with and as evidence of General Assembly approval pursuant to § 10.1-109 of the Code of Virginia, the Department of Conservation and Recreation is hereby authorized to lease and subsequently to convey to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, upon terms as the Department deems proper, with the approval of the Governor and the Attorney General, the parcel of real property and appurtenances known as the George Washington's Grist Mill State Park in Fairfax County. If such property is conveyed to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, the deed shall require that the property be maintained and open to public use and that if such condition is not met, the property shall revert to the Commonwealth.

Subject to the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of a memorandum of understanding entered into pursuant to § 2 of this act, the initial term of this lease may be for five years or less, the lease may be renewed at the option of the lessee for periods of similar length, and the property may, after upon the expiration of the initial lease term or during any renewal term, be conveyed to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union. The memorandum of understanding shall set out the matters to be performed by each party to include, but not be limited to, capital investment, staffing, programming, and maintenance and operations support. All lease renewals will require approvals of the Governor and the Attorney General as stated for the initial term. The memorandum of understanding, the lease, all lease renewals and any instrument conveying the property shall be submitted to the chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee, the Senate Committee for Courts of Justice, the House Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources and the House Appropriations Committee for review.

2. That § 1 of Chapter 811 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 1. That in accordance with and as evidence of General Assembly approval pursuant to § 10.1-109 of the Code of Virginia, the Department of Conservation and Recreation is hereby authorized to lease and subsequently to convey to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, upon terms as the Department deems proper, with the approval of the Governor and the Attorney General, the parcel of real property and appurtenances known as the George Washington's Grist Mill State Park in Fairfax County. If such property is conveyed to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, the deed shall require that the property be maintained and open to public use and that if such condition is not met, the property shall revert to the Commonwealth.

Subject to the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of a memorandum of understanding entered into pursuant to § 2 of this act, the initial term of this lease may be for five years or less, the lease may be renewed at the option of the lessee for periods of similar length, and the property may, after upon the expiration of the initial lease term or during any renewal term, be conveyed to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union. The memorandum of understanding shall set out the matters to be performed by each party to include, but not be limited to, capital investment, staffing, programming, and maintenance and operations support. All lease renewals will require approvals of the Governor and the Attorney General as stated for the initial term. The memorandum of understanding, the lease, all lease renewals and any instrument conveying the property shall be submitted to the chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee, the Senate Committee for Courts of Justice, the House Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources and the House Appropriations Committee for review.

3. That Chapter 264 of the 1936 Acts of Assembly and Chapter 29 of the 1940 Acts of Assembly are repealed.