1997 Uncodified Acts

1997 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to permit the purchase of prior service credit for certain beneficiaries of the Judicial Retirement System.

[H 2555]

Approved March 21, 1997

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. Any beneficiary of the Judicial Retirement System (§ 51.1-300 et seq.) who served as a substitute judge on a full-time basis for any city of this Commonwealth with a population between 90,000 and 100,000, as reported in the 1990 census of the population of the United States, may purchase prior service credit not otherwise credited to the Judicial Retirement System or the retirement system of such city if (i) such city had no part-time judgeships during the time period to be credited and (ii) the beneficiary makes payment of five percent of final salary for each year purchased to the Virginia Retirement System.

2. That all purchases of prior service credit under the provisions of this act shall be completed by December 31, 1997.