1997 Uncodified Acts

1997 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend Chapter 139 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly by adding a section numbered 2, relating to the designation of a portion of Virginia Route 3 as the King's Highway.

[H 2411]

Approved April 2, 1997

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That Chapter 139 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly is amended by adding a section numbered 2 as follows:

§ 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1 of this act, that portion of Virginia Route 3 from George Washington's Birthplace National Monument in Westmoreland County, Virginia, to the junction of Virginia Route 3 with Interstate Route 95 at Fredericksburg, Virginia, is hereby designated the "King's Highway." The Department of Transportation shall place and maintain appropriate markers indicating the designation of this route.