1999 Uncodified Acts

1999 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend the Code of Virginia by adding a section numbered 17.1-227.1 and to repeal Chapter 378 of the Acts of Assembly of 1998, relating to indexing by tax map reference number; use of cover sheets on deeds or other instruments by certain circuit court clerks.

[H 1452]

Approved March 24, 1999

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 17.1-227.1 as follows:

§ 17.1-227.1. Use of cover sheets on deeds or other instruments by certain circuit court clerks.

The clerk of the circuit court in any (i) county with a population between 7,000 and 7,500, (ii) county with a population between 39,500 and 42,000, (iii) county with a population between 10,250 and 10,400, and (iv) city with a population between 4,000 and 4,500 may request, but shall not require, that any deed or other instrument conveying or relating to an interest in real property be filed with a cover sheet detailing the information contained in the deed or other instrument necessary for the clerk to properly index such instrument. The cover sheet shall be in a form approved by the Supreme Court of Virginia and used in connection with the Financial Management System and Record Indexing System provided to such circuit court clerks by the Supreme Court of Virginia.

The cover sheet shall not be included as a page for determining the amount of any applicable filing fees pursuant to subdivision A 2 of § 17.1-275, nor shall the cover sheet be construed to convey title to any interest in real property or purport to be a document in the chain of title conveying any interest in real property.

The provisions of this section shall expire on July 1, 2002.

2. That Chapter 378 of the Acts of Assembly of 1998 is repealed.