1999 Uncodified Acts

1999 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act establishing a task force to develop recommendations relating to indoor air quality in public schools.

[H 2478]

Approved March 27, 1999

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. Indoor air quality task force established; members; duties; report.

A. The Department of Housing and Community Development shall establish a task force to identify existing guidelines and standards for indoor air quality and Uniform Statewide Building Code requirements for heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems for schools. The task force shall consist of twelve members as follows: two members of the House of Delegates and three citizens, one each representing the Virginia Association of School Boards, the Virginia Association of Counties, and the Virginia Education Association, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House; one member of the Senate and two citizens, one each representing the Virginia Education Association and the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, to be appointed by the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections; and one licensed architect or engineer actively engaged in the practice of school design and construction and one representative each of the Departments of Housing and Community Development, Education, and Health, to be appointed by the Governor.

B. The task force shall develop recommendations regarding indoor air quality in public schools and shall report such recommendations to the House Committees on Education and on Appropriations, and the Senate Committees on Education and Health and on Finance by December 1, 1999.