2001 Uncodified Acts

2001 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact §§ 2.1-1.7, 2.1-33, 2.1-51.15, 9-6.23, and 9-6.25:1 of the Code of Virginia, to repeal Chapter 11.2 (§§ 9-95.5 and 9-95.6) of Title 9, Chapter 30 (§§ 9-267 through 9-273) of Title 9, Chapter 32.1 (§ 9-291.1) of Title 9, Chapter 43 (§§ 9-334 and 9-335) of Title 9, and Chapter 12 (§§ 30-90 through 30-93) of Title 30 of the Code of Virginia and to repeal § 1 of Chapter 557 of the 1999 Acts of Assembly, as amended by Chapter 1033 of the 2000 Acts of Assembly, relating to the repeal of certain inactive commissions, councils, and task forces.

[S 1365]

Approved March 24, 2001

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§ 2.1-1.7, 2.1-33, 2.1-51.15, 9-6.23, and 9-6.25:1 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 2.1-1.7. State councils.

A. There shall be, in addition to such others as may be established by law, the following permanent collegial bodies either affiliated with more than one agency or independent of an agency within the executive branch:

Adult Education and Literacy, Virginia Advisory Council for

Aging, Commonwealth Council on

Agricultural Council, Virginia

Apprenticeship Council

Blue Ridge Regional Education and Training Council

Child Day-Care Council

Citizens' Advisory Council on Furnishing and Interpreting the Executive Mansion

Coastal Land Management Advisory Council, Virginia

Commonwealth Competition Council

Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council

Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Virginia

Disability Services Council

Equal Employment Opportunity Council, Virginia

Housing for the Disabled, Interagency Coordinating Council on

Human Rights, Council on

Human Services Information and Referral Advisory Council

Indians, Council on

Interagency Coordinating Council, Virginia

Job Training Coordinating Council, Governor's

Land Evaluation Advisory Council

Maternal and Child Health Council

Military Advisory Council, Virginia

Needs of Handicapped Persons, Overall Advisory Council on the

Prevention, Virginia Council on Coordinating

Public Records Advisory Council, State

Rate-setting for Children's Facilities, Interdepartmental Council on

Revenue Estimates, Advisory Council on

Specialized Transportation Council

State Health Benefits Advisory Council

Status of Women, Council on the

Substance Abuse Services Council

Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program, Advisory Council on the

Virginia Recycling Markets Development Council

Workforce Council, Virginia.

B. Notwithstanding the definition for "council" as provided in § 2.1-1.2, the following entities shall be referred to as councils:

Higher Education, State Council of

Independent Living Council, Statewide

Rehabilitation Advisory Council, Statewide

Rehabilitation Advisory Council for the Blind, Statewide

Transplant Council, Virginia.

§ 2.1-33. Further exceptions.

Section 2.1-30 shall not be construed:

1. To prevent members of Congress from acting as visitors of the University of Virginia or the Virginia Military Institute, or from holding offices in the militia;

2. To exclude from offices under the state, city or town government or offices under any county, a person to whom a pension has been granted by the United States or who receives retirement compensation in any manner from the United States, or any person receiving or entitled to receive benefits under the Federal Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance System or under the Federal Railroad Retirement Act;

3. To exclude from such office or post, officers or soldiers on account of the recompense they may receive from the United States when called out in actual duty;

4. To prevent United States commissioners or United States census enumerators, supervisors, or the clerks under the supervisor of the United States census, or fourth-class or third-class postmasters, or United States caretakers of the National Guard of Virginia, from acting as notaries, school board selection commission members, or supervisors, or from holding any district office under the government of any county, or the office of councilman of any town or city in this Commonwealth;

5. To prevent any United States rural mail carrier, or star route mail carrier from being appointed and acting as notary public or holding any county or district office;

6. To prevent any civilian employee of the United States government from being appointed and acting as notary public;

7. To prevent any United States commissioners or United States park commissioners from holding the office of commissioner in chancery, bail commissioner, jury commissioner, commissioner of accounts, assistant commissioner of accounts, substitute or assistant civil justice, or assistant judge of a municipal court of any city or assistant judge of a juvenile and domestic relations district court of any city, or judge of any county court or juvenile and domestic relations district court of any county, or the municipal court or court of limited jurisdiction, by whatever name designated, of any incorporated town;

8. To prevent any person employed by, or holding office or a post of profit, trust or emolument, civil, legislative, executive or judicial, under the government of the United States, from being a member of the militia or holding office therein, or from being a member or director of any board, council, commission or institution of the Commonwealth who serves without compensation except one who serves on a per diem compensation basis;

9. To prevent foremen, quartermen, leading men, artisans, clerks or laborers, employed in any navy yard or naval reservation in Virginia from holding any office under the government of any city, town or county in this Commonwealth;

10. To prevent any United States government clerk from holding any office under the government of any town or city; or from being appointed as special policemen for a county by the circuit court or judge thereof as provided for in § 15.1-144;

11. To prevent any person holding an office under the United States government from holding a position under the management and control of the State Board of Health;

12. To prevent any state federal director of this Commonwealth in the employment service of the United States Department of Labor from holding the office of Commissioner of Labor of this Commonwealth;

13. To prevent clerks and employees of the federal government engaged in the departmental service in Washington from acting as school trustees;

14. To prevent any person, who is otherwise eligible, holding any office or post of profit, trust or emolument, civil or military, legislative, executive or judicial, under the government of the United States, or who is in the employment of such government or receives from it in any way any emolument whatever from serving as a member of the governing body or school board of any county, city or town, or as a member of any public body who is appointed by such governing body or school board, or as an appointive officer or employee of any county, city or town or the school board thereof;

15. To prevent game management agents of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or United States deputy game wardens from acting as special game wardens;

16. To prevent any appointive state or local official or employee from serving, with compensation, on an advisory board of the federal government;

17. To prevent any state or local law-enforcement officer from serving as a United States law-enforcement officer; however, this provision shall not be construed to authorize any law-enforcement officer to receive double compensation;

18. To prevent any United States law-enforcement officer from serving as a state or local law-enforcement officer when requested by the chief law-enforcement officer of the subject jurisdiction; however, this provision shall not be construed to authorize any law-enforcement officer to receive double compensation;

19. To prevent any attorney for the Commonwealth or assistant attorney for the Commonwealth from serving as or performing the duties of a special assistant United States attorney or assistant United States attorney; however, this provision shall not be construed to authorize any attorney for the Commonwealth or assistant attorney for the Commonwealth to receive double compensation;

20. To prevent any assistant United States attorney from serving as or performing the duties of an assistant attorney for the Commonwealth when requested by the attorney for the Commonwealth of the subject jurisdiction; however, this provision shall not be construed to authorize any assistant United States attorney to receive double compensation;

21. To prevent any elected state or local official from serving, without compensation, on an advisory board of the federal government; however, this provision shall not be construed to prohibit reimbursement for actual expenses;

22. To prevent sheriffs' deputies from patrolling federal lands pursuant to contracts between federal agencies and local sheriffs; or

23. To prevent state judicial officers from performing acts or functions with respect to United States criminal proceedings when such acts or functions are authorized by federal law to be performed by state judicial officers; or

24. To prevent any member of the Armed Forces of the United States from serving on the Virginia Military Advisory Council.

§ 2.1-51.15. Agencies for which responsible.

The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall be responsible to the Governor for the following agencies: Department of Health, Department for the Visually Handicapped, Department of Health Professions, Department for the Aging, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Department of Rehabilitative Services, Department of Social Services, Department for Rights of Virginians With Disabilities, Department of Medical Assistance Services, the Council on Indians, Governor's Employment and Training Department, Child Day-Care Council, and the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and the Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention. The Governor may, by executive order, assign any other state executive agency to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, or reassign any agency listed above to another secretary.

§ 9-6.23. Prohibition against service by legislators on boards, commissions, and councils within the executive branch.

Members of the General Assembly shall be ineligible to serve on boards, commissions, and councils within the executive branch which are responsible for administering programs established by the General Assembly. Such prohibition shall not extend to boards, commissions, and councils engaged solely in policy studies or commemorative activities. If any law directs the appointment of any member of the General Assembly to a board, commission, or council in the executive branch which is responsible for administering programs established by the General Assembly, such portion of such law shall be void, and the Governor shall appoint another person from the Commonwealth at large to fill such a position. The provisions of this section shall not apply, however, to members of the Board for Branch Pilots, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 54.1-901; to members of the Board on Veterans' Affairs, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 2.1-741; to members of the Council on Indians, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-138.1; to members of the Board of Trustees of the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 23-231.3; to members of the Maternal and Child Health Council, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-318; to members of the Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council who shall be appointed as provided for in § 2.1-750; to members of the Advisory Council on the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program, who shall be appointed as provided in § 9-326; to members of the Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 53.1-45.3; to members appointed to the Virginia Veterans Cemetery Board pursuant to § 2.1-739.2; to members appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Roanoke Higher Education Authority pursuant to § 23-231.15; to members of the Commonwealth Competition Commission, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-343; to members of the Virginia Geographic Information Network Advisory Board, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 2.1-563.41; to members of the Advisory Commission on the Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 22.1-346.1; to members of the Council on Coordinating Prevention, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-268; to members of the Substance Abuse Services Council, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 37.1-207; or to members of the Criminal Justice Services Board, who shall be appointed as provided in § 9-168; or to members of the Virginia Workforce Council, who shall be appointed as provided for in § 9-329.1.

§ 9-6.25:1. Advisory boards, commissions and councils.

There shall be, in addition to such others as may be designated in accordance with § 9-6.25, the following advisory boards, commissions and councils within the executive branch:

Advisory Board for the Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

Advisory Board on Athletic Training

Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect

Advisory Board on Medicare and Medicaid

Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy

Advisory Board on Rehabilitation Providers

Advisory Board on Respiratory Care to the Board of Medicine

Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure

Advisory Commission on the Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates

Advisory Council on the Virginia Business-Education Partnership Program

Appomattox State Scenic River Advisory Board

Aquaculture Advisory Board

Art and Architectural Review Board

Board for the Visually Handicapped, Virginia

Board of Directors, Virginia Truck and Ornamentals Research Station

Board of Forestry

Board of Military Affairs

Board of Rehabilitative Services

Board of Transportation Safety

Board of Trustees of the Family and Children's Trust Fund

Board of Visitors, Gunston Hall Plantation

Board on Veterans' Affairs

Catoctin Creek State Scenic River Advisory Board

Cave Board

Charity Food Assistance Advisory Board

Chickahominy State Scenic River Advisory Board

Chief Information Officer Advisory Board

Clinch Scenic River Advisory Board

Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund Advisory Board

Coastal Land Management Advisory Council, Virginia

Commonwealth Competition Council

Commonwealth Council on Aging

Council on Indians

Council on the Status of Women

Debt Capacity Advisory Committee

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board

Falls of the James Committee

Goose Creek Scenic River Advisory Board

Governor's Mined Land Reclamation Advisory Committee

Hemophilia Advisory Board

Human Services Information and Referral Advisory Council

Interagency Coordinating Council on Housing for the Disabled

Interdepartmental Board of the State Department of Minority Business Enterprise

Litter Control and Recycling Fund Advisory Board

Local Advisory Board to the Blue Ridge Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Central Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Dabney S. Lancaster Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Danville Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Eastern Shore Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Germanna Community College

Local Advisory Board to the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

Local Advisory Board to the John Tyler Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Lord Fairfax Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Mountain Empire Community College

Local Advisory Board to the New River Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Northern Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Patrick Henry Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Paul D. Camp Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Piedmont Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Rappahannock Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Southside Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Southwest Virginia Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Thomas Nelson Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Tidewater Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Virginia Highlands Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Virginia Western Community College

Local Advisory Board to the Wytheville Community College

Maritime Incident Response Advisory Board

Maternal and Child Health Council

Medical Advisory Board, Department of Motor Vehicles

Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Board

North Meherrin State Scenic River Advisory Board

Nottoway State Scenic River Advisory Board

Personnel Advisory Board

Plant Pollination Advisory Board

Private College Advisory Board

Private Security Services Advisory Board

Psychiatric Advisory Board

Public Guardian and Conservator Advisory Board

Radiation Advisory Board

Rappahannock Scenic River Advisory Board

Recreational Fishing Advisory Board, Virginia

Reforestation Board

Rockfish State Scenic River Advisory Board

Shenandoah State Scenic River Advisory Board

Small Business Advisory Board

Small Business Environmental Compliance Advisory Board

St. Mary's Scenic River Advisory Committee

State Advisory Board on Air Pollution

State Building Code Technical Review Board

State Health Benefits Advisory Council

State Land Evaluation Advisory Council

State Networking Users Advisory Board

State Public Records Advisory Council

Statewide Independent Living Council

Statewide Rehabilitation Advisory Council

Statewide Rehabilitation Advisory Council for the Blind

Staunton Scenic River Advisory Committee

Substance Abuse Services Council

Telecommunications Relay Service Advisory Board

Virginia-Israel Advisory Board

Virginia Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Virginia Advisory Council for Adult Education and Literacy

Virginia Coal Mine Safety Board

Virginia Coal Research and Development Advisory Board

Virginia Commission for the Arts

Virginia Correctional Enterprises Advisory Board

Virginia Council on Coordinating Prevention

Virginia Equal Employment Opportunity Council

Virginia Geographic Information Network Advisory Board

Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council

Virginia Military Advisory Council

Virginia Public Buildings Board

Virginia Recycling Markets Development Council

Virginia Transplant Council

Virginia Veterans Cemetery Board

Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Statewide Advisory Board

Virginia Winegrowers Advisory Board.

2. That Chapter 11.2 (§§ 9-95.5 and 9-95.6) of Title 9, Chapter 30 (§§ 9-267 through 9-273) of Title 9, Chapter 32.1 (§ 9-291.1) of Title 9, Chapter 43 (§§ 9-334 and 9-335) of Title 9, and Chapter 12 (§§ 30-90 through 30-93) of Title 30 of the Code of Virginia are repealed and § 1 of Chapter 557 of the 1999 Acts of Assembly, as amended by Chapter 1033 of the 2000 Acts of Assembly, is repealed.