An Act relating to fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements for certain school board members.
Approved April 12, 2004
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. § 1. Benefits, expenses, and reimbursements for the school board members of certain county.
An elected school board of a school division comprised of a county having the county manager plan of government may grant itself fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements, or any of them, as it deems appropriate, and in the manner and form as such fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements are provided for school board employees, after satisfying the notice and public hearing requirements as set forth in § 15.2-702.1 of the Code of Virginia. Such school board serving a county having the county manager plan of government whose membership totals five may establish such fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements by July 1 in any year in which two of the five members are to be elected. Any such fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements shall become effective on January 1 of the following year.