2010 Uncodified Acts

2010 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to expand employment programs for certain individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

[H 1099]

Approved April 9, 2010


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, in coordination with the Department of Rehabilitative Services and other partner agencies, including local community services boards and behavioral health authorities, shall establish specific goals for programs to assist individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to obtain and sustain employment. The goals of the program shall include:

1. Providing skills training for individuals with ASDs in order to help them obtain employment;

2. Providing behavioral supports necessary to ensure success in the workplace;

3. Providing training to reduce behaviors that interfere with successful employment;

4. Offering education and training on ASDs to employers, in order to increase understanding of these disorders and common behaviors associated with them; and

5. Ensuring that individuals with ASDs receive the ongoing behavioral and social support needed to retain successful employment status.

By November 1, 2010, the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall include in its report to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission a detailed summary outlining the plan for inclusion of specific goals for ASD employment programs.