2010 Uncodified Acts

2010 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to convey certain real property to Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc.

[H 1302]

Approved April 11, 2010


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That the Board of Corrections is hereby authorized to sell and convey, in its "as is" condition and for the nominal monetary consideration of $1, to Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc., approximately 1.833 acres of property with improvements thereon being bounded on the north by the right-of-way of the Southern Railway, on the east by Beach Street, on the south by Fourth Street, and on the west by Belt Road, and being all of block 16, (containing lots 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65) as shown on the map of the Town of Lawrenceville recorded in Deed Book 2, Page 35, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Brunswick.

§ 2. Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc., shall pay all costs and expenses incurred in the transfer of the property and shall be responsible for all costs related to the abatement, in accordance with applicable law, of any existing environmental contamination of the property.

§ 3. Such property is for the use of Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc. In the event Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc., or a successor organization ceases to use the property primarily for the management and operation of a trail for public park purposes, all of the property or interests therein shall revert to the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

§ 4. Such sale and conveyance shall be approved by the Governor pursuant to § 2.2-1150 of the Code of Virginia and made in a form approved by the Attorney General. The appropriate officials of the Commonwealth are hereby authorized to prepare, execute, and deliver such deed and other documents as may be necessary to accomplish the sale and conveyance.