2010 Uncodified Acts

2010 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to require that civics education training for educators include local government information specific to Virginia.

[S 715]

Approved April 21, 2010


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  § 1. That the Board of Education shall amend its regulations to require that all teacher education preparation programs in early/primary preK-3, elementary education preK-6, middle education 6-8, and history and social sciences include local government and civics instruction specific to Virginia.

§ 2. That the Board of Education shall amend its regulations to require any individual seeking renewal of a license with an endorsement in early/primary preK-3, elementary education preK-6, middle education 6-8, history and social sciences, history, or political science to complete study of the structures, function, and powers of state and local government of Virginia and the importance of citizen participation in the political process in state and local government of Virginia. The study may be satisfactorily completed using any applicable option described in the Virginia Licensure Renewal Manual. This requirement shall be met one time for the individual's next renewal after July 1, 2012.

2. That the Board of Education shall promulgate regulations to implement the provisions of this act to be effective by July 1, 2011.