2011 Uncodified Acts

2011 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to establish The Virginia War of 1812 Heritage Trail.

[H 1602]

Approved March 16, 2011


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. There is hereby established The Virginia War of 1812 Heritage Trail, a heritage trail of historical markers and sites in the Commonwealth significant to the American War of 1812, "America's Second War of Independence," to highlight and commemorate Virginia's role, participation, and contributions to the successful outcome of the war. The Trail shall consist of the following historical highway markers designating historical sites and places associated with the War of 1812 in Virginia and significant individuals who provided leadership for the nation before and during the war, including but not limited to:

Chesconessex Creek at Accomack County;

Pungoteague Creek at Accomack County;

Tangier Island at Accomack County;

Elizabeth Kortright Monroe's Ash Lawn-Highland at Albemarle County;

James Monroe’s Ash Lawn-Highland at Albemarle County;

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello at Albemarle County;

Christ Church at Alexandria;

First Presbyterian Church at Alexandria;

Trinity United Methodist Church at Alexandria;

Chain Bridge-Hiding of the Declaration of Independence at Arlington County;

Old Providence Church at Augusta County;

Lt. Colonel George Armistead's birthplace at Caroline County;

Camp Carter at Charles City County;

Hill Carter's Shirley Plantation at Charles City County;

John Tyler's Sherwood Forest Plantation at Charles City County;

William Henry Harrison's birthplace at Charles City County;

War of 1812 Opposition-John Randolph's Roanoke Plantation at Charlotte County;

General Winfield Scott's Laurel Branch Plantation at Dinwiddie County;

Bowlers Wharf at Essex County;

Capture of Tappahannock at Essex County;

Fort Belvoir at Fairfax County;

Belle Grove at Frederick County;

Fredericksburg City Cemetery at Fredericksburg;

Masonic Cemetery at Fredericksburg;

Gloucester Point at Gloucester County;

Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Cockburn on the Chesapeake at Hampton;

Fort Monroe at Hampton;

Hampton History Museum at Hampton;

Hampton River at Hampton;

Landing at Indian Creek at Hampton;

Old Point Comfort Lighthouse at Hampton;

St. John’s Episcopal Church at Hampton;

Bottom's Bridge at Henrico County;

Camp Holly at Henrico County;

Richmond's War of 1812 Defensive Camps at Henrico County;

St. Luke’s Church at Isle of Wight County;

Belle Grove at King George County;

Corrotoman River Carters Creek at Lancaster County;

North Point at Lancaster County;

White Stone at Lancaster County;

Windmill Point at Lancaster County;

Union Cemetery at Leesburg;

Goose Creek Burying Ground at Loudoun County;

Ketoctin Baptist Church Cemetery at Loudoun County;

Sharon Cemetery at Loudoun County;

Old Methodist Church (formerly Old City) Cemetery at Lynchburg;

Mobjack Bay at Mathews County;

New Point Comfort Lighthouse at Mathews County;

Capture of the Dolphin at Middlesex County;

Piankatank River at Middlesex County;

Stingray Point at Middlesex County;

John Tyler's Cedar Grove Plantation at New Kent County;

Denbigh Plantation at Newport News;

Endview Plantation at Newport News;

Newport News Point at Newport News;

Allmand-Archer House at Norfolk;

Cedar Grove Cemetery at Norfolk;

Elizabeth River Defenses at Norfolk;

Elmwood Cemetery at Norfolk;

Fort Barbour at Norfolk;

Fort Norfolk at Norfolk;

Fort Tar at Norfolk;

Hampton Roads Naval Museum at Norfolk;

Moses Myers House at Norfolk;

Norfolk History Museum at the Willoughby-Baylor House at Norfolk;

Sargeant Memorial Room Norfolk Main Public Library at Norfolk;

St. Paul's Episcopal Churchyard Cemetery at Norfolk;

Cherrystone Inlet at Northampton County;

African Americans in the War of 1812 at Northumberland County;

Coan River at Northumberland County;

Great Wicomico River at Northumberland County;

Munday Point at Northumberland County;

Sandy Point at Northumberland County;

Governor James Barbour at Orange County;

Dolley Madison's Montpelier at Orange County;

James Madison’s Montpelier at Orange County;

Zachary Taylor's Montebello at Orange County;

Centre Hill Mansion at Petersburg;

Poplar Lawn Park at Petersburg;

The Ball House at Portsmouth;

Cedar Grove Cemetery at Portsmouth;

Craney Island at Portsmouth;

Fort Nelson Park at Portsmouth;

Glasgow Street Park at Portsmouth;

Gosport Park at Portsmouth;

Hoffler Creek at Portsmouth;

Norfolk Naval Shipyard Museum at Portsmouth;

Trinity Episcopal Church at Portsmouth;

Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond;

Mason’s Hall at Richmond;

Shockoe Hill Cemetery at Richmond;

St. John's Church Cemetery at Richmond;

North Farnham Church at Richmond County;

Sharps Point at Richmond County;

Potomac Creek at Stafford County;

First Landing State Park at Virginia Beach;

Lynhaven Bay at Virginia Beach;

Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Training Center at Virginia Beach;

Old Cape Henry Lighthouse at Virginia Beach;

President-Little Belt Affair at Virginia Beach;

James Monroe’s birthplace at Westmoreland County;

Kinsale at Westmoreland County;

Mattox Creek at Westmoreland County;

Nomini Ferry at Westmoreland County;

Ragged Point at Westmoreland County;

Rosier Creek at Westmoreland County;

Yeocomico River at Westmoreland County; and

Jamestown Island at Williamsburg.

§ 2. The Virginia Department of Transportation shall erect historical highway markers approved by the Board of Historic Resources as a part of The Virginia War of 1812 Heritage Trail in the Department of Transportation right-of-way at the request of the Department of Historic Resources.

Directional signage for travelers to sites may be erected by the Department of Transportation at the request of the governing body of a local government or historical organization or foundation with custodial responsibilities for the site. Directional signage shall be placed at the nearest intersection to each site in the Department of Transportation right-of-way if there is no conflict with other Department signage. All directional signage shall consist of a common sign design developed by a committee established by and under the direction of the Virginia Bicentennial of the American War of 1812 Commission (the Commission). The committee shall include, but not be limited to, the Director of the Department of Historic Resources or her designee, the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation or his designee, and one representative of each historical organization, foundation, or local governing body in proximity to the site of the sign. Directional sign panels and posts shall meet Virginia Department of Transportation specifications. All costs associated with manufacturing, erection, and maintenance of directional signs under this section shall be borne by the requesting party. Directional signs erected by the Virginia Department of Transportation under this section shall be developed in accordance with applicable provisions of § 10.1-2209 of the Code of Virginia and placed in accordance with all applicable Virginia Department of Transportation regulations.

§ 3. The Commission shall add to The Virginia War of 1812 Heritage Trail other historical highway markers and historical sites that may be subsequently identified as related to the War of 1812 in Virginia. Upon the expiration of the Commission, the Department of Historic Resources shall add to The Virginia War of 1812 Heritage Trail other historical highway markers and historical sites identified as related to the War of 1812 in Virginia.