2015 Uncodified Acts

2015 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to direct agencies of the Commonwealth to establish protocol relating to hauling motor fuels during times of necessitous circumstances; report.

[H 1522]

Approved March 19, 2015


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. The Department of Transportation, Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Department of Emergency Management, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of State Police, and other interested stakeholders shall work to establish a protocol for submission of a declaration of a state of emergency for resource shortages, as defined in § 44-146.16 of the Code of Virginia, that adversely affect the delivery of motor fuels, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, number one and two heating oils, or liquid propane gas within or outside of the Commonwealth.

2. That the Department of Emergency Management shall submit a report detailing the established protocol to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 13, 2016.