2018 Uncodified Acts

2018 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to permit school boards to employ certain individuals.

[S 343]

Approved April 18, 2018


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A of § 22.1-296.1 of the Code of Virginia and consistent with the discretion granted to a school board pursuant to § 22.1-307 of the Code of Virginia to retain an employee who is convicted of an offense subsequent to the employee's hiring, a school board may employ an individual who, at the time of the individual's hiring, has been convicted of a felony, provided that such individual (i) was employed in good standing by a school board on or before December 17, 2015; (ii) has been granted a simple pardon for such offense by the Governor or other appropriate authority; and (iii) has had his civil rights restored by the Governor or other appropriate authority. However, a school board may employ, until July 1, 2020, such an individual who does not satisfy the conditions set forth in clauses (ii) and (iii), provided that such individual has been continuously employed by the school board from December 17, 2015, through July 1, 2018.