2020 Uncodified Acts

2020 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to convene a work group to review the Commonwealth's medical cannabis program and provide recommendations. Report.

[H 347]

Approved April 6, 2020


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That the Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall convene a work group to review the Commonwealth's medical cannabis program and issues of critical importance to the medical cannabis industry and patients, including expansion of the medical cannabis program and the medical use of cannabis flowers. Work group members shall include the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, the Director of the Department of Health Professions, the executive director of the Board of Pharmacy, one member of the House of Delegates, one member of the Senate, three representatives of the medical cannabis industry who are currently licensed as pharmaceutical processors by the Board of Pharmacy, one person with expertise in issues of importance to patients who use medical cannabis for treatment or alleviation of the symptoms of a diagnosed condition or disease, and one member who is a physician who is currently registered with Board of Pharmacy to issue written certifications for use of cannabidiol oil and THC-A oil. The work group shall report its findings and recommendations, including any legislative recommendations, to the Governor, the Attorney General, and the Chairmen of the House Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions and the Senate Committee on Education and Health no later than October 1, 2020.