2021 Uncodified Acts

2021 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to authorize a quitclaim and release of interest and the conveyance of an easement by the Board of Wildlife Resources in Tazewell County.

[S 1400]

Approved March 25, 2021


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That in accordance with and as evidence of General Assembly approval, the Board of Wildlife Resources (Grantor) is hereby authorized to quitclaim and release any interest it may hold in the unimproved parcel of land containing 13.60 acres, more or less, of land that is located on the watershed of Little Tumbling Creek in the Maiden Spring Magisterial District of Tazewell County, Virginia, to the Valerie H. MacDowell Trust (Grantee), as shown on a plat entitled "Plat of Survey A 134.2 Acre Tract (By Deed) (131.90 By Survey) Tract of the Valerie MacDowell Trust" and dated as revised January 7, 2021, by Cecil Engineering Company, P.C. (the Plat).

§ 2. That the quitclaim and release is a result of a boundary line correction of an acquisition by the Grantor pursuant to § 2.2-1149 of the Code of Virginia. The quitclaim and release shall be made without any consideration and upon such other terms the Grantor deems proper, with the approval of the Department of General Services and the Secretary of Administration and in a form approved by the Attorney General. The Grantor is hereby authorized to prepare, execute, and deliver such deed, easement, and other documents as may be necessary or appropriate to accomplish the conveyance.

§ 3. That the Grantor is also authorized to convey, upon such terms as the Grantor deems proper, a permanent, nonexclusive easement over the road and bridge leading from Little Tumbling Creek Road, Route 607, through the property of the Grantor identified as the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area to the property of the Grantee in the Maiden Spring Magisterial District of Tazewell County, Virginia, to the Grantee as shown on the Plat. The easement shall run with the land.

§ 4. That the purpose of the granting and conveying of the easement from the Grantor to the Grantee is to provide an easement for ingress and egress to the Grantee's property from Little Tumbling Creek Road, Route 607, over a road and bridge that are used by the Grantee but that traverse a portion of the property of the Grantor. In consideration of the conveyance of the easement, the Grantee shall be solely responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the easement and other consideration deemed proper by the Grantor.

§ 5. That the granting and conveying of the easement shall be made upon terms the Grantor deems proper, with the approval of the Department of General Services and the Secretary of Administration and in a form approved by the Attorney General.