2022 Uncodified Acts

2022 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to require the Board of Health to convene a workgroup to provide recommendations related to regulations requiring hospitals to develop protocols for connecting patients receiving rehabilitation services to necessary follow-up care.

[H 235]

Approved April 6, 2022


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That the Board of Health shall convene a workgroup composed of representatives of hospitals, health care providers providing rehabilitation services, and other stakeholders to provide recommendations regarding regulations requiring hospitals to develop protocols for connecting patients receiving rehabilitation services to necessary follow-up care, including recommendations for requirements related to (i) providing instructions for follow-up care, (ii) making referrals for any such follow-up care, and (iii) providing information necessary for the patient to schedule initial appointments for such follow-up care, including the name of and contact information for each provider and information regarding any scheduled appointments. The workgroup shall report its recommendations to the Board of Health by October 1, 2022.