2023 Uncodified Acts

2023 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to direct the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, in coordination with the Department of Education and relevant stakeholders, to develop and disseminate best practice standards related to the transition of records and transfer of services for students with disabilities at the age of majority.

[H 1659]

Approved March 22, 2023


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (the Department), in coordination with the Department of Education and relevant stakeholders, shall develop and disseminate best practice standards related to the transition of records and transfer of services for students with disabilities at the age of majority. Such best practice standards shall be disseminated to community services boards, behavioral health authorities, local education agencies, and other relevant stakeholders. Such best practice standards shall include information regarding which special education, service, or accommodation records to transfer at the age of majority for those students who are eligible for services, including a student's individualized education program, referrals, evaluations, and assessments. Further, such best practice standards shall include instructional guidance on how and when to transfer records to relevant parties before a student reaches the age of majority. The Department shall utilize existing Department of Education guidance in developing such best practice standards.