Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Pay Telephone Registration Act

§ 56-508.15. Registration required for intrastate pay telephone service; pay telephone instruments disconnected upon suspension or revocation of registration

A. No person shall sell or resell intrastate telephone service through pay telephone instruments without either being registered pursuant to this chapter with the State Corporation Commission or holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity pursuant to Chapter 10.1 (§ 56-265.1 et seq.) of this title. Upon suspension or revocation of any registration, certificated carriers shall disconnect pay telephone instruments of the registrant as directed by order of the Commission.

B. All persons engaged in the sale or resale of intrastate telephone service through pay telephone instruments as of July 1, 1993, shall, within the following 180 days, either acquire Commission registration or demonstrate to the Commission possession of a certificate of public convenience and necessity pursuant to Chapter 10.1 of this title.

C. As used in this chapter, "intrastate telephone service" means telephone calls that originate and terminate within the Commonwealth.

1993, c. 140.

§ 56-508.16. Commission authorized to promulgate regulations

A. The State Corporation Commission may promulgate regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.

B. Without limiting the Commission's authority to promulgate other necessary regulations, the Commission's regulations implementing this chapter may, among other things, authorize the Commission:

1. To levy and collect reasonable registration or other fees;

2. To establish service and rate criteria for registered or certificated persons; and

3. To suspend or revoke registration, or to levy fines or impose other sanctions, for failure to comply with such regulations.

1993, c. 140.