Administrative Code

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 13. Housing
Agency 5. Department of Housing And Community Development
Chapter 52. Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code

13VAC5-52-280. IFC Chapter 23 Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages.

A. The following changes shall be made to Section 2301, General:

1. Change Section 2301.1 to read:

2301.1 Scope. The operation and maintenance of automotive motor fuel-dispensing facilities, marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities, fleet vehicle motor fuel-dispensing facilities, aircraft motor-vehicle fuel-dispensing facilities, and repair garages shall be in accordance with this chapter. Such operations shall include both those that are accessible to the public and private operations.

2. Change Section 2301.2 to read:

2301.2 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Section 107.2.

3. Delete Section 2301.3.

4. Change Section 2301.4 to read:

2301.4 Indoor motor fuel-dispensing facilities. Motor fuel-dispensing facilities located inside buildings shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 30A and the applicable building code.

5. Change Section 2301.5 to read:

2301.5 Electrical. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be suitable for the locations in which it is installed in accordance with the applicable building code and shall be maintained in accordance with Section 605, the applicable provisions of NFPA 30A, and NFPA 70.

6. Change Section 2301.6 to read:

2301.6 Heat-producing appliances. Heat-producing appliances shall be suitable for the locations in which they are located and shall comply with the applicable provisions of NFPA 30A and the applicable building code.

B. The following changes shall be made to Section 2303, Location of Dispensing Devices:

1. Change Section 2303.1 to read:

2303.1 Dispensing operations. Dispensing operations shall be maintained in accordance with the following unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code. In no case should any of these provisions require demolition or relocation of existing equipment when approved in accordance with the applicable building code:

1. 10 feet (3048 mm) or more from lot lines.

2. 10 feet (3048 mm) or more from buildings having combustible exterior wall surfaces or buildings having noncombustible exterior wall surfaces that are not part of a one-hour fire-resistance-rated assembly or buildings having combustible overhangs.

Exception: Canopies constructed in accordance with the applicable building code providing weather protection for the fuel islands.

3. Such that all portions of the vehicle being fueled will be on the premises of the motor fuel-dispensing facility.

4. Such that the nozzle, when the hose is fully extended, will not reach within five feet (1524 mm) of building openings.

5. 20 feet (6096 mm) or more from fixed sources of ignition.

2. Change Section 2303.2 and delete Section 2303.2.1.

Section 2303.2 to read:

2303.2 Emergency disconnect switches. An approved, clearly identified, and readily accessible emergency disconnect switch shall be maintained at an approved location in accordance with the applicable building code to stop the transfer of fuel to the fuel dispensers in the event of a fuel spill or other emergency. Such devices shall be distinctly labeled: EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF. Signs shall be provided in approved locations.

C. The following changes shall be made to Section 2304, Dispensing Operations:

1. Change Section 2304.2.2 to read:

2304.2.2 Emergency controls. Emergency disconnect switches shall be maintained in accordance with Section 2303.2.

2. Change Section 2304.3.2 to read:

2304.3.2 Dispensers. Dispensing devices shall be maintained in accordance with Section 2306.7. Dispensing devices operated by the insertion of coins or currency shall not be used unless approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

3. Change Section 2304.3.3 to read:

2304.3.3 Emergency controls. Emergency disconnect switches shall be maintained in accordance with Section 2303.2. Emergency controls shall be of a type that is only manually resettable.

4. Change Section 2304.3.5 to read:

2304.3.5 Emergency procedures. An approved emergency procedures sign, in addition to the signs required by Section 2305.6, shall be posted and maintained in a conspicuous location and shall read:





FACILITY ADDRESS:_______________________

D. The following changes shall be made to Section 2305, Operational Requirements:

1. Change Section 2305.2.4 to read:

2305.2.4 Emergency shutoff valves. Automatic emergency shutoff valves shall be checked not less often than once each year by manually tripping the hold-open linkage.

2. Change Section 2305.2.5 to read:

2305.2.5 Leak detectors. Leak detection devices shall be checked and tested not less often than annually in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications to ensure proper installation and operation.

3. Change Section 2305.4 to read:

2305.4 Sources of ignition. Smoking and open flames shall be prohibited within 20 feet (6096 mm) of a fuel dispensing device. The engines of vehicles being fueled shall be shut off during fueling. Electrical equipment shall be in accordance with NFPA 70.

E. The following changes shall be made to Section 2306, Flammable and Combustible Liquid Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities:

1. Change Section 2306.1 to read:

2306.1 General. Operation and maintenance of flammable and combustible liquid motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be in accordance with Chapter 57, Sections 2306.2 through 2306.6.3, and other applicable provisions of this code.

2. Change Sections 2306.2.1, 2306.2.1.1, and 2306.2.1.2 to read:

2306.2.1 Underground tanks. Underground tanks for the storage of Class I, Class II, and Class IIIA liquid fuels shall comply with Chapter 57. For tanks subject to Underground Storage Tanks: Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements (9VAC25-580), see Section 5701.1.1.

2306.2.1.1 Inventory records for underground tanks. Accurate inventory records shall be maintained on underground fuel storage tanks for indication of possible leakage from tanks and piping. The records shall be kept at the premises or made available for inspection by the fire official within 24 hours of a written or verbal request and shall include records for each tank. Where there is more than one system consisting of tanks serving separate pumps or dispensers for a product, the inventory record shall be maintained separately for each tank system.

A consistent or accidental loss of product shall be immediately reported to the fire official.

2306.2.1.2 Release detection for State Water Control Board regulated underground tanks. Underground storage tank systems subject to the Underground Storage Tanks: Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements (9VAC25-580) shall comply with the release detection requirements of 9VAC25-580-130.

3. Change Section 2306.2.2 to read:

2306.2.2 Aboveground tanks located inside buildings. Aboveground tanks for the storage of Class I, Class II, and Class IIIA liquid fuels are allowed to be located in buildings where permitted by the applicable building code. For tanks subject to Facility and Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Regulation (9VAC25-91), see Section 5701.1.1.

4. Change Section 2306.2.3 to read:

2306.2.3 Aboveground tanks located outdoors, above grade. Aboveground tanks shall not be used for the storage of Class I, Class II, or Class III liquid motor fuels unless approved in accordance with the applicable building code. Tanks located at farms, construction projects, or rural areas shall comply with Section 5706.2. For tanks subject to Facility and Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Regulation (9VAC25-91), see Section 5701.1.1.

5. Delete Table 2306.2.3.

6. Change Section 2306.2.4 to read:

2306.2.4 Aboveground tanks located in above-grade vaults or below-grade vaults. Aboveground tanks used for storage of Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquid motor fuels are allowed to be installed in vaults located above grade or below grade where permitted by the applicable building code. For tanks subject to Facility and Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Regulation (9VAC25-91), see Section 5701.1.1.

7. Change Section 2306.2.4.1 to read:

2306.2.4.1 Tank capacity limits. The individual and aggregate capacity of tanks storing Class I and Class II liquids at an individual site shall be limited to the quantities allowed in the applicable building code.

8. Change Section 2306.2.4.2 to read:

2306.2.4.2 Fleet vehicle motor fuel-dispensing facilities. The individual capacity and aggregate capacity of tanks storing Class II and Class IIIA liquids at a fleet vehicle motor fuel-dispensing facility shall be limited to the quantities allowed in the applicable building code.

9. Change Section 2306.2.6 to read:

2306.2.6 Special enclosures. Special enclosures, including concrete vaults, shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code. Tanks for liquid motor fuels are allowed to be operated in approved special enclosures where maintained in accordance with the following:

1. The special enclosure shall be maintained liquid tight and vapor tight.

2. The special enclosure shall not contain backfill.

3. Sides, top, and bottom of the special enclosure shall be maintained as reinforced concrete, with openings for inspection through the top only.

4. Tank connections shall be maintained as piped or closed such that neither vapors nor liquid can escape into the enclosed space between the special enclosure and any tanks inside the special enclosure.

5. Means shall be maintained whereby portable equipment can be employed to discharge to the outside any vapors that might accumulate inside the special enclosure should leakage occur.

6. The individual and aggregate capacity of tanks containing Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids operated inside a special enclosure shall be maintained as approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

7. Unless otherwise approved, each tank within special enclosures shall maintain a clear space of not less than three feet (910 mm) to allow for maintenance and inspection.

10. Change Section 2306.5 to read:

2306.5 Secondary containment. Drainage control or diking for aboveground tanks shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 57. Secondary containment systems shall be monitored either visually or automatically. Emergency venting for enclosed secondary containment systems shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code.

Note: Drainage control and diking is not required for listed secondary containment tanks.

11. Change Section 2306.6 to read:

2306.6 Piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment for use with flammable or combustible liquids. The design, fabrication, and assembly of piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment shall be in accordance with the applicable building code. The testing and inspection of piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment for use with flammable or combustible liquids shall be in accordance with Chapter 57 and Sections 2306.6.1 through 2306.6.3.

12. Change Section 2306.6.2 to read:

2306.6.2 Piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment for aboveground tanks for Class I, Class II, and Class III liquids. Piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment for aboveground tanks for storing Class I, Class II, and Class III liquids shall be maintained in accordance with this section and in accordance with the applicable building code.

13. Change Section 2306.6.2.1 to read:

2306.6.2.1 Tank openings. Tank openings for aboveground tanks shall be through the top only unless specifically approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

14. Change Section 2306.6.2.2 to read:

2306.6.2.2 Fill-pipe connections. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, the fill pipe operation for aboveground tanks shall be provided with a means for making a direct connection to the tank vehicle's fuel-delivery hose so that the delivery of fuel is not exposed to the open air during the filling operation.

15. Change Section 2306.6.2.3 to read:

2306.6.2.3 Overfill protection. Overfill protection for aboveground flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 57 and the applicable building code.

16. Change Section 2306.6.2.4 to read:

2306.6.2.4 Siphon prevention. Antisiphon methods provided in the piping system to prevent flow of liquid by siphon action shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

17. Change Section 2306.6.2.5 to read:

2306.6.2.5 Emergency relief venting. Emergency relief venting for aboveground storage tanks, tank compartments, and enclosed secondary containment spaces shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 57 and the applicable building code.

18. Change Section 2306.6.2.6 to read:

2306.6.2.6 Spill containers. A spill container having a capacity of not less than five gallons (19 L) shall be provided for each fill connection. For tanks with a top fill connection, spill containers shall be noncombustible and shall be fixed to the tank and equipped with a manual drain valve that drains into the primary tank unless specifically approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code. For tanks with a remote fill connection, a portable spill container is allowed.

19. Change Section 2306.6.3 to read:

2306.6.3 Piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment for underground tanks. Piping, valves, fittings, and ancillary equipment for underground tanks shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 57, the applicable provisions of NFPA 30A, and the applicable building code.

20. Change Section 2306.7 to read:

2306.7 Fuel-dispensing systems for flammable or combustible liquids. Fuel-dispensing systems for flammable or combustible liquid fuels shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2306.7.1 through 2306. and the applicable building code. Alcohol-blended fuel-dispensing systems shall also be maintained in accordance with Section 2306.8.

21. Change Section 2306.7.1 to read:

2306.7.1 Listed equipment. Electrical equipment, dispensers, hose, nozzles, and submersible or subsurface pumps used in fuel dispensing systems shall be listed unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

22. Change Section 2306.7.2 to read:

2306.7.2 Fixed pumps required. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, Class I and Class II liquids shall be transferred from tanks by means of fixed pumps that allow control of the flow and prevent leakage or accidental discharge.

23. Change Section 2306.7.3 to read:

2306.7.3 Mounting of dispensers. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, dispensing devices, except those installed on top of a protected aboveground tank that qualifies as vehicle-impact resistant, shall be maintained as protected against physical damage by a concrete island six inches (152 mm) or more in height or shall maintain protection in accordance with Section 312. Dispensing devices shall be maintained securely fastened to their mounting surface in accordance with the dispenser manufacturer's instructions. Unless otherwise approved, dispensing devices installed indoors shall be located in a position where they cannot be struck by an out-of-control vehicle descending a ramp or other slope in accordance with the applicable building code.

24. Change Section 2306.7.4 to read:

2306.7.4 Dispenser emergency shutoff valve. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, an approved automatic emergency shutoff valve designed to close in the event of a fire or impact shall be maintained in the liquid supply line at the base of each dispenser supplied by a remote pump. Such valve shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code. Emergency shutoff valves shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and tested at least yearly in accordance with Section 2305.2.4.

25. Change Section 2306.7.5 to read:

2306.7.5 Dispenser hose. Dispenser hoses shall be a maximum of 18 feet (5486 mm) in length unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code. Dispenser hoses shall be maintained as listed and approved. When not in use, hoses shall be reeled, racked, or otherwise protected from damage.

26. Change Section 2306.7.5.1 to read:

2306.7.5.1 Emergency breakaway devices. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, dispenser hoses for Class I and Class II liquids shall be maintained with a listed emergency breakaway device designed to retain liquid on both sides of a breakaway point. Such devices shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction. Where hoses are attached to hose-retrieving mechanisms, the emergency breakaway device shall remain between the hose nozzle and point of attachment of the hose-retrieval mechanism to the hose.

27. Change Section 2306.7.6 to read:

2306.7.6 Fuel delivery nozzles. Unless specifically approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code, island-type dispensers used for dispensing Class I, Class II or Class III liquids shall be maintained with a listed automatic-closing-type nozzle valve with or without a latch-open device, and overhead-type dispensing units shall be maintained with a listed automatic-closing-type nozzle valve without a latch-open device.

Exception: A listed automatic-closing-type hose nozzle valve with latch-open device is allowed to be used on overhead-type dispensing units where the design of the system is such that the hose nozzle valve will close automatically in the event the valve is released from a fill opening or upon impact with a driveway.

28. Delete Section 2306.7.6.1.

29. Change Section 2306.7.7 to read:

2306.7.7 Remote pumping systems. Remote pumping systems for liquid fuels shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2306.7.7.1 and 2306.7.7.2 and the applicable building code.

30. Change Section 2306.7.7.1 to read:

2306.7.7.1 Leak detection. Leak detection devices shall be maintained. Unless otherwise approved by the applicable building code, where remote pumps are used to supply fuel dispensers, each pump shall maintain a listed leak detection device on the discharge side that will detect a leak in the piping or dispensers and provide an indication of the leak. A leak detection device is not required if the piping from the pump discharge to under the dispenser is above ground and visible.

31. Change Section 2306.7.7.2 to read:

2306.7.7.2 Location. Remote pumps installed above grade, outside of buildings, shall remain in approved locations in accordance with the applicable building code. Dispensing operations shall not be less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from lines of adjoining property that can be built upon and not less than five feet (1524 mm) from any building opening. Pumps shall be maintained substantially anchored and protected against physical damage. In no case should any of these provisions require demolition or relocation of existing equipment approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

32. Change Section 2306.7.9 to read:

2306.7.9 Vapor-recovery and vapor-processing systems. Vapor-recovery and vapor-processing systems shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2306. through 2306. and the applicable building code.

33. Change Section 2306.7.9.1 to read:

2306.7.9.1 Vapor-balance systems. Vapor-balance systems shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2306. through 2306. and the applicable building code.

34. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Dispensing devices. Dispensing devices incorporating provisions for vapor recovery shall be listed and labeled, unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code. Where dispensing devices are modified for vapor recovery, such modifications shall be approved in accordance with the applicable building code and a listing report by a nationally recognized testing laboratory made available to the fire official upon request. Means shall be maintained to shut down fuel dispensing in the event the vapor return line becomes blocked.

35. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Vapor-return line closeoff. An acceptable method, in accordance with the applicable building code, shall be maintained to close off the vapor return line from dispensers when the product is not being dispensed.

36. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Piping. Piping in vapor-balance systems shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 5703.6, 5704.2.9, and 5704.2.11. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, vapor return piping shall be maintained in a manner that drains back to the tank, without sags or traps in which the liquid can become trapped. Where provided, condensate tanks shall be maintained so that they can be drained without opening.

37. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Flexible joints and shear joints. Flexible joints and shear joints shall be maintained in accordance with Section 5703.6.9. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, shear joints shall remain rigidly mounted and connected by a union in the vapor return piping at the base of each dispensing device and shall remain mounted flush with the top of the surface on which the dispenser is mounted.

38. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Testing. Existing vapor return lines and vent piping shall be tested in accordance with Section 5703.6.3 when the fire official has reasonable cause to believe that a leak exists.

39. Change Section 2306.7.9.2 to read:

2306.7.9.2 Vapor-processing systems. Vapor-processing systems shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2306. through 2306. and the applicable building code.

40. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Equipment. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, equipment in vapor-processing systems, including hose nozzle valves, vapor pumps, flame arresters, fire checks or systems for prevention of flame propagation, controls, and vapor-processing equipment shall be individually maintained as listed for the intended use in a specified manner. Equipment for prevention of flame or propagation that has been tested and listed as suitable for the intended use in vapor processing systems that introduce air into the underground piping or storage tanks shall be maintained.

41. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Location. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, vapor-processing equipment shall remain located at grade or above grade and vapor processing units shall be operated not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from the nearest building or lot line of a property that can be built upon. Sources of ignition shall be located not less than 50 feet (15,240 mm) from fuel-transfer areas and not less than 18 inches (457 mm) above tank fill openings and tops of dispenser islands.

42. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Distance from dispensing devices. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, vapor-processing equipment functioning during dispensing operations shall maintain a minimum of 20 feet (6096 mm) from dispensing devices.

43. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Physical protection. Physical protection for vapor-processing equipment shall be maintained in accordance with Section 312 or the applicable building code. Where approved protective enclosures are used, approved means shall be maintained to ventilate the volume within the enclosure to prevent pocketing of flammable vapors.

44. Delete Section 2306.

45. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Mounting. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, vapor-processing units shall be maintained securely mounted on concrete, masonry, or structural steel supports on concrete or other noncombustible foundations. Vapor-recover and vapor-processing equipment is allowed to be operated on roofs where approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

46. Change Section 2306. to read:

2306. Piping. Piping in a mechanical-assist system shall be maintained in accordance with Section 5703.6 and the applicable building code.

47. Change Section 2306.8 to read:

2306.8 Alcohol-blended fuel-dispensing operations. Alcohol-blended fuel-dispensing systems shall be maintained in accordance with Section 2306.7, Sections 2306.8.1 through 2306.8.5, and the applicable building code.

48. Change Section 2306.8.2 to read:

2306.8.2 Compatibility. Dispensers shall only be used with the fuels for which they have been listed, which are marked on the product in accordance with § 59.1-167.1 of the Code of Virginia. Field installed components, including hose assemblies, breakaway couplings, swivel connectors, and hose nozzle valves, shall be maintained in accordance with the listing and marking on the unit.

49. Change Section 2306.8.4 to read:

2306.8.4 Facility identification. Facilities dispensing alcohol-blended fuels shall be identified in accordance with § 59.1-167.1 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The following changes shall be made to Section 2307, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities:

1. Change Section 2307.1 to read:

2307.1 General. Operation and maintenance of motor fuel-dispensing facilities for liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas) fuel shall be in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this code.

2. Change Section 2307.2 to read:

2307.2 Approvals. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, storage vessels and equipment for the storage or dispensing of LP-gas shall be maintained as approved or listed in accordance with Sections 2307.2.1 and 2307.2.2 and the applicable building code.

3. Change Section 2307.2.1 to read:

2307.2.1 Approved equipment. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, containers; pressure relief devices, including pressure relief valves; pressure regulators; and piping for LP-gas shall be approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

4. Change Section 2307.2.2 to read:

2307.2.2 Listed equipment. Unless specifically approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code, hoses, hose connections, vehicle fuel connections, dispensers, LP-gas pumps, and electrical equipment for LP-gas shall be listed in accordance with the applicable building code.

5. Change Section 2307.3 to read:

2307.3 Attendants. Motor fuel-dispensing operations for LP-gas shall be conducted by qualified attendants or in accordance with Section 2307.6 by persons trained in the proper handling of LP-gas.

6. Change Section 2307.4 to read:

2307.4 Location of dispensing operations and equipment. Unless specifically approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code, the point of transfer for LP-gas dispensing operations shall be 25 feet (7620 mm) or more from buildings having combustible exterior wall surfaces, buildings having noncombustible exterior wall surfaces that are not part of a one-hour fire-resistance-rated assembly, or buildings having combustible overhangs, lot lines of property that could be built on, public streets, or sidewalks and railroads and at least 10 feet (3048 mm) from driveways and buildings having noncombustible exterior wall surfaces that are part of a fire-resistance-rated assembly having a rating of one hour or more. In no case should any of these provisions require demolition or relocation of existing equipment approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

Exception: The point of transfer for LP-gas dispensing operations need not be separated from canopies that are constructed in accordance with the applicable building code and that provide weather protection for the dispensing equipment. LP-gas containers shall remain located in accordance with Chapter 61 and the applicable building code. LP-gas storage and dispensing equipment shall be operated outdoors and in accordance with Section 2306.7 unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

7. Change Section 2307.5 to read:

2307.5 Additional requirements for LP-gas dispensers and equipment. Unless specifically approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code, LP-gas dispensers and related equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the following provisions:

1. Pumps shall remain fixed in place and shall be maintained to allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage and accidental discharge.

2. Dispensing devices operated within 10 feet (3048 mm) of where vehicular traffic occurs shall be protected against physical damage by mounting on a concrete island six inches (152 mm) or more in height or shall be protected in accordance with Section 312.

3. Dispensing devices shall remain securely fastened to their mounting surface in accordance with the dispenser manufacturer's instructions.

8. Change Section 2307.6 to read:

2307.6 Maintenance of LP-gas dispensing devices and equipment. LP-gas dispensing systems shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code. The operation of LP-gas dispensing systems shall be in accordance with Sections 2307.6.1 through 2307.6.3 and Chapter 61. LP-gas dispensers and dispensing stations shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and their listing.

9. Change Section 2307.6.1 to read:

2307.6.1 Valves. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, a manual shutoff valve and an excess flow-control check valve shall be maintained in the liquid line between the pump and the dispenser inlet where the dispensing device is installed at a remote location and is not part of a complete storage and dispensing unit mounted on a common base; an excess flow-control check valve or an emergency shutoff valve shall be maintained in or on the dispenser at the point at which the dispenser hose is connected to the liquid piping; a differential backpressure valve shall be considered equivalent protection; and a listed shutoff valve shall be maintained at the discharge end of the transfer hose.

10. Change Section 2307.6.2 to read:

2307.6.2 Hoses. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, hoses and piping for the dispensing of LP-gas shall maintain hydrostatic relief valves. Hose length for dispensing operations shall not exceed 18 feet (5486 mm). An approved method shall be maintained to protect the hose against mechanical damage.

11. Change Sections 2307.6.3 and 2307.6.4 to read:

2307.6.3 Emergency breakaway devices. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, a listed emergency breakaway device to retain liquid on both sides of the breakaway point shall be maintained on dispensing hoses. Where hoses are attached to hose-retrieving mechanisms, the emergency breakaway device shall be maintained such that the breakaway device activates to protect the dispenser from being displaced.

2307.6.4 Vehicle impact protection. Where operated within 10 feet of vehicle traffic, LP-gas storage containers, pumps, and dispensers shall maintain protection in accordance with Section 2307.5, Item 2, unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

12. Change Section 2307.7 to read:

2307.7 Public fueling of motor vehicles. Self-service LP-gas dispensing systems, including key, code, and card lock dispensing systems, shall be limited to the filling of permanently mounted containers providing fuel to the LP-gas powered vehicle. The requirements for self-service LP-gas dispensing systems shall be in accordance with the following:

1. The arrangement and operation of the transfer of product into a vehicle shall be in accordance with this section and Chapter 61.

2. The system shall maintain an emergency shut-off switch located in accordance with the applicable building code.

3. The owner of the LP-gas motor fuel-dispensing facility or the owner's designee shall provide for the safe operation of the system and the training of users.

4. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, the dispenser and hose-end valve shall release not more than 1/8 fluid ounce (4 cc) of liquid to the atmosphere upon breaking the connection with the fill valve on the vehicle.

5. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 2305.5.

6. Warning signs shall be provided in accordance with Section 2305.6.

7. The area around the dispenser shall be maintained in accordance with Section 2305.7.

G. The following changes shall be made to Section 2308, Compressed Natural Gas Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities:

1. Change Sections 2308.1 through 2308.3.1 to read:

2308.1 General. Motor fuel-dispensing facilities for compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code. Such facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with this section and Chapter 53.

2308.2 Approvals. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, storage vessels and equipment used for the storage, compression, or dispensing of CNG shall be approved or listed in accordance with Sections 2308.2.1 and 2308.2.2 and the applicable building code.

2308.2.1 Approved equipment. Containers, compressors, pressure relief devices (including pressure relief valves), and pressure regulators and piping used for CNG shall be approved.

2308.2.2 Listed equipment. Hoses, hose connections, dispensers, gas detection systems, and electrical equipment used for CNG shall be maintained in accordance with their listing. Vehicle-fueling connections shall be listed and labeled in accordance with the applicable building code.

2308.2.3 Residential fueling appliance (RFA). Residential fueling appliances shall be maintained in accordance with their listing, the manufacturer installation instructions, and the applicable building code. The natural gas capacity of RFAs shall not exceed that allowed by the applicable building code.

2308.2.4 Vehicle fueling appliance (VFA). Nonresidential fueling appliances shall be maintained in accordance with their listing, the manufacturer installation instructions, and the applicable building code. The natural gas capacity of VFAs shall not exceed that allowed by the applicable building code.

2308.3 Location of dispensing operations and equipment. Unless approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code and Chapter 53, compression, storage, and dispensing equipment shall be located above ground and outside.

2308.3.1 Location of operations on property. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, compression, storage, and dispensing equipment not located in vaults complying with Chapter 53 shall be maintained and operated in accordance with Section 2303.1 and the following. In no case should any of these provisions require demolition or relocation of existing equipment when approved in accordance with the applicable building code.

1. Not beneath power lines.

2. Ten feet (3048 mm) or more from the nearest building or lot line that could be built on, public street, sidewalk, or source of ignition.

Exception: Dispensing equipment need not be separated from canopies that are constructed in accordance with the applicable building code and that provide weather protection for the dispensing equipment.

3. 25 feet (7620 mm) or more from the nearest rail of any railroad track and 50 feet (15,240 mm) or more from the nearest rail of any railroad main track or any railroad or transit line where power for train propulsion is provided by an outside electrical source, such as third rail or overhead catenary.

4. 50 feet (15,240 mm) or more from the vertical plane below the nearest overhead wire of a trolley bus line.

2. Change Section 2308.5 to read:

2308.5 Pressure regulators. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, pressure regulators shall be maintained so that their operation will not be affected by the elements (freezing rain, sleet, snow, or ice), mud, or debris. The protection is allowed to be an integral part of the regulator.

3. Change Section 2308.6 to read:

2308.6 Valves. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, the remote, readily accessible manual shutoff valve shall be maintained.

4. Change Section 2308.7 to read:

2308.7 Emergency shutdown control. Emergency shutdown controls shall be maintained and remain within 75 feet (22,860 mm) of, but not less than 25 feet (7620 mm) from, dispensers as well as in the compressor area unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code. Where provided, and upon activation, the emergency shutdown system shall be maintained to automatically shut off the power supply to the compressor and close valves between the main gas supply and the compressor and between the storage containers and dispensers.

H. The following changes shall be made to Section 2309, Hydrogen Motor Fuel-Dispensing and Generation Facilities:

1. Change Section 2309.1 to read:

2309.1 General. Hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code. Such facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with this section and Chapter 58. Where a fuel-dispensing facility includes a repair garage, the repair operation shall comply with Section 2311.

2. Change Section 2309.2 to read:

2309.2 Equipment. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, equipment used for the generation, compression, storage, or dispensing of hydrogen shall be maintained for the specific application in accordance with Sections 2309.2.1 through 2309.2.3.

3. Change Section 2309.2.1 to read:

2309.2.1 Approved equipment. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, cylinders, containers, and tanks; pressure relief devices, including pressure valves; hydrogen vaporizers; pressure regulators; and piping used for gaseous hydrogen systems shall be maintained in accordance with Chapters 53, 55, and 58.

4. Change Section 2309.2.2 to read:

2309.2.2 Listed or approved equipment. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, hoses, hose connections, compressors, hydrogen generators, dispensers, detection systems, and electrical equipment used for hydrogen shall be maintained as listed and labeled or approved for use with hydrogen.

5. Change Section 2309.2.3 to read:

2309.2.3 Electrical equipment. Electrical installations shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code. Portable or temporary electrical equipment shall be in accordance with NFPA 70.

6. Change Section 2309.3 to read:

2309.3 Location on property. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, dispensing equipment operations shall remain located in accordance with the applicable building code and maintained in accordance with Section 2303.1 and Sections 2309.3.1 through 2309.3.2.

7. Change Section 2309.3.1.1 to read:

2309.3.1.1 Outdoors. Generation, compression, or storage equipment shall be allowed outdoors where maintained in accordance with Chapter 58 and NFPA 2 or the applicable building code.

8. Change Section 2309.3.1.2 to read:

2309.3.1.2 Indoors. Generation, compression, storage and dispensing equipment operations located in indoor rooms or other approved areas shall remain in accordance with the requirements of the applicable building code and the maintenance provisions of NFPA 2, including ventilation.

9. Change Section 2309.3.1.3 to read:

2309.3.1.3 Gaseous hydrogen storage. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, storage of gaseous hydrogen shall be maintained in accordance with Chapters 53 and 58.

10. Change Section 2309.3.1.4 to read:

2309.3.1.4 Liquefied hydrogen storage. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, storage of liquefied hydrogen shall be maintained in accordance with Chapters 55 and 58.

11. Change Section 2309.3.1.5 to read:

2309.3.1.5 Canopy tops. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, gaseous hydrogen compression and storage equipment operations located on top of motor fuel-dispensing canopies shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2309. through 2309., Chapters 53 and 58, and the applicable building code.

Note: Canopy methods and materials require special conditions that must be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code.

12. Delete Section 2309.

13. Change Section 2309. to read:

2309. Fire-extinguishing systems. Fire-extinguishing systems provided for fuel-dispensing areas under canopies shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 9 and remain in accordance with the applicable building code.

14. Change Section 2309. to read:

2309. Emergency discharge. Where provided, operation of the fire-extinguishing system shall be maintained to activate an automatic emergency discharge system that will discharge the hydrogen gas from the equipment on the canopy top through the vent pipe system.

15. Change Section 2309. to read:

2309. Emergency shutdown control. Where provided, operation of the fire extinguishing system shall be maintained to activate the emergency shutdown control required to be maintained by Section 2309.5.3.

16. Delete Section 2309.3.2.

17. Change Section 2309.4.1 to read:

2309.4.1 Dispensing systems. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, dispensing systems with an overpressure protection device shall be maintained set at 140% of the service pressure of the fueling nozzle it supplies.

18. Change Section 2309.5 to read:

2309.5 Safety precautions. Safety precautions at hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing and generation facilities shall be in accordance with Sections 2309.5.1 through 2309.5.3.1.

19. Change Section 2309.5.2 to read:

2309.5.2 Emergency shutoff valves. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, a manual emergency shutoff valve to shut down the flow of gas from the hydrogen supply to the piping system shall be maintained.

20. Change Section 2309.5.3 to read:

2309.5.3 Emergency shutdown controls. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, a remotely located, manually activated shutdown control shall be maintained in addition to the manual emergency shutoff valve referenced by Section 2309.5.2. This emergency shutdown control shall be maintained within 75 feet (22,860 mm) of, but not less than 25 feet (7620 mm) from, dispensers and hydrogen generators unless otherwise approved by the applicable building code.

21. Change Section 2309.5.3.1 to read:

2309.5.3.1 System requirements. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, activation of the emergency shutdown control shall be maintained to automatically shut off the power supply to all hydrogen storage, compression, and dispensing equipment; shut off natural gas or other fuel supply to the hydrogen generator; and close valves between the main supply and the compressor and between the storage containers and dispensing equipment.

22. Change Section 2309.6 to read:

2309.6 Repairs, purging, defueling, and discharge. The purging, defueling, or discharge activities associated with hydrogen motor fuel supply systems and tanks shall be in accordance with Chapters 53 and 58 and NFPA 2.

Exception: The fuel supply piping from the fuel storage tank to the engine compartment on a motor vehicle or forklift.

I. The following changes shall be made to Section 2310, Marine Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities:

1. Change Section 2310.1 to read:

2310.1 General. Marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be maintained and remain in accordance with the applicable building code and the maintenance provisions of NFPA 30A. The storage of Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids at marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be maintained in accordance with this chapter and Chapter 57.

2. Change Section 2310.2 to read:

2310.2 Storage and handling. The storage and handling of Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids at marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2310.2.1 through 2310.2.3.

3. Change Section 2310.2.1 to read:

2310.2.1 Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquid storage. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids stored inside of buildings used for marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be stored in approved containers or portable tanks. Storage of Class I liquids shall not exceed 10 gallons (38 L).

Exception: Storage in liquid storage rooms in accordance with the applicable building code.

4. Change Section 2310.2.2 to read:

2310.2.2 Class II or Class IIIA liquid storage and dispensing. Unless specifically approved otherwise in accordance with the applicable building code, Class II or Class IIIA liquids stored or dispensed inside of buildings used for marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be stored in and dispensed from approved containers or portable tanks. Storage of Class II and Class IIIA liquids shall be maintained to not exceed 120 gallons (454 L).

5. Change Section 2310.2.3 to read:

2310.2.3 Heating equipment. Heating equipment installed in Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquid storage or dispensing areas shall comply with Section 2301.6.

6. Change Section 2310.3.3 to read:

2310.3.3 Hoses and nozzles. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with the applicable building code, dispensing of Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids into the fuel tanks of marine craft shall be by means of an approved-type hose equipped with a listed automatic-closing nozzle without a latch-open device. Hoses used for dispensing or transferring Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA liquids, when not in use, shall be reeled, racked, or otherwise protected from mechanical damage.

7. Change Section 2310.3.5 to read:

2310.3.5 Liquefied petroleum gas. Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders shall not be filled at marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities unless approved. Approved storage facilities for LP-gas cylinders shall be provided. See also Section 2307.

8. Change Section 2310.6 to read:

2310.6 Fire protection. Fire protection features for marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be maintained in accordance with Sections 2310.6.1 through 2310.6.4 and remain in accordance with the applicable building code.

J. The following changes shall be made to Section 2311, Repair Garages:

1. Change Section 2311.1 to read:

2311.1 General. Operation and maintenance of repair garages shall be in accordance with this section and other applicable provisions of this code. Repair garages for vehicles that use more than one type of fuel shall comply with the applicable provisions of this section for each type of fuel used. Where a repair garage includes a motor fuel-dispensing facility, the fuel-dispensing operation shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for motor fuel-dispensing facilities.

2. Change Section 2311.2 to read:

2311.2 Storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids. The storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids in repair garages shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 57 and Sections 2311.2.1 through 2311.2.4 and remain in accordance with the applicable building code.

3. Change Section 2311.2.3 to read:

2311.2.3 Drainage and disposal of liquids and oil soaked waste. Contents of oil separators, traps, and floor drainage systems shall be collected at sufficiently frequent intervals and removed from the premises to prevent oil from being carried into the sewers.

4. Change Section 2311.3.1 to read:

2311.3.1 Equipment. Appliances and equipment installed in a repair garage shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 6, the applicable building code, and the maintenance provisions of NFPA 70.

5. Change Section 2311.4 to read:

2311.4 Below-grade areas. Pits and below-grade work areas in repair garages shall comply with Sections 2311.4.1 through 2311.4.3.

6. Delete Section 2311.4.1.

7. Change Section 2311.4.2 to read:

2311.4.2 Means of egress. Means of egress for pits and below-grade work areas shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 10 and in accordance with the applicable building code.

8. Change Section 2311.4.3 to read:

2311.4.3 Ventilation. Where Class I liquids or LP-gas are stored or used within a building having a basement or pit wherein flammable vapors could accumulate, the basement or pit mechanical ventilation shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors.

9. Change Section 2311.8 and Sections 2311.8.2 through 2311.8.8 and delete Section 2311.8.6.

Section 2311.8 and Sections 2311.8.2 through 2311.8.8 to read:

2311.8 Repair garages for vehicles fueled by lighter-than-air fuels. The room, motor vehicle repair booth, or motor vehicle repair space containing repair garage activities for the conversion or repair of vehicles that use CNG, LNG, hydrogen, or other lighter-than-air motor fuels shall be in accordance with the applicable building code and Sections 2311.8 through 2311.8.11 in addition to the other requirements of Section 2311. Repair garages for the repair of vehicles that use hydrogen fuel shall be in accordance with this code, the applicable building code, and NFPA 2.


1. Repair garages where work is conducted only on vehicles that have been defueled and the vehicle's systems purged with nitrogen gas and where standard operating procedures to document and maintain the fueling status throughout repair operations are approved.

2. Repair garages where work is not performed on the fuel system and is limited to exchange of parts and maintenance not requiring open flame or welding on the CNG-fueled, LNG-fueled, hydrogen-fueled, or other lighter-than-air-fueled motor vehicle.

3. Repair garages for hydrogen-fueled vehicles where work is not performed on the hydrogen storage tank and is limited to the exchange of parts and maintenance not requiring open flame or welding on the hydrogen-fueled vehicle. During the work, the entire hydrogen fuel system shall contain less than 200 cubic feet (5.6 m3) of hydrogen.

4. Repair garages for natural-gas-fueled vehicles where work is not being performed on the fuel storage tank and is limited to the exchange of parts and maintenance not requiring open flame or welding on the natural-gas-fueled vehicle. During the work, the natural gas in the vehicle fuel tank shall contain a pressure of not more than 250 psi at 70°F (1724 kPa at 21°C).

2311.8.2 Repair garages used for the repair of hydrogen-fueled vehicles. Repair garages used for the repair of hydrogen-fueled vehicles are required to be provided with an approved exhaust ventilation system in accordance with the applicable building code and maintained in accordance with Chapter 6 of NFPA 2.

2311.8.3 Motor vehicle repair rooms. Motor vehicle repair rooms shall maintain fire-resistance-rated separation from adjacent areas in accordance with Chapter 7 and the applicable building code.

2311.8.4 Motor vehicle repair booths. The maintenance and operation of motor vehicle repair booths shall be in accordance with Sections 2311.8.4.1 through 2311.8.4.4.

2311.8.4.1 Construction. Motor vehicle repair booths shall be maintained with approved materials in accordance with the applicable building code. Structural sections of motor vehicle repair booths shall remain sealed in an approved manner.

2311.8.4.2 Surfaces. The interior surfaces of motor vehicle repair booths shall be maintained to permit the free passage of exhaust air from all parts of the interior.

2311.8.4.3 Means of egress. Means of egress shall be maintained in accordance with Chapter 10 and the applicable building code.

NOTE: Means of egress doors from premanufactured motor vehicle repair booths shall be in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.

2311.8.4.4 Clear space. Unless otherwise approved by the applicable building code, motor vehicle repair booths shall be maintained so that all parts of the booth provide ready access for cleaning. A clear area not less than three feet (914 mm) wide shall be maintained on all sides of the motor vehicle repair booth. This clear area shall be kept free of any storage or combustible construction.


1. This requirement shall not prohibit locating a motor vehicle repair booth closer than three feet (914 mm) to or directly against an interior partition, wall, or floor and ceiling assembly that has a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour in accordance with the applicable building code, provided that the motor vehicle repair booth can be adequately maintained and cleaned.

2. This requirement shall not prohibit locating a motor vehicle repair booth closer than three feet (914 mm) to an exterior wall or a roof assembly, provided that the wall or roof is maintained of noncombustible material in accordance with the applicable building code and the motor vehicle repair booth can be adequately maintained and cleaned.

2311.8.5 Motor vehicle repair spaces. Where such spaces are not separately enclosed, noncombustible spray curtains shall be maintained and used to restrict the spread of flammable gases in accordance with the applicable building code.

2311.8.7 Fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers complying with Section 906 shall be provided and maintained for motor vehicle repair rooms, motor vehicle repair booths, or motor vehicle repair spaces.

2311.8.8 Ventilation. Exhaust ventilation system. Where required by the applicable building code, repair garages used for the repair of CNG, LNG, or other lighter-than-air motor fuels other than hydrogen shall be maintained and operated with an approved mechanical ventilation system. The mechanical exhaust ventilation system shall be in accordance with the applicable building code and Sections 2311.8.8.1 and 2311.8.8.2.

Where approved by the applicable building code, natural ventilation shall be permitted in lieu of mechanical exhaust ventilation.

10. Delete Section 2311.8.8.1.

11. Change Section 2311.8.8.2 to read:

2311.8.8.2 Operation. Where required by the applicable building code, the mechanical exhaust ventilation system shall operate continuously.


1. Mechanical exhaust ventilation systems that are interlocked with a gas detection system designed in accordance with Sections 2311.8.9 through 2311.8.9.2.

2. Mechanical exhaust ventilation systems in repair garages that are used only for repair of vehicles fueled by liquid fuels or odorized gases, such as CNG, where the ventilation system is electrically interlocked with the lighting circuit.

12. Change Sections 2311.8.9, 2311.8.9.1, and 2311.8.9.2 to read:

2311.8.9 Gas detection system. Where required by the applicable building code, repair garages used for repair of vehicles fueled by nonodorized gases, including hydrogen and nonodorized liquefied natural gas (LNG) the gas detection system shall be maintained. Where lubrication or chassis service pits are provided in garages used for repairing nonodorized LNG-fueled vehicles, gas sensors shall be maintained and operated in such pits.

2311.8.9.1 System activation. Required systems shall be maintained and operated as approved to result in all of the following if required by the applicable building code:

1. Initiation of local audible and visual alarms in approved locations.

2. Deactivation of heating systems located in the repair garage.

3. Activation of the mechanical exhaust ventilation system where the ventilation system is interlocked with gas detection.

2311.8.9.2 Failure of the gas detection system. Unless otherwise permitted by the applicable building code, failure of the gas detection system shall automatically deactivate the heating system, activate the mechanical exhaust ventilation system where the system is interlocked with the gas detection system, and cause a trouble signal to sound in an approved location.

13. Change Sections 2311.8.10 and 2311.8.11 to read:

2311.8.10 Classified electrical area. Classified electrical areas within 18 inches (450 mm) of a ceiling shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable building code and free of electrical hazards.

2311.8.11 Defueling equipment required at vehicle maintenance and repair facilities. Facilities for repairing or replacing hydrogen fuel tanks on hydrogen-fueled vehicles shall have equipment to defuel vehicle storage tanks. Where work must be performed on a vehicle's fuel storage tank for the purpose of maintenance, repair, or cylinder certification, defueling and purging shall be conducted in accordance with Section 2309.6 and NFPA 2.

Statutory Authority

§ 27-97 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

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