Administrative Code

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 9. Environment
Agency 20. Virginia Waste Management Board
Chapter 81. Solid Waste Management Regulations

9VAC20-81-450. Permit application procedures.

A. Any person who proposes to establish a new solid waste management facility (SWMF) or modify an existing SWMF shall submit a permit application to the department, using the procedures set forth in this section and other pertinent sections of this part.

B. Notice of intent.

1. To initiate the permit application process, any person who proposes to establish a new solid waste management facility (SWMF) or modify an existing SWMF or to modify an existing permit shall file a notice of intent with the director stating the desired permit or permit modification, the precise location of the proposed facility, and the intended use of the facility. The notice shall be in letter form and be accompanied by an area map and a site location map.

2. No application for a new solid waste management facility permit or application for a modification for a noncaptive industrial landfill to expand or increase capacity shall be deemed complete unless it is accompanied by DEQ Form DISC-01 and 02 (Disclosure Statement) for all key personnel.

3. No application for a new solid waste management facility permit or application for a modification for a noncaptive industrial landfill to expand or increase capacity shall be considered complete unless the notice of intent is accompanied by a certification from the governing body of the county, city, or town in which the facility is to be located stating that the location and operation of the facility are consistent with all applicable local ordinances, as well as with the local or regional solid waste management plan (SWMP) approved by the department or has initiated the process of amending the SWMP to include the new or expanded facility or an increase in capacity. No certification shall be required for the application for a modification of an existing permit (not including increase in capacity or expansion) other than for a noncaptive industrial landfill in this subdivision. DEQ Form SW-11-1 (Request for Local Government Certification) is provided for the use of the regulated community. Permit and permit-by-rule applicants shall comply with the statutory requirements for consistency with solid waste management plans as recorded in § 10.1-1408.1 of the Code of Virginia.

4. If the applicant proposes to operate a new sanitary landfill or transfer station, the notice of intent shall include a statement describing the steps taken by the applicant to seek the comments of the residents of the area where the sanitary landfill or transfer station is proposed to be located regarding the siting and operation of the proposed sanitary landfill or transfer station. The public comment steps shall be taken prior to filing with the department the notice of intent.

a. The public comment steps shall include publication of a public notice once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation serving the locality where the sanitary landfill or transfer station is proposed to be located and holding at least one public meeting within the locality at a time convenient to the public to identify issues of concern, to facilitate communication, and to establish a dialogue between the applicant and persons who may be affected by the issuance of a permit for the sanitary landfill or transfer station.

b. At a minimum, the public notice shall include:

(1) A statement of the applicant's intent to apply for a permit to operate the proposed sanitary landfill or transfer station;

(2) The proposed sanitary landfill or transfer station site location;

(3) The date, time, and location of the public meeting the applicant will hold; and

(4) The name, address, and telephone number of a person employed by an applicant who can be contacted by interested persons to answer questions or receive comments on siting and operation of the proposed sanitary landfill or transfer station.

c. The first publication of the public notice shall be at least 14 days prior to the public meeting date.

d. In addition, the applicant shall adhere to the applicable requirements of § 10.1-1408.1 B of the Code of Virginia.

5. Disposal capacity guarantee. If the applicant proposes to construct a new sanitary landfill or expand an existing sanitary landfill, a signed statement must be submitted by the applicant guaranteeing that sufficient disposal capacity will be available in the facility to enable localities within the Commonwealth to comply with their solid waste management plans developed pursuant to 9VAC20-130 and certifying that such localities will be allowed to contract for and reserve disposal capacity in the facility. This provision does not apply to permit applications from one or more political subdivisions for new or expanded landfills that will only accept municipal solid waste generated within those jurisdictions or from other jurisdictions under an interjurisdictional agreement.

6. Host agreement. If a host agreement is required, as noted in § 10.1-1408.1 B 7 of the Code of Virginia, it shall contain all the requirements specified in that section of the law.

7. If the application is for a locality owned and operated sanitary landfill, or the expansion of such a landfill, the applicant shall provide information on:

a. The daily travel routes and traffic volumes that correlate with the daily disposal limit;

b. The daily disposal limit; and

c. The service area of the facility.

8. If the application is for a new solid waste management facility or a modification allowing a facility expansion or an increase in capacity, the director shall evaluate whether there is a need for the additional capacity in accordance with § 10.1-1408.1 D 1 of the Code of Virginia. The information in either subdivision 8 a or b of this subsection must be provided with the notice of intent to assist the director with the required investigation and analysis. Based on the information submitted, the owner or operator will demonstrate how the additional capacity will be utilized over the life of the facility.

a. For any solid waste management facility including a sanitary landfill, information demonstrating that there is a need for the additional capacity. Such information shall include the following. If a certain item is not applicable for a facility, it may be indicated so with reasonable justifications.

(1) The anticipated area to be served by the facility;

(2) Similar or related solid waste management facilities that are in the same service area and could impact the proposed facility, and the capacity and service life of those facilities;

(3) The present quantity of waste generated within the proposed service area;

(4) The waste disposal needs specified in the local solid waste plan;

(5) The projected future waste generation rates for the anticipated area to be served during the proposed life of the facility;

(6) The recycling, composting, or other waste management activities within the proposed service area;

(7) The additional solid waste disposal capacity and anticipated site life that the facility would provide to the proposed area of service;

(8) Information demonstrating that the capacity is needed to enable localities to comply with solid waste plans developed pursuant to § 10.1-1411 of the Code of Virginia; and

(9) Any additional factors that provide justification for the additional capacity provided by the facility.

b. As an alternative, for sanitary landfills, based on current or projected disposal rates, information demonstrating there is less than 10 years of capacity remaining in the facility and information demonstrating either of the following:

(1) The available permitted disposal capacity for the state is less than 20 years based on the most current reports submitted pursuant to the Waste Information and Assessment Program in 9VAC20-81-80; or

(2) The available permitted disposal capacity is less than 20 years in either:

(a) The planning region, or regions, immediately contiguous to the planning region of the host community; or

(b) The facilities within a 75-mile radius of the proposed facility.

9. If the location and operation of the facility is stated by the local governing body to be consistent with all its ordinances, without qualifications, conditions, or reservations, and the notice intent is complete, the applicant will be notified that he may submit his application for a SWMF permit. This application shall be submitted in two parts, identified as Part A and Part B.

10. The applicant shall submit certification from the State Corporation Commission that the business entity pursuing the solid waste management permit is a valid entity, authorized to transact its business in Virginia. This requirement does not apply to those facilities owned solely by governmental units.

11. If the application is for an existing CCR landfill or existing CCR surface impoundment, a complete permit application must be submitted no later than October 17, 2017, to continue operation.

C. Part A application. Part A application provides the information essential for assessment of the site suitability for the proposed facility. It contains information on the proposed facility to be able to determine site suitability for intended uses. It provides information on all siting criteria applicable to the proposed facility.

1. The applicant shall complete, sign, and submit three copies of the Part A application containing required information and attachments as specified in 9VAC20-81-460 to the department and shall submit to the department the applicable permit fee under the provisions of 9VAC20-90.

2. The Part A application will be reviewed for completeness. The applicant will be notified within 30 days whether the application is administratively complete or incomplete. If complete information is not provided within 60 days after the applicant is notified, or an alternate timeframe approved by the department, the application will be returned to the applicant without further review. Subsequent resubmittals of the application, submitted after 18 months from the date of the department's response letter, shall be considered as a new application, unless an alternate timeline has been approved by the department.

3. Upon receipt of a complete Part A application, the department shall conduct a technical review of the submittal. Additional information may be required or the site may be visited before the review is completed. The director shall notify the applicant in writing of approval or disapproval of the Part A application or provide conditions to be made a part of the approval.

4. For sanitary landfills, the director's notification must indicate that the site on which the landfill will be located is suitable for the construction and operation of a landfill. In making this determination, the director will consider the information presented in the site hydrogeologic and geotechnical report (9VAC20-81-460 G), the landfill impact statement (9VAC20-81-460 I 1) and the adequacy of transportation facilities (9VAC20-81-460 H). The director may also consider other factors at his discretion.

5. In case of the approval or conditional approval, the applicant may submit the Part B application provided the required conditions are addressed in the submission.

D. Part B application. The Part B application involves the submission of the detailed engineering design and operating plans for the proposed facility.

1. The applicant, after receiving Part A approval, may submit to the department a Part B application to include the required documentation for the specific solid waste management facility as provided for in 9VAC20-81-470 or 9VAC20-81-480. The Part B application and supporting documentation shall be submitted in three copies and must include the applicable permit fee under the provisions of 9VAC20-90 and the financial assurance documentation as required by 9VAC20-70.

2. The Part B application shall be reviewed for administrative completeness before technical evaluation is initiated. The applicant shall be advised in writing within 30 days whether the application is complete or what additional documentation is required. Subsequent resubmittals of the application, submitted after 18 months from the date of the department's response letter, shall be considered a new application, unless an alternate timeline has been approved by the department. The Part B application will not be evaluated until an administratively complete application is received.

3. The administratively complete application will be coordinated with other state agencies according to the nature of the facility. The comments received shall be considered in the permit review by the department. The application will be evaluated for technical adequacy and regulatory compliance. In the course of this evaluation, the department may require the applicant to provide additional information. At the end of the evaluation, the department will notify the applicant that the application is technically adequate and in regulatory compliance, or that the department intends to deny the application.

4. The procedures addressing the denial are contained in 9VAC20-81-550.

E. Permit issuance.

1. If the application is found to be technically adequate and in full compliance with this chapter, a draft permit shall be developed by the department.

2. Copies of the draft permit will be available for viewing at the applicant's place of business or at the regional office of the department, or both, upon request. A notice announcing the beginning of the public comment period and the availability of the draft permit shall be made in a newspaper with general circulation in the area of the facility. A copy of the notice of availability will be provided to the chief administrative officer of all cities and counties that are contiguous to the host community.

3. If the application is for a new landfill or an increase in landfill capacity (includes expansion), then the department shall hold a public hearing and the notice in subdivision 2 of this subsection will include such information.

4. For any application (other than subdivision 3 of this subsection), the notice shall notify the public of the 30-day public comment period and include the opportunity to request a public hearing. The department shall hold a public hearing on the draft permit whenever the department finds, on the basis of requests, that:

a. There is a significant public interest in the issuance, denial, modification, or revocation of the permit in question;

b. There are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the issuance, denial, modification, or revocation of the permit in question; and

c. The action requested is not, on its face, inconsistent with, or in violation of, these regulations, the Waste Management Act (§ 10.1-1400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), or federal law or regulations.

5. The department also may hold a public hearing when it is believed that such a hearing might clarify one or more issues involved in a permit decision.

6. If a public hearing is to be held, the department shall convene it 30 days or more after the notice is published in the local newspaper. The public hearing shall be conducted within the local government jurisdiction of the facility. A comment period shall extend for a 15-day period after the conclusion of the public hearing.

7. A decision to permit, to deny a permit, or to modify the draft permit shall be rendered by the director within 90 days of the close of the hearing comment period.

8. The permit applicant and the persons who commented during the public participation period shall be notified in writing of the decision on the draft permit. That decision may include denial of the permit (see also 9VAC20-81-550), issuance of the permit as drafted, or modification of the draft permit and issuance.

9. No permit for a new solid waste management facility nor any modification to a permit allowing a facility expansion or an increase in capacity shall be issued until the director has made a written determination, after an investigation and analysis of the potential human health, environmental, transportation infrastructure, and transportation safety impacts and needs and an evaluation of comments by the host local government, other local governments and interested persons, that (i) the proposed facility, expansion, or increase protects present and future human health and safety and the environment; (ii) there is a need for the additional capacity; (iii) sufficient infrastructure will exist to safely handle the waste flow; (iv) the increase is consistent with locality imposed or state-imposed daily disposal limits; (v) the public interest will be served by the proposed facility's operation or the expansion or increase in capacity of a facility; and (vi) the proposed solid waste management facility, facility expansion, or additional capacity is consistent with regional and local solid waste management plans developed pursuant to § 10.1-1411 of the Code of Virginia.

10. For nonhazardous industrial solid waste management facilities owned or operated by the generator of the waste managed at the facility, and that accept only waste generated by the facility owner or operator the following determination shall apply in lieu of subdivision 9 of this subsection. No new permit for a nonhazardous industrial solid waste management facility that is owned or operated by the generator of the waste managed at the facility, and that accepts only waste generated by the facility owner or operator, shall be issued until the director has determined, after investigation and evaluation of comments by the local government, that the proposed facility poses no substantial present or potential danger to human health or the environment. The department shall hold a public hearing within the county, city, or town where the facility is to be located prior to the issuance of any such permit for the management of nonhazardous industrial solid waste.

11. Where either subdivision 9 or 10 of this subsection applies, the director may request updated information during the review of the permit application if the information on which the director's determination is based is no longer current. If, based on the analysis of the materials presented in the permit application, the determination required in § 10.1-1408.1 of the Code of Virginia cannot be made, the application will be denied in accordance with 9VAC20-81-550 A 6.

12. Any permit for a new sanitary landfill and any permit modification authorizing expansion of an existing sanitary landfill shall incorporate the conditions required for a disposal capacity guarantee in § 10.1-1408.1 of the Code of Virginia. This provision does not apply to permit applications from one or more political subdivisions that will only accept waste from within those political subdivisions' jurisdiction or municipal solid waste generated within other political subdivisions pursuant to an interjurisdictional agreement.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 27, Issue 12, eff. March 16, 2011; amended, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 9, eff. January 27, 2016; Volume 40, Issue 4, eff. November 8, 2023.

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