Administrative Code

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 9. Environment
Agency 25. State Water Control Board
Chapter 32. Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) Permit Regulation

9VAC25-32-60. Application for a VPA permit.

A. Duty to apply. Any owner of a pollutant management activity who does not have an effective VPA permit, except persons covered by general VPA permits or excluded under 9VAC25-32-40, shall submit a complete application to the department in accordance with this section.

B. Time to apply.

1. Any owner proposing a new pollutant management activity shall submit an application for a VPA permit 180 days prior to the date planned for commencing erection, construction or expansion or employment of new processes at any site. There shall be no operation of said facilities prior to the issuance of a VPA permit.

2. Any owner with an existing pollutant management activity that has not been permitted shall submit an application within 60 days upon being requested to by the department. The department, after determining there is pollution occurring, may allow the construction of treatment works prior to permit issuance. There shall be no operation of said treatment works prior to permit issuance.

3. Owners currently managing pollutants who have effective VPA permits shall submit a new application 180 days prior to proposed facility expansions, production increases, or process modification which will:

a. Result in significantly new or substantially increased amounts of pollutants being managed or a significant change in the nature of the pollutant management activity that was not anticipated and accounted for on the application for the effective VPA permit; or

b. Violate or lead to violation of the terms and conditions of the effective VPA permit.

C. Duty to reapply. Any permittee with an effective VPA permit shall submit a new application at least 180 days before the expiration date of the effective VPA permit unless permission for a later date has been granted by the department. Permission shall not be granted to submit an application later than the expiration date of the existing VPA permit.

D. Completeness.

1. A complete VPA permit application shall be submitted by the owner of the pollutant management activity before a VPA permit can be issued. The permit application may be submitted as a hard copy or electronically with a hard copy signature page. This item does not apply where general VPA permits are applicable.

2. The department may require the submission of additional information after an application has been filed, and may suspend processing of any application until such time as the owner has supplied missing or deficient information and the department considers the application complete. Further, when the owner becomes aware that he omitted one or more relevant facts from a VPA permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a VPA permit application or in any report to the department, he shall promptly submit such facts or the correct information.

3. In accordance with § 62.1-44.19:3 A of the Code of Virginia, no application for a permit or variance to authorize the storage of biosolids shall be complete unless it contains certification from the governing body of the locality in which the biosolids is to be stored that the storage site is consistent with all applicable ordinances. The governing body shall confirm or deny consistency within 30 days of receiving a request for certification. If the governing body does not so respond, the site shall be deemed consistent.

4. No application for a permit to land apply biosolids in accordance with Part IX (9VAC25-32-303 et seq.) of this chapter shall be complete unless it includes the written consent of the landowner to apply biosolids on his property.

5. Pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:3 of the Code of Virginia, no application for a VPA permit from a privately owned treatment works serving, or designed to serve, 50 or more residences shall be considered complete unless the applicant has provided the department with notification from the State Corporation Commission that the applicant is incorporated in the Commonwealth and is in compliance with all regulations and relevant orders of the State Corporation Commission.

E. Information requirements. All applicants for VPA permits shall provide information to the department using the most current application forms provided by the department.

F. Application for the authorization to land apply biosolids. All persons applying to land apply biosolids must provide the information in this subsection to the department using an application form approved by the department. New applicants must submit all information available at the time of permit application. The information may be provided by referencing information previously submitted to the department. The department may waive any requirement of this subsection if it has access to substantially identical information. The department may also waive any requirement of this subsection that is not of material concern for a specific permit.

1. General information.

a. Legal name and address.

b. Owner contact information including:

(1) Name;

(2) Mailing address;

(3) Telephone number; and

(4) Email address.

c. A general description of the proposed activity including:

(1) Name and location of generators involved and their owners;

(2) Biosolids quality and the generator's biosolids treatment and handling processes;

(3) Generator's odor control plan, that contains at minimum:

(a) Methods used to minimize odor in producing biosolids;

(b) Methods used to identify malodorous biosolids before land application (at the generating facility);

(c) Methods used to identify and abate malodorous biosolids if delivered to the field, prior to land application; and

(d) Methods used to abate malodor from biosolids if land applied;

(4) Means of biosolids transport or conveyance;

(5) Location and volume of storage proposed;

(6) A description of field staging methods;

(7) General location of sites proposed for application, and

(8) Methods of biosolids application proposed.

d. Written permission of landowners on the most current form approved by the department and pertinent lease agreements as may be necessary for operation of the treatment works.

e. Methods for notification of local government and obtaining compliance with local government zoning and applicable ordinances.

f. A copy of a letter of approval of the nutrient management plan for the operation from the Department of Conservation and Recreation if required in subdivision 3 b of this subsection.

2. Design information.

a. Biosolids characterization. For each source of biosolids that the applicant proposes to land apply, the applicant must submit biosolids monitoring data for the pollutants for which limits in biosolids have been established in Part IX (9VAC25-32-303 et seq.) of this chapter, for the applicant's use or disposal practices on the date of permit application with the following conditions:

(1) When applying for authorization to land apply a biosolids source not previously included in a VPDES or VPA permit, the biosolids shall be sampled and analyzed for PCBs. The sample results shall be submitted with the permit application or request to add the source;

(2) The department may require sampling for additional pollutants, as appropriate, on a case-by-case basis;

(3) Applicants must provide:

(a) Biosolids analytical data from a minimum of three samples taken within four and one-half years prior to the date of the permit application. Samples must be representative of the biosolids and should be taken at least one month apart. Existing data may be used in lieu of sampling done solely for the purpose of this application. The department may reduce the number of samples collected based on site specific conditions;

(b) The total dry tons per 365-day period of biosolids subject to this subsection that is applied to the land; and

(c) A statement that the biosolids is nonhazardous; a documentation statement for treatment and quality; and a description of how treated biosolids meets other standards in accordance with this regulation;

(4) Samples shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with analytical methods specified in 40 CFR Part 503 and 40 CFR Part 136; and

(5) The monitoring data provided must include at least the following information for each parameter:

(a) Average monthly concentration for all samples (mg/kg dry weight), based upon actual sample values;

(b) Analytical method used; and

(c) Method detection level.

b. Storage facilities. Plans and specifications for storage facilities of all biosolids to be handled, including routine and on-site storage, shall be submitted for the issuance of a certificate to construct and a certificate to operate in accordance with the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9VAC25-790) and shall depict the following information:

(1) Site layout on a recent 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle or other appropriate scaled map;

(2) Location of any required soil, geologic, and hydrologic test holes or borings;

(3) Location of the following field features within 0.25 miles of the site boundary (indicate on map) with the approximate distance from the site boundary:

(a) Water wells (operating or abandoned);

(b) Surface waters;

(c) Springs;

(d) Public water supplies;

(e) Sinkholes;

(f) Underground and surface mines;

(g) Mine pool (or other) surface water discharge points;

(h) Mining spoil piles and mine dumps;

(i) Quarries;

(j) Sand and gravel pits;

(k) Gas and oil wells;

(l) Diversion ditches;

(m) Occupied dwellings, including industrial and commercial establishments;

(n) Landfills and dumps;

(o) Other unlined impoundments;

(p) Septic tanks and drainfields; and

(q) Injection wells;

(4) Topographic map (10-foot contour preferred) of sufficient detail to clearly show the following information:

(a) Maximum and minimum percent slopes;

(b) Depressions on the site that may collect water;

(c) Drainage ways that may attribute to rainfall run-on to or runoff from the site; and

(d) Portions of the site (if any) that are located within the 100-year floodplain;

(5) Data and specifications for the liner proposed for seepage control;

(6) Scaled plan view and cross-sectional view of the facilities showing inside and outside slopes of all embankments and details of all appurtenances;

(7) Calculations justifying impoundment capacity; and

(8) Groundwater monitoring plans for facilities if required by the department. The groundwater monitoring plan shall include pertinent geohydrological data to justify upgradient and downgradient well location and depth.

c. Staging. Generic plans for staging of biosolids.

d. Land application sites:

(1) DEQ control number, if previously assigned, identifying each land application field. If a DEQ control number has not been assigned, provide the site identification code used by the permit applicant to report activities and the site's location;

(2) The site's latitude and longitude in decimal degrees to three decimal places and the method of determination;

(3) A legible topographic map and aerial photograph, including legend, of proposed application areas to scale as needed to depict the following features:

(a) Property boundaries;

(b) Surface water courses;

(c) Water supply wells and springs;

(d) Roadways;

(e) Rock outcrops;

(f) Slopes;

(g) Frequently flooded areas (National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) designation);

(h) Occupied dwellings within 400 feet of the property boundaries and all existing dwelling and property line setback distances;

(i) Publicly accessible properties and occupied buildings within 400 feet of the property boundaries and the associated extended setback distances; and

(j) The gross acreage of the fields where biosolids will be applied;

(4) County map or other map of sufficient detail to show general location of the site and proposed transport vehicle haul routes to be utilized from the treatment plant;

(5) County tax maps labeled with Tax Parcel ID or IDs for each farm to be included in the permit, which may include multiple fields to depict properties within 400 feet of the field boundaries;

(6) A USDA soil survey map, if available, of proposed sites for land application of biosolids;

(7) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of each site owner, if different from the applicant;

(8) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the person who applies biosolids to the site, if different from the applicant;

(9) Whether the site is agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site, as such site types are defined in 9VAC25-32-10;

(10) Description of agricultural practices including a list of proposed crops to be grown;

(11) The following information for each land application site that has been identified at the time of permit application, if the applicant intends to apply bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 to the site:

(a) Whether the applicant has contacted the permitting authority in the state where the bulk biosolids subject to 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 will be applied, to ascertain whether bulk biosolids subject to 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has been applied to the site on or since July 20, 1993, and if so, the name of the permitting authority and the name and phone number of a contact person at the permitting authority; and

(b) Identification of facilities other than the applicant's facility that have sent, or are sending, biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 to the site since July 20, 1993, if, based on the inquiry in subdivision 2 d (11) (a) of this subsection, bulk biosolids subject to cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has been applied to the site since July 20, 1993.

3. A biosolids management plan shall be provided that includes the following minimum site specific information at the time of permit application.

a. Description of operation: A comprehensive, general description of the operation as required by this section.

b. A nutrient management plan approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation as required for application sites prior to department authorization under the following conditions:

(1) Sites operated by an owner or lessee of a confined animal feeding operation, as defined in subsection A of § 62.1-44.17:1 of the Code of Virginia, or confined poultry feeding operation, as defined in subsection A of § 62.1-44.17:1.1 of the Code of Virginia;

(2) Sites where land application more frequently than once every three years at greater than 50% of the annual agronomic rate is proposed;

(3) Mined or disturbed land sites where land application is proposed at greater than agronomic rates; or

(4) Other sites based on site-specific conditions that increase the risk that land application may adversely impact state waters.

4. Biosolids transport.

a. General description of transport vehicles to be used.

b. Procedures for biosolids offloading at the biosolids facilities and the land application site together with spill prevention, cleanup (including vehicle cleaning); field reclamation and emergency spill notification and cleanup measures.

c. Voucher system used for documentation and recordkeeping.

5. Field operations.

a. Storage.

(1) Routine storage - supernatant handling and disposal, biosolids handling and loading of transport vehicles, equipment cleaning, freeboard maintenance, and inspections for structural integrity.

(2) On-site storage - procedures for department approval and implementation.

(3) Staging - procedures to be followed including either designated site locations provided in the "Design Information" or the specific site criteria for such locations including the liner or cover requirements and the time limit assigned for such use.

(4) Reestablishment of offloading and staging areas.

b. Application methodology.

(1) Description and specifications on spreader vehicles.

(2) Procedures for calibrating equipment for various biosolids contents to ensure uniform distribution and appropriate loading rates on a day-to-day basis.

(3) Procedures used to ensure that operations address the following constraints: application of biosolids to frozen ground, pasture or hay fields, crops for direct human consumption and saturated or ice-covered or snow-covered ground; establishment of setback distances; slopes; prohibited access for beef and dairy animals, and soil pH requirements; and proper site specific biosolids loading rates on a field-by-field basis.

c. Odor control plan for land applier. Include at a minimum:

(1) Methods used to identify and abate malodorous biosolids in the field prior to land application, and

(2) Methods used to abate malodorous biosolids if land applied.

6. An applicant for a permit authorizing the land application of biosolids shall provide to the department, and to each locality in which the applicant proposes to land apply biosolids, written evidence of financial responsibility. Evidence of financial responsibility shall be provided in accordance with the requirements specified under Article 6 (9VAC25-32-770 et seq.) of Part IX of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 20, eff. July 24, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 34, Issue 19, eff. June 13, 2018; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

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