Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Chapter 82. Overload and Hauling Permits Regulation

Part I
General Provisions

24VAC20-82-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

"DMV" means the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

"Escort vehicle driver certificate" means a document issued by a state that signifies that the holder of the certificate has successfully completed the issuing state's requirements to escort overdimensional vehicle configurations.

"Hauling permit" means a permit issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles in accordance with § 46.2-1139 of the Code of Virginia to allow Virginia-based and foreign-based vehicles or combinations of vehicles of a size or weight exceeding the maximum specified in Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia to operate on a highway in Virginia.

"Off-centered load" means a transport vehicle's cargo is loaded so that there is no overhang on driver's side of the transport vehicle and there is overhang on the passenger side load that extends beyond and is not evenly distributed across the bed of the transport vehicle.

"Overload permit" means a permit issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles in accordance with § 46.2-1128 of the Code of Virginia to allow Virginia-based and foreign-based vehicles or combinations of vehicles to exceed the weight limitations otherwise applicable to such vehicles by 5.0%.

"Registered gross weight" means the weight for which a vehicle or combination of vehicles is registered or licensed.

"Trailer" means the same as the term is defined in § 46.2-100 of the Code of Virginia.

"Truck" means a motor vehicle designed to transport property on its own structure independent of any other vehicle and having a registered gross weight in excess of 7,500 pounds.

"VDOT" means the Virginia Department of Transportation.

"Vehicle configuration" means the height, weight, width, and length of a vehicle to include vehicle axle spacing.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Part II
Overload Permit Requirements

24VAC20-82-20. Overload permit requirements.

A. Overload permits are ordinarily purchased at the time of vehicle registration. The fee for an overload permit purchased at the time of a quarterly vehicle registration shall be prorated.

B. Overload permits may be transferred from one vehicle to another if the license plates associated with the permit are also being transferred. The fee to transfer an overload permit is $2.00. This fee is in addition to any fee authorized to be collected for the transfer of the license plates associated with the permit. Permit decals shall be removed from the vehicle from which the permit is being transferred and shall either accompany the application for a new overload permit or be destroyed by the permit holder.

C. Overload permits will be issued in the same name and for the same vehicle as the vehicle registration.

D. Overload permit fees are not refundable. However, an applicant for a new permit may receive credit for the fee paid for a previously issued, unexpired permit that has been removed from a vehicle. Such credit shall not exceed (i) the prorated fee for the number of months remaining on the previously issued permit or (ii) the amount of the fee for the new permit, whichever is less. The credit shall not be applied to the $2.00 permit transfer fee.

E. In order to purchase an overload permit, the owner of a motor vehicle shall:

1. Furnish, on an application supplied by DMV, the following information for the motor vehicle:

a. Make;

b. Identification number;

c. Current license plate number;

d. Expiration date;

e. State of issue; and

f. Registered gross weight; and

2. Pay the fee specified in § 46.2-1128 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The fee for an initial permit issued on a vehicle may be prorated to the month of the expiration of the vehicle registration.

G. Overload permits may be in the form of decals, issued in duplicate. Any decals issued shall be placed on the vehicle in the following locations:

1. One decal shall be placed on the driver side of the vehicle.

2. The second decal shall be placed on the passenger side in the same approximate area as the first decal.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023; amended, Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 26, eff. September 26, 2024.

Part III
Hauling Permit Requirements

24VAC20-82-30. Authority; permits.

The commissioner or the commissioner's designee may issue hauling permits for qualifying vehicles only when an overwidth configuration is not created by loading multiple items side by side, an overheight configuration is not created by stacking multiple items on top of one another, an overlength configuration is not created by loading multiple items behind one another, or an overweight configuration is not created by carrying multiple items, or when statutorily exempted by the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-40. Vehicle loading and marking requirements.

In general, off-centered loads should be loaded so that the overhang is to the outside shoulder side of the roadway. If this loading condition creates an unsafe operating situation, the applicant may apply for relief, which may be granted by DMV on a case-by-case basis.

All flags attached to vehicle loads shall be red or orange fluorescent , not less than 18 inches square, and in good condition. Flags shall be placed at the extremities of a vehicle load to identify overwidth or secured at the end of the load to identify overhang in accordance with § 46.2-1121 of the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-50. Single trip permit.

Single trip permits are issued to cover one movement between two specific points. Most single trip permits are valid for a 13-day period; however, DMV may restrict any single trip permit movement to a shorter period depending on various circumstances such as weather, routes of travel, construction projects, overall dimensions of the vehicle configuration, or other unforeseen circumstances. No refunds or credits will be granted for unused or expired permits.

Single trip permits are vehicle specific and cannot be transferred between vehicles. The permit is required to be carried in the transport vehicle. This permit shall be presented to DMV, law enforcement, or VDOT officials when requested.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-60. Superload single trip permit.

A. Like other single trip permits, superload single trip permits are issued to cover one movement between two specific points. Superload single trip permit requests exceed the maximum weight or size limitations ordinarily allowed on a single trip permit. Superload single trip permit requests require various levels of research and analysis and should be submitted to DMV at least 10 working days prior to the anticipated date of movement. All superload single trip permits are issued on a case-by-case basis and only after an appropriate review or VDOT engineering analysis has determined that the vehicle configuration will not harm or damage roadways, bridges, or structures on the designated routes of travel. Results of the review or engineering analysis may render the vehicle configuration ineligible for movement.

Superload single trip permits are vehicle specific and cannot be transferred between vehicles. The permit is required to be carried in the transport vehicle. This permit shall be presented to DMV, law enforcement, or VDOT officials when requested.

B. Requirements for superload single trip permits exceeding certain parameters are described in this subsection. Movements that exceed any of the following parameters: 18 feet in width, 250,000 pounds in weight, 200 feet in length, or 16 feet in height may be required to submit a detailed travel plan, depending on the time of travel and the routes of travel. The plan should include the following:

1. Name and description of the item being moved;

2. Overall loaded dimensions for the vehicle configuration to include height, width, length, and gross weight;

3. Explanation of why the load cannot be reduced;

4. Explanation of why the load cannot be transported by air, rail, or water;

5. Origin and destination specific to Virginia, including mileage and specific intersecting routes (e.g., Route 65 - one mile south of Route 2 in Campbell County);

6. Preferred routes of travel;

7. Point of contact within the company who can speak to the requested movement in case additional information is needed;

8. A description of how to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles responding to emergencies, locations where the overdimensional configuration will pull over to allow movement of traffic (traffic shall not be detained for more than 10 minutes if at all possible), and layover locations;

9. Written authorization from local law-enforcement personnel agreeing to escort the overdimensional configuration through their jurisdiction. The authorization shall include the name, phone number, and email address of the primary point of contact. The hauling permit staff will contact the point of contact to confirm their escorting role prior to DMV issuing the superload single trip permit;

10. Written authorization from affected utility, cable, and telephone companies, agreeing to accompany the overdimensional configuration to lift overhead wires. The authorization shall include the name, phone number, and email address of the primary point of contact. The hauling permit staff will contact the point of contact to confirm their role in the move prior to DMV issuing the hauling permit; and

11. Written authorization from VDOT for the removal or adjustment of any ancillary highway structures or roadway appurtenances maintained by VDOT. The authorization shall include the name, phone number, and email address of the primary point of contact. The hauling permit staff will contact the point of contact to confirm their role in the move prior to DMV issuing the hauling permit.

C. If the applicant intends to layover on private property, the applicant must have written authorization from the property owner or the public facility giving permission to layover on the private property until able to proceed in accordance with the permit. The authorization shall include the name, phone number, and email address of the primary point of contact. The hauling permit staff may contact the point of contact to confirm the layover privileges on the property prior to DMV issuing the superload single trip permit. The authorization must be carried in the transport vehicle and presented to DMV, law enforcement, or VDOT officials when requested.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-70. Additional analysis requirements for exceptional or unusual loads.

A. For loads with gross vehicle weights over 400,000 pounds, a schematic of the vehicle providing detail of the loading the vehicle will impose must be submitted with the permit application for VDOT's use. The schematic must include the longitudinal spacing between all axles and the transverse dimensions of all tires and all spacing between each tire along the axle. For vehicles with different tire configurations on multiple axles, all unique axle configurations must be included. An example vehicle schematic is available in the Virginia Hauling Permits Manual available from DMV.

B. The requirement for additional analysis may also be extended to vehicles with gross weights less than 400,000 pounds for unusual vehicle or structure characteristics as determined by VDOT in its sole discretion.

C. For loads with gross vehicle weights over 750,000 pounds, VDOT will require the permit applicant to retain an engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia to complete an engineering analysis of all structures to be crossed by the vehicle on the permitted route. This requirement may apply for loads with gross vehicle weights between 500,000 and 750,000 pounds at VDOT's sole discretion. This requirement may also be extended to vehicles with smaller gross weights as needed (i) for unusual vehicle or structure characteristics as determined by VDOT, or (ii) in cases where multiple routes and or vehicles are requested to be evaluated for the same load.

D. The permit applicant's engineer must execute and submit a Critical Infrastructure Information / Sensitive Security Information (CII/SSI) nondisclosure form before VDOT will release the safety inspection reports and bridge plans necessary to complete the analysis. A meeting with VDOT's engineers before beginning the analysis is strongly encouraged.

E. VDOT in its sole discretion may require that pre-travel and post-travel inspections be completed for any structures along the permitted route to assess for and capture any damage to VDOT's inventory. When inspections are determined to be required, VDOT will also require a surety bond to be posted. The value of the surety, as determined solely by VDOT, will be commensurate with the cost to perform major repairs or replace affected portions of VDOT's inventory along the permitted route.

F. VDOT review and approval of any independent analysis is required before DMV will issue any permit. VDOT's determination is final.

G. The amount of time required to process a permit will be commensurate with the volume and complexity of the analysis required.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-80. Annual multi-trip permit.

Annual multi-trip permits allow multiple movements on designated or unrestricted routes in Virginia. Annual multi-trip permits are issued on a case-by-case basis and may be purchased for either one or two years.

The permit is required to be carried in the transport vehicle. This permit shall be presented to DMV, law enforcement, or VDOT officials when requested.

Annual multi-trip permits are issued through the DMV's headquarters office, and all requests shall be made at least 10 business days prior to the anticipated movement date.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-90. Superload multi-trip permits.

When the vehicle configuration exceeds the size or weight parameters allowed for the annual multi-trip permits issued under 24VAC20-82-80, the applicant may apply for a superload multi-trip permit. These permits are issued on a case-by-case basis. They may be issued for a period of one year or, depending upon the characteristics of the load or route of travel, may be limited to three months.

The superload multi-trip permit allows multiple movements within a specified time period statewide or on specific routes. Requests for the superload multi-trip permit must be submitted to DMV at least 10 business days in advance of the anticipated movement date. These permits are vehicle specific. Superload multi-trip permits are issued only after the appropriate reviews or VDOT engineering analysis have been completed to ensure that the vehicle configuration will not harm or damage roadways, bridges, structures, or other state inventory on the routes of travel. Results of the reviews or engineering analysis may render the vehicle configuration ineligible to move under the authority of a superload multi-trip permit.

The permit is required to be carried in the transport vehicle. This permit shall be presented to DMV, law enforcement, or VDOT officials when requested.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-100. Exempted multi-trip permits; eligibility requirements.

In addition to other permits provided in this chapter, the Commonwealth of Virginia issues a number of exempt permits under Article 18 (§ 46.2-1139 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia. Most exempt multi-trip permit loads are reducible but have been granted statutory authority to operate on the state highway system. The applicant must adhere to specific statutory criteria in order to qualify for these permits.

Vehicles or equipment registered in the name of the United States government or state or local agencies shall receive without cost an overdimensional or overweight permit to move overdimensional or overweight items. Contractors moving items on behalf of the United States government or state or local agencies are not eligible to receive this permit at no cost.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Part IV
Travel Guidelines

24VAC20-82-110. Travel restrictions; holiday travel; days and times of travel; speed limits.

A. Permitted vehicle configurations are not allowed to travel on the following state observed holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. On the holidays listed in this subsection, permits will not be valid from noon the preceding weekday through the holiday. If the observed holiday falls on a Monday, the permit will not be valid from noon on the preceding Friday through Monday.

B. Normal times of travel for permitted loads are sunrise to sunset. Some superload vehicle configurations may be required to travel during the hours of darkness. No permitted travel is allowed within the corporate limits of cities or towns between the hours of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., except for configurations that are overweight or overlength (not exceeding 85 feet, including rear overhang) only.

C. In addition to the day and time of travel restrictions set out in subsections A and B of this section, DMV may further restrict days and times of travel if it is deemed necessary giving primary consideration to the safety and well-being of the traveling public.

D. When road conditions, visibility, or unfavorable weather conditions make traveling hazardous to the operator or to the traveling public, permitted vehicles are not authorized to operate unless responding to an emergency. Law enforcement judgment shall prevail in all circumstances.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Part V
Escort Vehicles and Equipment Requirements; Escort Vehicle Driver Certification; and General Escorting Guidelines

24VAC20-82-120. Escort vehicles and equipment requirements.

A. The escort vehicle shall be a truck not less than one-quarter-ton-rated load capacity but not more than 17,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) or a passenger vehicle of not less than 2,000 pounds gross weight. Escort vehicles shall not resemble nor be confused with law-enforcement or safety-assistance vehicles. Escort vehicles shall be in compliance with all state and local registration processes required by the state in which the vehicle is registered. Except when in compliance with subsection C of this section, escort vehicles shall not be overdimensional or overweight while in use performing escorting duties. They are not permitted to pull a trailer of any kind while performing escorting duties and shall have an unobstructed view through the rear window.

B. All escort vehicles shall be equipped with a two-way communication system to maintain communications between the permitted vehicle driver and all escort vehicles in the group.

C. Front or lead escort vehicles are required to have a height pole when required by permit. While performing escorting duties the pole shall be extended at least three inches above the specified height of the vehicle configuration being escorted.

D. Escort vehicle headlights shall be on at all times while escorting overdimensional or overweight vehicles.

E. All escort vehicles shall have at least one light, rotating or flashing, positioned on top of the escort vehicle. The light must be visible for a distance of at least 500 feet in all directions by approaching vehicles.

F. Paddles shall be at least 18 inches by 18 inches with six-inch high lettering. For greater visibility, a high-intensity flashing stop/slow paddle may be used.

G. All flags used for traffic control purposes shall be red or any fluorescent color, not less than 18 inches square, and in good condition. Individuals performing flagging activities shall wear a hard hat and approved ANSI Class II or Class III safety vest.

H. Escort vehicles shall have signs, descriptive of the load being escorted (i.e., "Wide Load" or "Oversize Load" or "Overweight Load"). At a minimum, the signs shall be displayed in black eight-inch high letters with a minimum of 1-1/4 inch brush strokes on a yellow banner. The banner shall be mounted on the front and rear bumper of the escort vehicle. If displayed on the roof of the escort vehicle, other drivers must be able to read the signs when approaching or following the escort vehicle.

I. A minimum of one Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual Laboratories (FM) approved, five pounds or greater, Type "BC" or "ABC" fire extinguisher shall be carried in the escort vehicle or escort vehicles.

J. Reflective triangles or road flares shall be used to warn oncoming or approaching vehicles of a breakdown.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-130. General escorting guidelines.

A. All escort vehicle operators are required to be certified prior to performing the duties of an oversize or overweight load escort vehicle operator in Virginia. General guidelines as to when escorts are required include the following:

1. One front and one rear escort is required on noninterstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 12 feet in width.

2. One rear escort is required on interstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 12 feet in width.

3. Two front and one rear escorts are required on noninterstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 14 feet in width.

4. One front and one rear escort is required on interstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 14 feet in width.

5. Two front and two rear escorts are required on noninterstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 16 feet in width.

6. One front and two rear escorts are required on interstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 16 feet in width.

7. One front escort is required when an off-centered load exceeds three feet six inches on the passenger side of the vehicle configuration.

8. One front escort and one rear escort is required when an off-centered load exceeds five feet on the passenger side of the vehicle configuration.

9. One front escort equipped with a height pole, adjusted three inches above the load height, is required on all routes when the permitted load exceeds 14 feet five inches in height.

10. One rear escort is required on noninterstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 90 feet in length.

11. One rear escort is required on interstate routes when the permitted load exceeds 120 feet in length.

12. One front and one rear escort is required on all routes when the permitted load exceeds 150 feet in length.

13. One front escort is required on all routes when the permitted load has a front overhang that exceeds 10 feet (measured from the bumper).

14. One rear escort is required on all routes when the permitted load has a rear overhang that exceeds 15 feet (measured from the bumper).

15. Permit loads that exceed 18 feet wide or 200 feet long will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

B. Escort requirements are subject to change with individual consideration of weight, width, length, height, geographical location, or route of travel as determined by DMV.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-140. Fees.

The fee to reissue or issue a duplicate escort vehicle driver certificate is $15.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Part VI
Emergency and National Defense Moves

24VAC20-82-150. Emergency moves.

Multi-trip permit holders may request "emergency travel regulations" when ordering permits if there is a possibility that the equipment or commodity permitted will be required in support of an emergency defined as "a calamity, existing or imminent, caused by fire, flood, riot, windstorm, explosion, act of God, or other similar situation which requires immediate remedial action to protect life or property." Having emergency travel regulations in the permit may allow response to the emergency using the multi-trip permit if that permit covers the routes used to respond to the emergency. However, the permittee must contact VDOT's Emergency Operations Center and give them vital travel information that will be passed on to the Virginia State Police, all applicable law-enforcement jurisdictions, and DMV weigh stations.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Part VII

24VAC20-82-160. Compliance with state laws and permit requirements.

A. The acceptance and use of a hauling permit by the applicant or an applicant's designee is the applicant's agreement that the applicant will proof the permit for accuracy prior to traveling on Virginia's highways. If the document is incorrect, the permittee will immediately contact DMV to obtain the proper permit prior to traveling over Virginia's highways. The permittee accepts full responsibility and the consequences associated with having a permit containing erroneous or incorrect information.

B. The acceptance and use of a hauling permit by the applicant is the applicant's agreement to pay for all damages and cost involved to persons or property as a result of the permitted movement.

C. The acceptance and use of a hauling permit by the applicant is the applicant's agreement that the applicant will comply with all the terms and conditions as specified within the permit.

D. A permittee who has been issued a hauling permit, an agent of the permittee, or any member of the permittee's company shall notify DMV within three business days if the permitted vehicle is involved in any accident. Failure to notify DMV of involvement in an accident may result in suspension or denial of permitting privileges as specified in 24VAC20-82-180.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

24VAC20-82-170. Injury or damage.

The permittee assumes all responsibility for an injury to persons or damage to public or private property caused directly or indirectly by the transportation of vehicles and loads moving under the authority of a state-issued overload or hauling permit. Furthermore, the permittee agrees to hold the Commonwealth of Virginia, DMV and its employees, and other state agencies and their employees harmless from all suits, claims, damages, or proceedings of any kind, as a direct or indirect result of the transportation of the permitted vehicle.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Denial; Revocation; Refusal to Renew; Appeal; Invalidation

24VAC20-82-180. Denial; revocation; refusal to renew; appeal; invalidation.

A. A hauling permit may be revoked by DMV upon written findings that the permittee violated the terms of the permit. Terms of the permit include adherence to this chapter and state and local laws and ordinances regulating the operation of overweight or oversized vehicles. Repeated violations may result in a permanent denial of the right to use the state highway system or roads for transportation of overweight and oversized vehicle configurations. A permit may also be revoked for misrepresentation of the information on the application, fraudulently obtaining a permit, alteration of a permit, or unauthorized use of a permit.

B. A hauling permit may be denied to any applicant or company, or both, for a period not to exceed one year when the applicant or company or both has been notified in writing by DMV that violations existed under a previously issued permit. Customers who are delinquent in payment to other DMV functions will be denied a hauling permit until all delinquent accounts are satisfied.

C. No permit application request shall be denied or revoked, or permit application renewal refused, until a written notice of the violation of the issued permit has been furnished to the applicant. The permittee may appeal in writing to the Assistant Commissioner of Motor Carrier Services or the assistant commissioner's designee within 10 working days of receipt of written notification of denial or revocation setting forth the grounds for making an appeal. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Assistant Commissioner for Motor Carrier Services or the assistant commissioner's designee will conduct an informal fact-finding process conforming to the requirements of the Code of Virginia and will issue a case decision that will be the final administrative step. Judicial review of such decision shall be available pursuant to § 2.2-4025 of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia). Upon revocation of the permit, it must be surrendered without consideration for refund or credit of fees. Upon restoration of permit privileges a new permit must be obtained prior to movement on the state highway system.

D. Law-enforcement officials or weight-enforcement officials may invalidate or confiscate a hauling permit if the permitted vehicle or vehicle combination is operating off the route listed on the permit; if the vehicle has fewer axles than required by the permit; if the vehicle has less axle spacing than required by the permit when measured longitudinally from the center of the axle to the center of the next axle with any fraction of a foot rounded to the next highest foot; or if the vehicle is transporting multiple items not allowed by the permit.

Law-enforcement officials or weight-enforcement officials may direct the vehicle to a safe location, at the permittee's expense, and detain the vehicle configuration until it meets all the requirements of the hauling permit or until a new hauling permit is issued if the vehicle is not traveling with escorts as required by the permit; if the vehicle is traveling outside the hours specified within the permit; if the driver does not have the entire permit in the vehicle; if the hauling permit has been invalidated or confiscated due to one of the conditions listed in this section; if the vehicle is over the permitted weight; or if law enforcement deems the vehicle to be violating any safety requirement.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 12, eff. March 1, 2023.

Forms (24VAC20-82)

Size, Weight and Equipment Requirements, DMV 109 (eff. 7/2018)

Superload Single Trip Hauling Permit Application, HP 400 (eff. 10/2020)

Multi-trip Hauling Permit Application, HP 401 (eff. 10/2020)

Exempt Multi-trip Hauling Permit Application, HP 402 (eff. 10/2020)

Hauling Permit Addendum Additional Axle Form, HP 403 (eff. 10/2020)

Escort Vehicle Driver Certification Application, HP 404 (eff. 7/2020)

Escort Vehicle Driver's Manual, HP 405 (eff. 1/2014)

Overload Permit Application, VSA 145 (eff. 1/2013)

Critical Infrastructure Information/Sensitive Security Information Nondisclosure Form, CII/SSI (filed 1/2022)

Website addresses provided in the Virginia Administrative Code to documents incorporated by reference are for the reader's convenience only, may not necessarily be active or current, and should not be relied upon. To ensure the information incorporated by reference is accurate, the reader is encouraged to use the source document described in the regulation.

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