Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part IV. Public Offering Statement

18VAC48-30-160. Public offering statement requirements, generally.

In addition to the provisions of § 55.1-1976 of the Code of Virginia, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review of the public offering statement.

1. The public offering statement shall provide full and fair disclosure in accordance with 18VAC48-30-170.

2. The public offering statement shall pertain to a single offering and to the entire condominium in which the condominium units being offered are located.

3. The public offering statement shall be clear, organized, and legible.

4. Except for brief excerpts, the public offering statement may refer to, but should not incorporate verbatim, portions of the condominium instruments, the Virginia Condominium Act, or this chapter. This does not preclude compliance with 18VAC48-30-180.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-170. Full and fair disclosure.

A. The provisions of § 55.1-1976 and subsection B of § 55.1-1982 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter shall be strictly construed to promote full and fair disclosure in the public offering statement. In addition, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review to assure full and fair disclosure:

1. The information shall be presented in a manner that is clear and understandable to a reasonably informed consumer, while maintaining consistency with the requirements of this chapter and the Virginia Condominium Act.

2. In addition to specific information required by this chapter and the Virginia Condominium Act, the public offering statement shall disclose any other information necessary for full and fair disclosure.

3. No information shall be incorporated by reference to an outside source that is not reasonably available to a prospective purchaser.

4. If required information is not known or not reasonably available, such fact shall be stated and explained in the public offering statement.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as it finds necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-180. Contents of public offering statement.

A. A cover, if used, must be blank or bear identification information only.

B. The first page of the public offering statement shall be substantially as follows:









THE PURCHASER SHOULD READ THIS DOCUMENT FOR THE PURCHASER'S OWN PROTECTION. Living in a common interest community carries with it certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits, including certain financial obligations, rights, and restrictions concerning the use and maintenance of units and common elements, and decision-making authority vested in the unit owners' association. The purchaser will be bound by the provisions of the condominium instruments and should review the Public Offering Statement, the condominium instruments, and other exhibits carefully prior to purchase.

This Public Offering Statement presents information regarding condominium units being offered for sale by the declarant. Virginia law requires that a Public Offering Statement be given to every Purchaser in order to provide full and fair disclosure of the significant features of the condominium units being offered. The Public Offering Statement is not intended, however, to be all-inclusive. The Purchaser should consult other sources for details not covered by the Public Offering Statement.

The Public Offering Statement summarizes information and documents furnished by the declarant to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board. The Board has carefully reviewed the Public Offering Statement to ensure that it contains required disclosures, but the Board does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Public Offering Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between the Public Offering Statement and the material it is intended to summarize, the latter will control.

Under Virginia law a purchaser of a condominium unit is afforded a 5-day period during which the purchaser may cancel the purchase contract of sale and obtain a full refund of any sums deposited in connection with the purchase contract. The 5-day period begins on the purchase contract date or the date of delivery of a Public Offering Statement, whichever is later. The purchaser may, if practicable, inspect the condominium unit and the common elements and obtain professional advice. If the purchaser elects to cancel, the purchaser must deliver notice of cancellation to the declarant pursuant to § 55.1-1974 of the Code of Virginia.

Allegations of violation of any law or regulation contained in the Virginia Condominium Act or the Condominium Regulations should be reported to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board, Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23233.

C. A summary of important considerations shall immediately follow the first page for the purpose of reinforcing the disclosure of significant information. The summary shall be titled as such and shall be introduced by the following statement:

"Following are important matters to be considered in acquiring a condominium unit. They are highlights only. The Public Offering Statement should be examined in its entirety to obtain detailed information."

Appropriate modifications shall be made to reflect facts and circumstances that may vary. The summary shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following, as applicable:

1. A statement on the governance of the condominium wherein unit owners are allocated votes for certain decisions of the association. In addition, the statement shall include that all unit owners will be bound by the decisions made by the association, even if the individual unit owner disagrees.

2. A statement concerning the decision-making authority of the executive board of the unit owners' association.

3. A statement regarding the payment of expenses of the association on the basis of a periodic budget, to include a disclosure of any provision for reserves, including a statement if there are no reserves.

4. A statement detailing the requirement for each unit owner to pay a periodic assessment and the inability to reduce the amount of an assessment by refraining from the use of the common elements.

5. A statement of the unit owner's responsibility to pay additional assessments, if any.

6. A statement regarding the consequences for failure to pay an assessment when due. The statement shall include reference to the enforcement mechanisms available to the association, including obtaining a lien against the condominium unit, pursuing civil action against the unit owner, and certain other penalties.

7. A statement that the declarant must pay assessments on unsold condominium units.

8. A statement indicating whether the declarant, its predecessors, or principal officer have undergone a debtor's relief proceeding.

9. A statement that the declarant will retain control of the unit owners' association for an initial period.

10. A statement indicating whether a managing agent will perform the routine operations of the unit owners' association. The statement shall include whether the managing agent is related to the declarant, director, or officer of the unit owners' association.

11. A statement indicating whether the declarant may lease unsold condominium units and a statement indicating whether the right of a unit owner to lease that owner's unit to another is subject to restrictions.

12. A statement indicating whether the declarant may expand or contract the condominium or convert convertible land or space without the consent of any unit owner.

13. A statement indicating whether the right of the unit owner to resell the owner's condominium unit is subject to restrictions.

14. A statement indicating whether the units are restricted to residential use and whether the units may be utilized for commercial, retail, or professional use. The statement shall provide detail if units have different voting rights. Further, the statement shall also detail whether the allocation of rights and responsibilities among commercial, retail, professional, or residential use units are the same.

15. A statement indicating whether approval of the declarant or unit owners' association is necessary in order for a unit owner to alter the structure of the unit or modify the exterior of the unit.

16. A statement regarding the obligation of the unit owners' association to obtain certain insurance benefiting the unit owner, along with the necessity for a unit owner to obtain other insurance.

17. A statement regarding the unit owner's obligation to pay real estate taxes.

18. A statement regarding any limits the declarant asserts on the association or the unit owner's right to bring legal action against the declarant. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

19. A statement that the association or unit owners are members of another association or obligated to perform duties or pay fees or charges to that association or entity.

20. A statement indicating whether the condominium is subject to development as a time-share.

21. A statement affirming that marketing and sale of condominium units will be conducted in accordance with the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and the Virginia Condominium Act (Chapter 19 (§ 55.1-1900 et seq.) of Title 55.1 of the Code of Virginia).

D. The content after the summary of important considerations shall include the narrative sections in 18VAC48-30-190 through 18VAC48-30-360. Supplementary sections may be included as necessary.

E. Clear and legible copies of the following documents shall be attached as exhibits to the public offering statement:

1. The declaration;

2. The bylaws;

3. The projected budget;

4. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association, if available;

5. Master association documents, if applicable;

6. Any management contract, along with the license number of the common interest community manager, if applicable;

7. Depiction of unit layouts;

8. Any lease of recreational areas;

9. Any contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any portion of the condominium, the nature, duration, or expense of which has a material impact on the operation and administration of the condominium;

10. Warranty information, if applicable; and

11. Other documents obligating the association or unit owner to perform duties or obligations or pay charges or fees.

F. Other information and documentation may be included as necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure. The board may also require additional information as necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-190. Narrative sections; condominium concept.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Condominium Concept." The section shall consist of a brief discussion of the condominium form of ownership. The section shall discuss the distinction among units, common elements and limited common elements, if any, and shall explain ownership of an undivided interest in the common elements. Attention shall be directed to any features of ownership of the condominium units being offered that are different from typical condominium unit ownership.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-200. Narrative sections; creation of condominium.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Creation of the Condominium." The section shall briefly explain the manner in which the condominium was or will be created, the locality wherein the condominium instruments will be or have been recorded, and each of the condominium instruments, their functions, and the procedure for their amendment. The section shall indicate where each of the condominium instruments or copies thereof may be found. In the case of a condominium located in Virginia or in a jurisdiction having a law similar to § 55.1-1984 of the Code of Virginia, the section shall indicate that the purchaser will receive copies of the recorded declaration and bylaws, including amendments, as appropriate, within the time provided in the applicable statute.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-210. Narrative sections; description of condominium.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Description of the Condominium." The description shall include statements of (i) the land area of the condominium to include either the square footage or the acreage, (ii) the number of units in the condominium, (iii) the number of units in the offering, (iv) the number of units in the condominium planned to be rented, and (v) the percentage of units the declarant intends to sell to persons who do not intend to occupy the units as their primary residence.

B. If the condominium is contractable, expandable, or includes convertible land or space, the section shall contain a brief description of each such feature, including the land area to include either the square footage or acreage, and the maximum number of units or maximum number of units per acre that may be added, withdrawn, or converted, as applicable, together with a statement of the declarant's plans for the implementation of each such feature. In the case of a contractable or expandable condominium, the section shall contain the substance of the following statement:

"At the declarant's option, the construction and development of the condominium may be abandoned or altered prior to completion, and land or buildings originally intended for condominium development may be put to other uses or sold."

In the case of a condominium including convertible land, the section shall contain the substance of the following statements:

"Until such time as the declarant converts the convertible land into units or limited common elements, the declarant is required by the Virginia Condominium Act to pay for the upkeep of the convertible land. Once the convertible land has been converted, maintenance and other financial responsibilities associated with the land so designated become the responsibility of the unit owners and, therefore, may be reflected in the periodic assessment for the condominium."

If the common expense assessments are expected to increase should convertible land be converted, this section shall also disclose an estimate of the approximate percentage by which such assessments are expected to increase as a result of such conversion.

C. The section shall state whether the units are restricted solely to residential use and shall identify where use and occupancy restrictions are found in the condominium instruments. If nonresidential use is permitted, the section shall identify the types of units and proportion of each, if known or reasonably anticipated.

D. The section shall state whether the project, as of the effective date of the public offering statement, is intended to comply with the underwriting guidelines of the secondary mortgage market agencies, including but not limited to the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and the Virginia Housing Development Authority.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-220. Narrative sections; individual units.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Individual Units." The section shall contain a general description of the various types of units being offered to include the square footage, or number of bedrooms, or both, together with the dates on which substantial completion of unfinished units is anticipated. The section shall state any restrictions regarding changes unit owners may make to the structure or exterior of the units, regardless of whether the exterior is a portion of the common elements.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-230. Narrative sections; common elements.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Common Elements." The section shall contain a general description of the common elements.

B. For any common elements that are not completed or not expected to be substantially complete when the units are complete, a statement of the anticipated completion dates of unfinished common elements shall be included.

C. In the case of a condominium located in Virginia, if common elements are not expected to be substantially complete when the units are completed, the section shall state the nature, source, and extent of the obligation to complete such common elements that the declarant has incurred or intends to incur upon recordation of the condominium instruments pursuant to §§ 55.1-1920 A and 55.1-1930 B of the Code of Virginia and applicable provisions of the condominium instruments. In addition the section shall state that pursuant to § 55.1-1921 of the Code of Virginia, the declarant has filed with the board a bond to insure completion of improvements to the common elements that the declarant is obligated as stated in the declaration.

D. In the case of a condominium located outside of Virginia, a description of the nature, source, and extent of the obligation to complete such common elements that the declarant has incurred or intends to incur under the law of the jurisdiction in which the condominium is located shall be included.

E. The section shall describe any limited common elements that are assigned or that may be assigned and shall indicate the reservation of exclusive use. In the case of limited common elements that may be assigned, the section shall state the manner of such assignment or reassignment.

F. The section shall indicate the availability of vehicular parking spaces including the number of spaces available per unit and restrictions on or charges for the use of spaces.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-240. Narrative sections; maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement Responsibilities." The section shall describe the basic allocation of maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities between the unit owner and the association as well as any unusual items to be maintained by the unit owner. The section shall refer to the location of the maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibility requirements in the condominium instruments.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-250. Narrative sections; declarant.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Declarant." The section shall contain a brief history of the declarant with emphasis on its experience in condominium development.

B. The following information shall be stated with regard to persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium: (i) name, (ii) length of time associated with the declarant, (iii) role in the development of the condominium, and (iv) experience in real estate development. If different from the persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium, the principal officers of the declarant shall also be identified.

C. The section shall describe the type of legal entity of the declarant and explain if any other entities have any obligation to satisfy the financial obligations of the declarant.

D. If the declarant or its parent or predecessor organization has, during the preceding 10 years, been adjudicated as bankrupt or has undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such facts shall be stated. If any of the persons identified pursuant to subsection B of this section has, during the preceding three years, been adjudicated as bankrupt or undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such facts shall be stated.

E. The section shall indicate any final action taken against the declarant, its principals, or the condominium by an administrative agency, civil court, or criminal court where the action reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant as a developer of real estate projects. The section shall also indicate any current or past proceedings brought against the declarant by any condominium unit owners' association or by its executive board or any managing agent on behalf of such association or that has been certified as a class action on behalf of some or all of the unit owners. For the purposes of the previous sentence with respect to past proceedings, if the ultimate disposition of those proceedings was one that reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant, that disposition shall be disclosed. If the ultimate disposition was resolved favorably towards the declarant, its principals, or the condominium, the final action does not need to be disclosed. The board has the sole discretion to require additional disclosure of any proceedings where it finds such disclosure necessary to assure full and fair disclosure.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-260. Narrative sections; terms of the offering.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Terms of the Offering." The section shall discuss the expenses to be borne by a purchaser in acquiring a condominium unit and present information regarding the settlement of purchase contracts as provided in subsections B through H of this section.

B. The section shall indicate the offering prices for condominium units or a price range for condominium units, if either is established.

C. The section shall set forth the significant terms of any financing offered by or through the declarant to purchasers. Such discussion shall include the substance of the following statement:

"Financing is subject to additional terms and conditions stated in the loan commitment or instruments."

D. The section shall discuss in detail any costs collected by or paid to the declarant, association, or master association that are not normal for residential real estate transactions including, without limitation, any contribution to the initial or working capital of the unit owners' association, including any master association, to be paid by a purchaser.

E. The section shall discuss any penalties or forfeitures to be incurred by a purchaser upon default in performance of a purchase contract that are not normal for residential real estate transactions. Penalties or forfeitures to be discussed include, without limitation, the declarant's right to retain sums deposited in connection with a purchase contract in the event of a refusal by a lending institution to provide financing to a purchaser who has made proper application for same.

F. The section shall discuss the right of the declarant to cancel a purchase contract upon failure of the declarant to obtain purchase contracts on a given number or percentage of condominium units being offered or upon failure of the declarant to meet other conditions precedent to obtaining necessary financing.

G. The section shall discuss the process for cancellation of a purchase contract by a purchaser in accordance with subdivision 2 of § 55.1-1974 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include a statement as to whether deposits will be held in an escrow fund or if a bond or letter of credit will be filed with the board in lieu of escrowing deposits, all in accordance with § 55.1-1983 of the Code of Virginia.

H. The section shall set forth any restrictions in the purchase contract that limit the unit owner's right to bring legal action against the declarant or the association. The section shall set forth the paragraph or section and page number of the purchase contract where such provision is located. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-270. Narrative sections; encumbrances.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Encumbrances" that shall include the significant terms of any encumbrances, easements, liens, and matters of title affecting the condominium other than those contained in the condominium instruments and disclosed elsewhere in the public offering statement, as provided in subsections B through J of this section.

B. Except to the extent that such encumbrances are required to be satisfied or released by subsection A of § 55.1-1908 of the Code of Virginia, or a similar law, the section shall describe every mortgage, deed of trust, other perfected lien, or choate mechanics' or materialmen's lien affecting all or any portion of the condominium other than those placed on condominium units by their purchasers or owners. Such description shall (i) identify the lender secured or the lienholder, (ii) state the nature and original amount of the obligation secured, (iii) identify the party having primary responsibility for performance of the obligation secured, and (iv) indicate the practical effect upon unit owners of failure of the party to perform the obligation.

C. Normal easements for utilities, municipal rights-of-way, and emergency access shall be described only as such, without reference to ownership, location, or other details.

D. Easements reserved to the declarant to facilitate conversion, expansion, or sales shall be briefly described.

E. Easements reserved to the declarant or to the unit owners' association or to either entity's representatives or agents for access to units shall be briefly described. In the event that access to a unit may be had without notice to the unit owner, such fact shall be stated.

F. Easements across the condominium reserved to the owners or occupants of land located in the vicinity of the condominium, or across adjacent land benefitting the condominium including, without limitation, easements for the use of recreational areas shall be briefly described.

G. Covenants, servitudes, or other devices that create an actual restriction on the right of any unit owner to use and enjoy the unit or any portion of the common elements other than limited common elements shall be briefly described.

H. Any matter of title that is not otherwise required to be disclosed by the provisions of this section and that has or may have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interests in the condominium shall be described. Under normal circumstances, normal and customary utility easements, easements for encroachments, and easements running in favor of unit owners for ingress and egress across the common elements shall be deemed not to have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interest in the condominium.

I. The section need not include any information required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-210 C, 18VAC48-30-220, or 18VAC48-30-280.

J. In addition to the description of easements required in this section, pertinent easements that can be located shall be shown on the condominium plats and plans.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-280. Narrative sections; restrictions on transfer.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Restrictions on Transfer." The section shall describe and explain any rights of first refusal, preemptive rights, limitations on leasing, or other restraints on free alienability created by the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations of the unit owners' association that affect the unit owners' right to resell, lease, or otherwise transfer an interest in the condominium unit.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-290. Narrative sections; unit owners' association..

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Unit Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the manner in which the condominium is governed and administered and shall include the information required by subsections B through K of this section.

B. The section shall summarize the functions of the unit owners' association.

C. The section shall describe the organizational structure of the unit owners' association. Such description shall indicate (i) the existence of or provision for an executive board, officers, and managing agent, if any; (ii) the relationships between such persons or bodies; (iii) the manner of election or appointment of such persons or bodies; and (iv) the assignment or delegation of responsibility for the performance of the functions of the unit owners' association.

D. The section shall describe the method of allocating votes among the unit owners.

E. The section shall describe any retention by the declarant of control over the unit owners' association, including the time period of declarant control. The section shall state that the association shall register with the Common Interest Community Board upon transition of declarant control by filing the required annual report in accordance with § 55.1-1980 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified. If a managing agent is to be employed in the future, the criteria, if any, for selection of the managing agent shall be briefly stated. The section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the declarant or a member of the executive board or an officer of the unit owners' association. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

G. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any part of the condominium shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

H. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association and the authority to promulgate rules and regulations shall be discussed. Particular provisions of the rules and regulations need not be discussed except as required by other provisions of this chapter. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

I. Any standing committees established or to be established to perform functions of the unit owners' association shall be discussed. Such committees include, without limitation, architectural control committees and committees having the authority to interpret condominium instruments, rules, and regulations or other operative provisions.

J. Unless required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-270 E, any power of the declarant or of the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents to enter units shall be discussed. To the extent each is applicable, the following facts shall be stated (i) a unit may be entered without notice to the unit owner, (ii) the declarant or the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents are empowered to take actions or perform work in a unit without the consent of the unit owner, and (iii) the unit owner may be required to bear the costs of actions so taken or work so performed.

K. The section shall state whether the condominium is part of a master or other association and briefly describe such relationship and the responsibilities of and obligations to the master association, including any charges for which the unit owner or the unit owners' association may be responsible. The disclosures required by this subsection may be contained in this narrative section or another narrative section. The section shall also describe any other obligation of the association or unit owners arising out of any agreements, easements, deed restrictions, or proffers, including the obligation to pay fees or other charges.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-300. Narrative sections; display of flag.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Display of Flag." This section shall describe any restrictions, limitations, or prohibitions on the right of a unit owner to display the flag of the United States in accordance with § 55.1-1951 of the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-310. Narrative sections; surrounding area.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Surrounding Area." The section shall briefly describe the zoning of the immediate neighborhood of the condominium and the current uses.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-320. Narrative sections; financial matters.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Financial Matters." The section shall discuss the expenses incident to the ownership of a condominium unit, excluding certain taxes, in the manner provided in subsections B through I of this section.

B. The section shall distinguish, in general terms, the following categories of costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of various portions of the condominium: (i) common expenses apportioned among and assessed to all of the condominium units pursuant to subsection D of § 55.1-1964 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provision; (ii) common expenses, if any, apportioned among and assessed to less than all of the condominium units pursuant to subsections A and B of § 55.1-1964 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provisions; and (iii) costs borne directly by individual unit owners. The section need not discuss taxes assessed against individual condominium units and payable directly by the unit owners.

C. A budget shall show projected common expenses for the first year of the condominium's operation or, if different, the latest year for which a budget is available. The projected budget shall be attached to the public offering statement as an exhibit and the section shall direct the purchaser's attention to such exhibit. The section shall describe the manner in which the projected budget is established. If the condominium is phased, the budget shall project future years until all phases are projected to be developed and all common elements that must be built have been completed. The budget shall include an initial working capital budget showing sources and uses of initial working capital and a reserve table showing amounts to be collected to fund those reserves. The budget shall show regular individual assessments by unit type. The budget shall note that the figures are not guaranteed and may vary.

D. The section shall describe the manner in which regular common expenses are apportioned among and assessed to the condominium units. The section shall include the substance of the following statement, if applicable:

"A unit owner cannot obtain a reduction of the regular common expenses assessed against the unit by refraining from use of any of the common elements."

E. The section shall describe budget provisions for reserves for capital expenditures in accordance with § 55.1-1965 of the Code of Virginia and for contingencies, if any. If there are no reserves, the section shall so state.

F. The section shall describe provisions for additional assessments to be levied in accordance with subsection E of § 55.1-1964 of the Code of Virginia in the event that budgeted assessments provide insufficient funds for operation of the unit owners' association. The section shall also describe the provisions for an assessment against an individual unit owner.

G. The section shall discuss any common expenses actually planned to be specially assessed pursuant to subsections A and B of § 55.1-1964 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provisions.

H. The section shall indicate any fee, rent, or other charge to be payable by unit owners other than through common expense assessments to any party for use of the common elements or for use of recreational or parking facilities in the vicinity of the condominium. As an exception to the provisions of this subsection, the section need not discuss any fees provided for in subsection H of §§ 55.1-1966 and 55.1-1969 of the Code of Virginia, or similar laws or condominium instrument provisions or any costs for certificates for resale.

I. The section shall discuss the effect of failure of a unit owner to pay the assessments levied against the condominium unit. Such discussion shall indicate provisions for charges or other remedies that may be imposed to be applied in the case of overdue assessments and for acceleration of unpaid assessments. The section shall indicate the existence of a lien for unpaid assessments and where applicable the bond or letter of credit conditioned on the payment of assessments filed with the board in accordance with § 55.1-1968 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include, to the extent applicable, the substance of the following statement:

"The unit owners' association may obtain payment of overdue assessments by bringing legal action against the unit owner or by foreclosure of the lien resulting in a forced sale of the condominium unit."

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-330. Narrative sections; insurance.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Insurance." The section shall describe generally the insurance on the condominium to be maintained by the unit owners' association. The section shall state, with respect to such insurance, each of the following circumstances, to the extent applicable: (i) property damage coverage will not insure personal property belonging to unit owners; (ii) property damage coverage will not insure improvements to a unit that increase its value beyond the limits of coverage provided in the unit owners' association's policy; and (iii) liability coverage will not insure against liability arising from an accident or injury occurring within a unit or as a result of the act or negligence of a unit owner. The section shall include a statement whether the unit owner is obligated to obtain coverage for any or all of the coverages described. The section shall also include a statement that the unit owner should consult with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate coverage.

B. The section shall indicate any conditions imposed by the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations to which insurance obtained directly by unit owners will be subject. Such indication may be made by reference to pertinent provisions of the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations.

C. The section shall explain that the association is the only party that can make a claim under the master policy and is the sole decision-maker as to whether to make a claim, including a statement as to the circumstances under which a unit owner could be responsible for payment of the deductible.

D. The section shall state that the unit owners' association is required to obtain and maintain a blanket fidelity bond or employee dishonesty insurance policy in accordance with subsection B of § 55.1-1963 of the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-340. Narrative sections; taxes.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Taxes." The section shall describe all existing or pending taxes to be levied against condominium units individually including, without limitation, real property taxes, sewer connection charges, and other special assessments.

B. With respect to real property taxes, the section shall state the current tax rate or provide information for obtaining the current tax rate. The section shall also state a procedure or formula by means of which the taxes may be estimated.

C. With respect to other taxes, the section shall describe each tax in sufficient detail as to indicate the time at which the tax will be levied and the actual or estimated amount to be levied, or a procedure or formula by means of which the taxes may be estimated.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-350. Narrative sections; governmental review.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Governmental Reviews." The section shall discuss governmental reviews applicable to the condominium property and the status of any governmental approvals required for the development of the condominium. In addition, the section shall discuss approval of the zoning application and site plan and issuance of building permits by appropriate governmental authorities. The section shall state the current zoning classification for the condominium property. The section shall also include a statement regarding any zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers that would be imposed on the unit owner or the association, but need not disclose any zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers that do not impose any obligation on the association.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

18VAC48-30-360. Narrative sections; warranties.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Warranties." The section shall describe any warranties provided by or through the declarant on the units or the common elements and a summary of the process for commencement of an action for breach of warranty in accordance with subsection C of § 55.1-1955 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall describe the structural defect warranty required by and described in subsection B of § 55.1-1955 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall also include the substance of the following statement:

"Nothing contained in the warranty provided by the declarant shall limit the protection afforded by the statutory warranty."

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-370. Documents from other jurisdictions.

A. A substituted public offering statement shall only be permitted for a condominium located outside of Virginia.

B. The substituted public offering statement shall be prepared by deleting from the original disclosure document (i) references to any governmental agency of another jurisdiction to which application has been made or will be made for registration or related action; (ii) references to the action of such governmental agency relative to the condominium; (iii) statements of the legal effect in another jurisdiction of delivery, failure to deliver, acknowledgment of receipt, or related events involving the disclosure document; (iv) the effective dates in another jurisdiction of the disclosure document; and (v) all other information that is untrue, inaccurate, or misleading with respect to marketing, offers, or disposition of condominium units in Virginia.

C. The substituted public offering statement shall incorporate all information not otherwise included that is necessary to effect fully and accurately the disclosures required by subsection A of § 55.1-1976 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection B of § 55.1-1982 of the Code of Virginia. The substituted disclosure document shall clearly explain any nomenclature that is different from the definitions provided in § 55.1-1900 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The substituted public offering statement shall include as the first item of the summary of important considerations a statement that includes the following information: (i) the designation by which the original disclosure document is identified in the original jurisdiction, (ii) the governmental agency of such other jurisdiction where the original disclosure document is or will be filed, and (iii) the jurisdiction of such filing.

E. The provisions of subdivision 2 of § 55.1-1974, § 55.1-1976, and subsection B of § 55.1-1982 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-30-160, 18VAC48-30-170, and 18VAC48-30-180 shall apply to substituted public offering statements in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-380. Condominium securities.

A prospectus filed in compliance with the securities laws of a state or federal agency used in lieu of a public offering statement shall contain or have attached thereto copies of documents, other than the projected budget required to be attached to a public offering statement by subsection E of 18VAC48-30-180. Such prospectus shall be deemed to satisfy all of the disclosure requirements of subsections C and D of 18VAC48-30-180 and 18VAC48-30-190 through 18VAC48-30-360. In the case of a conversion condominium, the prospectus shall have attached thereto, in suitable form, the information required by 18VAC48-30-420, subsections C and D of 18VAC48-30-430, and 18VAC48-30-440 to be disclosed in public offering statements for conversion condominiums. The provisions of subdivision 2 of § 55.1-1974 of the Code of Virginia shall apply to the delivery of the prospectus in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to the delivery of a public offering statement.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

18VAC48-30-390. Board oversight of public offering statement.

The board at any time may require a declarant to alter or amend the public offering statement to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Condominium Act and this chapter.

In accordance with subsection B of § 55.1-1976 of the Code of Virginia, the board does not approve or recommend the condominium or disposition thereof. The board's issuance of an effective date for a public offering statement shall not be construed to (i) constitute approval of the condominium, (ii) represent that the board asserts that either all facts or material changes or both concerning the condominium have been fully or adequately disclosed, or (iii) indicate that the board has made judgment on the value or merits of the condominium.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. December 31, 2019.

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