Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

4VAC25-150-550. Applicability, coalbed methane wells.

Part III of this chapter sets forth requirements unique to coalbed methane gas wells. Permittees must comply with the standards of general applicability in Part I of this chapter and with the standards for coalbed methane gas wells in this part.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.1, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013.

4VAC25-150-560. Application for a permit, coalbed methane well operations.

In addition to the requirements of 4VAC25-150-80 or 4VAC25-150-110, every application for a permit or permit modification for a coalbed methane gas well shall contain:

1. An identification of the category of owner or operator, as listed in § 45.2-1632 A of the Code of Virginia, that each person notified of the application belongs to;

2. The signed consent required in § 45.2-1631 of the Code of Virginia;

3. Proof of conformance with any mine development plan in the vicinity of the proposed coalbed methane gas well, when the Virginia Gas and Oil Board has ordered such conformance;

4. The approximate depth to which the well is proposed to be drilled or deepened, or the actual depth if the well has been drilled;

5. The approximate depth and thickness, if applicable, of all known coal seams, known groundwater-bearing strata, and other known gas or oil strata between the surface and the depth to which the well is proposed to be drilled;

6. If casing or tubing is proposed to be or has been set, a description of the entire casing program, including the size of each string of pipe, the starting point and depth to which each string is to be or has been set, and the extent to which each string is to be or has been cemented together with any request for a variance under 4VAC25-150-580; and

7. The procedures to be followed to protect the safety of persons working in an underground coal mine for any coalbed methane well to be drilled within 200 feet of or into active workings. The permittee shall give notice of such drilling to the mine operator and the chief at least two working days prior to drilling.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.2, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Errata, 15:6 VA.R. 938 December 7, 1998; amended, Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-570. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.3, eff. September 25, 1991; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998.

4VAC25-150-580. Variance request to convert a vertical ventilation hole to a coalbed methane gas well.

A. An applicant may request a variance to the casing standards in 4VAC25-150-610 when the applicant desires to convert a vertical ventilation hole drilled prior to September 25, 1991, to a coalbed methane gas well. All other standards for coalbed methane gas wells shall be met. The variance request must be included in the request for a permit, and shall address the following subjects:

1. Method of wellbore completion, whether cased, open or cased/open hole;

2. Coal seams to be left uncased;

3. Mining activity currently being conducted within 750 feet of the location;

4. Depth of the water-protection string and information on how the casing was cemented; and

5. In the case of a coalbed methane gas well drilled through a coal seam from which the coal has been removed, the protection provided to prevent the escape of any gases into the mined out seam.

The production casing shall be tested to 300 psig surface pressure or the highest pressure anticipated to be placed on the casing, whichever is greater. If after 30 minutes, the pressure has dropped by 10% or more of the test pressure, corrective action shall be taken to ensure that the casing is so set and cemented that it will hold at least 90% of the test pressure for 30 minutes or more.

B. No variance to the casing standards in 4VAC25-150-610 shall be allowed for the conversion of any vertical ventilation hole drilled on or after September 25, 1991, to a coalbed methane gas well.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.4, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998.

4VAC25-150-590. Plats, coalbed methane wells.

A. In addition to the requirements of 4VAC25-150-90, every plat for a coalbed methane gas well shall show:

1. Boundaries and acreage of any drilling unit established by the board around the subject well;

2. Boundaries and acreage of the tract on which the well is located or is to be located;

3. Boundaries and acreage of all other tracts within one-half of the distance specified in § 45.2-1616 of the Code of Virginia or within one-half of the distance to the nearest well completed in the same pool, whichever is less, or within the boundaries of a drilling unit established by the board around the subject well;

4. Surface owners on the tract to be drilled and on all other tracts within the unit where the surface of the earth is to be disturbed;

5. All gas, oil or royalty owners on any tract located within one-half of the distance specified in § 45.2-1616 of the Code of Virginia or within one-half of the distance to the nearest well completed in the same pool, whichever is less, or within the boundaries of a drilling unit established by the board around the subject well;

6. Coal owners and mineral owners on the tract to be drilled and on all other tracts located within 750 feet of the subject well location;

7. Coal operators who have registered operations plans with the department for activities located on the tract to be drilled, or who have applied for or obtained a coal mine license, coal surface mine permit or a coal exploration notice or permit from the department with respect to all tracts within 750 feet of a proposed gas or oil well; and

8. Any inhabited building, highway, railroad, stream, permitted surface mine or permitted mine opening within 500 feet of the proposed well.

B. The well plat shall locate the well and two permanent points or landmarks with reference to the mine coordinate system if one has been established for the area of the well location, and shall show all other wells within the scope of the plat.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.5, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-600. Setback restrictions, coalbed methane wells.

No permit shall be issued for any well to be drilled closer than 200 feet from any inhabited building, unless site conditions as approved by the director warrant the permission of a lesser distance, and there exists a lease or agreement between the operator and the owner of the inhabited building. A copy of the lease or agreement shall accompany the application for a permit.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.6, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013.

4VAC25-150-610. Casing requirements for coalbed methane gas wells.

A. Water protection string.

1. Except as provided in subdivision A 5 of this section, the permittee shall set a water-protection string set to a point at least 300 feet below the surface or 50 feet below the deepest known groundwater horizon, whichever is deeper, circulated and cemented to the surface. If cement does not return to the surface, every reasonable effort shall be made to fill the annular space by introducing cement from the surface.

2. The operator shall test or require the cementing company to test the cement mixing water for pH and temperature prior to mixing the cement and to record the results on the cementing ticket.

3. After the cement is placed, the operator shall wait a minimum of eight hours and allow the cement to achieve a calculated compressive strength of 500 psi before drilling, unless the director approves a shorter period of time. The wait-on-cement time shall be recorded within the records kept at the drilling rig while drilling is taking place.

4. When requested by the director, the operator shall submit copies of cement tickets or other documents that indicate the above specifications have been followed.

5. A coal-protection string may also serve as a water protection string only for gob wells.

B. Coal protection strings.

1. When any well penetrates coal seams that have not been mined out, the permittee shall, except as provided in subdivisions B 2 and B 3 of this section, set a coal-protection string. The coal-protection string shall exclude all fluids, oil, gas, and gas pressure, except that which is naturally present in each coal seam. The coal-protection string shall also exclude all injected material or disposed waste from the coal seams or the wellbore. The string of casing shall be set to a point at least 50 feet below the lowest coal seam, or as provided in subdivision B 3 of this section, and shall be circulated and cemented from that point to the surface, or to a point not less than 50 feet into the water-protection string or strings which are cemented to the surface.

2. For good cause shown, either before or after the permit is issued, when the procedure specified in subdivision B 1 of this section is demonstrated by the permittee as not practical, the director may approve a casing program involving:

a. The cementing of a coal-protection string in multiple stages;

b. The cementing of two or more coal-protection strings; or

c. The use of other alternative casing procedures.

3. The director may approve the program, provided he is satisfied that the result will be operationally equivalent to compliance with the provisions of subdivision B 1 of this section for the purpose of permitting the subsequent safe mining through the well or otherwise protecting the coal seams as required by this section. In the use of multiple coal-protection strings, each string below the topmost string shall be cemented at least 50 feet into the next higher string or strings that are cemented to the surface and be verified by a cement top log.

4. Depth of coal-protection strings.

a. A coal-protection string shall be set to the top of the red shales in any area underlain by them unless, on a showing by the permittee in the permit application, the director has approved the casing point of the coal-protection string at some depth less than the top of the red shales. In such event, the permittee shall conduct a gamma-ray/density log survey on an expanded scale to verify whether the well penetrates any coal seam in the uncased interval between the bottom of the coal-protection string as approved and the top of the red shales.

b. If an unanticipated coal seam or seams are discovered in the uncased interval, the permittee shall report the discovery in writing to the director. The permittee shall cement the next string of casing, whether a part of the intermediate string or the production string, in the applicable manner provided in this section for coal-protection strings, from a point at least 50 feet below the lowest coal seam so discovered to a point at least 50 feet above the highest coal seam so discovered.

c. The gamma-ray/density log survey shall be filed with the director at the same time the driller's log is filed under 4VAC25-150-360.

d. When the director believes, after reviewing documentation submitted by the permittee, that the total drilling in any particular area has verified the deepest coal seam higher than the red shales, so that further gamma-ray/density logs on an expanded scale are superfluous for the area, he may waive the constructing of a coal-protection string or the conducting of such surveys deeper than 100 feet below the verified depth of the deepest coal seam.

C. Coal-protection strings of wells drilled prior to July 1, 1982. In the case of wells drilled prior to July 1, 1982, through coal seams without coal-protection strings as prescribed in subsection B of this section, the permittee shall retain such coal-protection strings as were set. During the life of the well, the permittee shall, consistent with a plan approved by the director, keep the annular spaces between the various strings of casing adjacent to coal seams open to the extent possible, and the top ends of all such strings shall be provided with casing heads, or such other approved devices as will permit the free passage of gas or oil and prevent filling of the annular spaces with dirt or debris.

D. Producing from more than one stratum. The casing program for any well designed or completed to produce from more than one stratum shall be designed in accordance with the appropriate standard practices of the industry.

E. Casing through voids.

1. When a well is drilled through a void, the hole shall be drilled at least 30 feet below the void. The annular space shall be cemented from the base of the casing up to the void, and every reasonable attempt shall be made to fill up the annular space from the top of the void to the surface; or it shall be cemented at least 50 feet into the next higher string or strings of casing that are cemented to the surface, and shall be verified by a cement top log.

2. For good cause shown, the director may approve alternate casing procedures proposed by the permittee, provided that the director is satisfied that the alternative casing procedures are operationally equivalent to the requirements imposed by subdivision E 1 of this section.

3. For good cause shown, the director may impose special requirements on the permittee to prevent communication between two or more voids.

F. A well penetrating a mine other than a coal mine. In the event that a permittee has requested to drill a well in such a location that it would penetrate any active mine other than a coal mine, the director shall approve the safety precautions to be followed by the permittee prior to the commencement of activity.

G. Production casing.

1. Unless otherwise granted in a variance from the director:

a. For coalbed methane gas wells with cased completions and cased/open hole completions, production casing shall be set and cemented from the bottom of the casing to the surface or to a point not less than 50 feet into the lowest coal-protection or water-protection string or strings which are cemented to the surface.

b. For coalbed methane gas wells with open hole completions, the base of the casing shall be set to not more than 100 feet above the uppermost coalbed which is to be completed open hole. The casing shall be cemented from the bottom of the casing to the surface or to a point not less than 50 feet into the lowest coal-protection or water-protection string or strings which are cemented to the surface.

2. A coal-protection string may also serve as production casing.

H. Reporting of lost circulation zones. The permittee shall report to the director as soon as possible when an unanticipated void or groundwater horizon is encountered that results in lost circulation during drilling. The permittee shall take every necessary action to protect the lost circulation zone.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3, 45.1-361.4, and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.7, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Errata, 15:6 VA.R. 938 December 7, 1998; amended, Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016.

4VAC25-150-615. Pressure testing requirements for production casing in coalbed methane gas wells.

A. The operator shall install casing that can withstand the effects of tension and can prevent leaks, burst, and collapse during (i) the casing's installation and cementing and (ii) subsequent drilling and producing operations.

B. Except as provided in subsection C of this section, all casing must be a string of new pipe with an internal pressure rating that is at least 20% greater than the anticipated maximum pressure to which the casing will be exposed.

C. Used casing may be approved for use as surface, intermediate, or production casing but shall be pressure tested after cementing and before completion. A passing pressure test is holding the anticipated maximum pressure to which it will be exposed for 30 minutes with not more than a 10% decrease in pressure.

D. New or used plain end casing, except when being used as conductor pipe, that is welded together for use must meet the following requirements:

1. The casing must pass a pressure test by holding the anticipated maximum pressure to which the casing will be exposed for 30 minutes with not more than a 10% decrease in pressure. The operator shall notify the department electronically at least 24 hours before conducting the test. The test results shall be entered on the drilling report.

2. The casing shall be welded using at least three passes with the joint cleaned between each pass.

E. The provisions of this section shall not apply to gob wells.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3, 45.1-361.4, and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 7, eff. December 28, 2016.

4VAC25-150-620. Coalbed methane gas wellhead equipment.

Wellhead equipment and facilities installed on any gob well or on any coalbed methane gas well subject to the requirements of §§ 45.2-707 and 45.2-939 of the Code of Virginia addressing mining near or through a well shall include a safety precaution plan submitted to the director for approval. Such plans shall include, but shall not be limited to, flame arrestors, back-pressure systems, pressure-relief systems, vent systems and fire-fighting equipment. The director may require additional safety precautions or equipment to be installed on a case-by-case basis.

Statutory Authority

§ 45.2-103 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.8, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013; Volume 38, Issue 13, eff. March 31, 2022.

4VAC25-150-630. Report of produced waters, coalbed methane wells.

All coalbed methane gas well operators are required to submit monthly reports of total produced waters withdrawn from coalbed methane gas wells, in barrels, on a well-by-well basis, with the monthly report submitted under 4VAC25-150-210 of this chapter. The report shall show monthly produced water withdrawals and cumulative produced water withdrawals. Such reports shall be available for inspection upon request and maintained electronically or by hard copy until the well is abandoned and reclaimed.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.9, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013.

4VAC25-150-640. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.10, eff. September 25, 1991; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998.

4VAC25-150-650. Conversion of a coalbed methane well to a vertical ventilation hole.

A permittee wishing to convert a coalbed methane gas well to a vertical ventilation hole shall first obtain approval from the Chief of the Division of Mines and submit a written request to the division for a permit release. The director shall consult with the chief, or his designated agent, before approving permit release.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-361.27 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-05-22.1 § 3.11, eff. September 25, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 29, Issue 3, eff. November 8, 2012; Volume 30, Issue 1, eff. October 10, 2013.

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