Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part I. General Provisions

6VAC35-41-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Annual" means within 13 months of the previous event or occurrence.

"Board" means Board of Juvenile Justice.

"Case record" or "record" means written or electronic information relating to one resident and the resident's family, if applicable. This information includes, but is not limited to, social, medical, psychiatric, and psychological records; reports; demographic information; agreements; all correspondence relating to care of the resident; service plans with periodic revisions; aftercare plans and discharge summary; and any other information related to the resident.

"Contraband" means any item possessed by or accessible to a resident or found within a facility or on its premises (i) that is prohibited by statute, regulation, or facility procedure, (ii) that is not acquired through approved channels or in prescribed amounts, or (iii) that may jeopardize the safety and security of the facility or individual residents.

"Department" or "DJJ" means the Department of Juvenile Justice.

"Direct care staff" means the staff whose primary job responsibilities are (i) maintaining the safety, care, and well-being of residents and (ii) implementing the structured program of care and behavior management program.

"Direct supervision" means that the staff may work with residents while not in the presence of direct care staff. Staff members who provide direct supervision are responsible for maintaining the safety, care, and well-being of the residents in addition to providing services or performing the primary responsibilities of that position.

"Director" means the Director of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

"Emergency" means a sudden, generally unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances demanding immediate action such as a fire, chemical release, loss of utilities, natural disaster, taking of hostages, major disturbances, escape, and bomb threats. Emergency does not include regularly scheduled employee time off or other situations that could be reasonably anticipated.

"Facility administrator" means the individual who has the responsibility for the on-site management and operation of the facility on a regular basis.

"Family oriented group home" means a private home in which residents may reside upon placement by a lawful placing agency.

"Group home" means a juvenile residential facility that is a community based, home-like single dwelling, or its acceptable equivalent, other than the private home of the operator, and does not exceed the capacity approved by the regulatory authority. For the purpose of this chapter, a group home includes a halfway house that houses residents in transition from a commitment to the department.

"Individual service plan" or "service plan" means a written plan of action developed, revised as necessary, and reviewed at intervals to meet the needs of a resident. The individual service plan specifies (i) measurable short-term and long-term goals and (ii) the objectives, strategies, and time frames for reaching the goals.

"Juvenile residential facility" or "facility" means a publicly or privately operated facility or placement where 24-hour per day care is provided to residents who are separated from their legal guardians and that is required to be certified. As used in this regulation, the term includes, but is not necessarily limited to, group homes, family-oriented group homes, and halfway houses and excludes juvenile correctional centers and juvenile detention centers.

"Living unit" means the space in which a particular group of residents in care of a juvenile residential facility resides. A living unit contains sleeping areas, bath and toilet facilities, and a living room or its equivalent for use by the residents of the living unit. Depending upon its design, a building may contain one living unit or several separate living units.

"On duty" means the period of time an employee is responsible for the direct supervision of one or more residents.

"Parent" or "legal guardian" means (i) a biological or adoptive parent who has legal custody of an individual, including either parent if custody is shared under a joint decree or agreement; (ii) a biological or adoptive parent with whom the individual regularly resides; (iii) a person judicially appointed as a legal guardian; or (iv) a person who exercises the rights and responsibilities of legal custody by delegation from a biological or adoptive parent, upon provisional adoption, or otherwise by operation of law.

"Placement" means an activity by any person that provides assistance to a placing agency, parent, or legal guardian in locating and effecting the movement of a resident to a juvenile residential facility.

"Placing agency" means (i) any person, group, court, court service unit, or agency licensed or authorized by law to place residents in a juvenile residential facility or (ii) a local board of social services authorized to place residents in a juvenile residential facility.

"Premises" means the tracts of land on which any part of a facility is located and any buildings on such tracts of land.

"Provider" means the person, corporation, partnership, association, locality, commission, or public agency to whom a license or certificate is issued and who is legally responsible for compliance with the regulatory and statutory requirements relating to the facility.

"Regulatory authority" means the board or the department as designated by the board.

"Resident" means an individual who is legally placed in, formally placed in, or admitted to a juvenile residential facility for supervision, care, training, or treatment on a 24-hour per day basis.

"Rules of conduct" means a listing of a facility's rules or regulations that is maintained to inform residents and others of the behavioral expectations of the behavior management program, about behaviors that are not permitted, and about the sanctions that may be applied when impermissible behaviors occur.

"Shelter care facility" means a facility or an emergency shelter specifically approved to provide a range of services, as needed, on an individual basis not to exceed 90 days.

"Written" means the required information is communicated in writing. Such writing may be available in either hard copy or in electronic form.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-20. Applicability.

This chapter applies to group homes, halfway houses, shelter care, and other applicable juvenile residential facilities regulated by the board as authorized by statute. Parts I (6VAC35-41-10 et seq.) through VI (6VAC35-41-710 et seq.), XII (6VAC35-41-1150 et seq.), and XIII (6VAC35-41-1290 et seq.) of this chapter apply to all juvenile residential facilities, with the exception of family-oriented group homes, governed by this regulation unless specifically excluded. Parts VII (6VAC35-41-950) through XI (6VAC35-41-1120 et seq.) of this chapter apply only to the specific programs or facilities as indicated.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-30. Previous regulations terminated.

This chapter replaces the Standards for the Interim Regulation of Children's Residential Facilities (6VAC35-51) and the Standards for Juvenile Residential Facilities (6VAC35-140) for the regulation of all juvenile residential facilities as defined herein. The Standards for the Interim Regulation of Children's Residential Facilities and the Standards for Juvenile Residential Facilities remain in effect for juvenile detention facilities and juvenile correctional centers, regulated by the board, until such time as the board adopts new regulations related thereto.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-40. Certification.

A. The provider shall comply with the provisions of the Regulations Governing the Monitoring, Approval, and Certification of Juvenile Justice Programs (6VAC35-20). The provider shall:

1. Demonstrate compliance with this chapter, other applicable regulations issued by the board, and applicable statutes and regulations;

2. Implement approved plans of action to correct findings of noncompliance; and

3. Ensure no noncompliance may pose any immediate and direct danger to residents.

B. The provider shall maintain the documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with this chapter for a minimum of three years.

C. The current certificate shall be posted at all times in each facility in a place conspicuous to the public.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-50. Age of residents.

A. Facilities shall admit residents only in compliance with the age limitations approved by the board in establishing the facility's certification capacity, except as provided in subsection B of this section.

B. A facility shall not admit a resident who is above the age approved for certification. A resident may remain in the facility above the age of certified capacity (i) to allow the resident to complete a program identified in the resident's individual service plan and (ii) if a discharge plan has been established. This subsection does not apply to shelter care programs.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-60. Relationship to the regulatory authority.

A. All reports and information as the regulatory authority may require to establish compliance with this chapter and other applicable regulations and statutes shall be submitted to or made available to the regulatory authority.

B. A written report of any contemplated changes in operation that would affect the terms of the certificate or the continuing eligibility for certification shall be submitted to the regulatory authority. A change may not be implemented prior to approval by the regulatory authority.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-70. Relationship with the department.

A. The director or designee shall be notified within five working days of any significant change in administrative structure or newly hired facility administrator.

B. Any of the following that may be related to the health , safety, or human rights of residents shall be reported to the director or designee within 10 days: (i) lawsuits against the facility or its governing authority and (ii) settlements with the facility or its governing authority.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-80. Variances.

A. Board action may be requested by the facility administrator to relieve a facility from having to meet or develop a plan of action for the requirements of a specific section or subsection of this regulation, either permanently or for a determined period of time, as provided in the Regulations Governing the Monitoring, Approval, and Certification of Juvenile Justice Programs (6VAC35-20).

B. Any such variance may not be implemented prior to approval of the board.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-90. Serious incident reports.

A. The following events shall be reported within 24 hours to: (i) the placing agency, (ii) the parent or legal guardian, or both, as applicable and appropriate, and (iii) the director or designee:

1. Any serious incident, accident, illness, or injury to the resident;

2. Any overnight absence from the facility without permission;

3. Any runaway;

4. Any fire, hostage or emergency situation, or natural disaster that jeopardizes the health, safety, and welfare of the residents; and

5. Any suspected case of child abuse or neglect at the facility, on a facility event or excursion, or involving facility staff as provided in 6VAC35-41-100 (suspected child abuse or neglect).

The 24-hour reporting requirement may be extended when the emergency situation or natural disaster has made such communication impossible (e.g., modes of communication are not functioning). In such cases, notice shall be provided as soon as feasible thereafter.

B. The provider shall notify the director or designee within 24 hours of any events detailed in subsection A of this section and all other situations required by the regulatory authority of which the facility has been notified.

C. Any incident involving the death of a resident shall be reported to the individuals specified in subsections A and B of this section without undue delay. If an incident involving the death of a resident occurs at the facility, the facility shall notify the parents or legal guardians, as appropriate and applicable, of all residents in the facility provided such notice does not violate any confidentiality requirements or jeopardize any law-enforcement or child protective services investigation or the prosecution of any criminal cases related to the incident.

D. The facility shall (i) prepare and maintain a written report of the events listed in subsections A and B of this section and (ii) submit a copy of the written report to the director or designee. The report shall contain the following information:

1. The date and time the incident occurred;

2. A brief description of the incident;

3. The action taken as a result of the incident;

4. The name of the person who completed the report;

5. The name or identifying information of the person who made the report to the placing agency and to either the parent or legal guardian, as appropriate and applicable; and

6. The name of or identifying information provided by the person to whom the report was made, including any law enforcement or child protective service personnel.

E. The resident's record shall contain a written reference (i) that an incident occurred and (ii) of all applicable reporting.

F. In addition to the requirements of this section, any serious incident involving an allegation of child abuse or neglect at the facility, at a facility sponsored event, or involving facility staff shall be governed by 6VAC35-41-100 (suspected child abuse or neglect).

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-100. Suspected child abuse or neglect.

A. When there is a reason to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child, the matter shall be reported immediately to the local department of social services as required by § 63.2-1509 of the Code of Virginia and in accordance with the written procedures.

B. Written procedures shall be distributed to all staff members and shall at a minimum provide for the following:

1. Handling accusations against staff;

2. Reporting and documenting suspected cases of child abuse and neglect;

3. Cooperating during any investigation; and

4. Measures to be taken to ensure the safety of the resident and the staff.

C. Any case of suspected child abuse or neglect shall be reported and documented as required in 6VAC35-41-90 (serious incident reports). The resident's record shall contain a written reference that a report was made.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-105. Reporting criminal activity.

A. Staff shall be required to report all known criminal activity by residents or staff, including but not limited to any physical abuse, sexual abuse, or sexual harassment, to the facility administrator for appropriate action.

B. The facility administrator, in accordance with written procedures, shall notify the appropriate persons or agencies, including law enforcement, child protective services, and the department as appropriate and applicable, of suspected criminal violations by residents or staff. Suspected criminal violations relating to the health and safety or human rights of residents shall be reported to the director or designee.

C. The facility shall assist and cooperate with the investigation of any such complaints and allegations as necessary.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-110. Grievance procedure.

A. Written procedure shall provide that residents are oriented to and have continuing access to a grievance procedure that provides for:

1. Resident participation in the grievance process with assistance from staff upon request;

2. Investigation of the grievance by an objective employee who is not the subject of the grievance;

3. Documented, timely responses to all grievances with the reasons for the decision;

4. At least one level of appeal;

5. Administrative review of grievances;

6. Protection from retaliation or threat of retaliation for filing a grievance; and

7. Hearing of an emergency grievance within eight hours.

B. Each resident shall be oriented to the grievance procedure in an age or developmentally appropriate manner.

C. The grievance procedure shall be (i) written in clear and simple language and (ii) posted in an area easily accessible to residents and their parents and legal guardians.

D. Staff shall assist and work cooperatively with other employees in facilitating the grievance process.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

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